TYCTR in 100 easy lessons

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by channell07, Aug 18, 2012.

  1. channell07

    channell07 New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    I may have asked this before.. I can't remember. But I am reconsidering.. again TYCTR in 100 easy lessons. I had originally decided on McRuffy press but after talking to a local homeschool mom today and hearing her glowing recommendation of it as well as reading some other reviews I am thinking about it again. The cost and simplicity is tempting and I would use it in combination with bob books and possibly ETC. Does anyone have any thoughts on it? Or McRuffy Press for that matter? This is for a Kindergarten student
  3. martablack

    martablack New Member

    Apr 25, 2011
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    We are using it! Sully really likes it and we have 2 boxes of Bob books too.
    I've read some people do 2-3 lessons a day but 1 seems enough for Sully. We have a lined white board for practicing the writing part. (His favorite part )

    We took the summer off and I can't wait to get started again. (Sully too he brought me the book other day and asked me for a lesson :) )
  4. BatmansWife

    BatmansWife New Member

    Aug 8, 2012
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    I've used both. I taught my first child to read with 100EZ...she finished a few months after turning 5 and could read anything and everything. She is now almost 20 and still loves reading. I tried it with my 2nd child and it didn't work (but not many things work with him). I discovered McRuffy when my youngest was about to start K and used that with her. Loved it. It might depend on what you want. Do you want the extra matching readers, games, cards, all the "stuff" of McRuffy. Or, do you want something more simple...just the 100EZ book with maybe ETC? It's a hard decision and I'm probably no help. There are so many reading programs that appeal to me that I wish I could have tried.
  5. channell07

    channell07 New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    LOL.. I just don't know with my son. He is very interested in learning to read and I know that he would like all the "stuff" that goes along with Mcruffy but I don't know that he necessarily NEEDS it! I am thinking maybe I will get it from the library and renew a couple times and that would give us a good 6 weeks to try it out. If I don't like it, I will purchase Mcruffy then and we will just get a late start. He knows all of his letters and letter sounds and it blending CVC words pretty well so I think we could catch up ok even if we started late
  6. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    From what I've heard over the years 100EZ is one of those "either love it or hate it" kinds of things.

    I tried it when DGS was 4.5. He was begging me to teach him to read. He loved it at first, even the writing (which we didn't do all of), but by the time we got to about lesson 10 or 12, he was SO done with that and didn't want to do it anymore.
  7. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    Honestly, I have it, I dont' like it (actually if you want I will sell it cheap ;) ).

    I have tried McRuffy and it is an AWESOME program. I didn't stick with it, but it would have worked.

    What I ended up using has been different for each kid... Rylee used ETC for a while along with the Sonlight grade 1 readers. Once she got the hang of blending I dropped the ETC. Reagan is finally progressing with a combo of 2 different verions of HOP. I have the new version's DVDs and the older (cd version) books (they had more books back then). When we tried to just use the "yellow book" and the CDs he would have a melt down. Now (after taking a bit to realign the order of the videos), we watch the dvd and we skip most of the stuff in the yellow book. We read the helper words and the story pages and the books. It's working for him.

    I'm not sure what will work for Cameron, but he loves the HOP DVDs so I'm thinking that may be the way that works for him.
  8. Samantha

    Samantha New Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    I've never tried McRuffy but I hated 100EZ lessons. I tried Ordinary Parents Guide too and I liked it but we hit a spot where my son was struggling and we moved on to trying to blend through actual reading practice in Bob books we borrow from the library.
  9. channell07

    channell07 New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    Hmmmm.. I'm thinking since it is so cheap that we are going to try it for awhile and see how he does. I figure that even if the Distar throws me off, if it works for him I am ok with it. Then if it doesn't seem to be clicking or he hates it (or both) we will order Mcruffy then. I have a feeling we will go through the first 26 lessons of McRuffy fairly quickly because he has known his letters and letter sounds for a loooonnnng time now.

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