We survived the holidays and are getting back into school...

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Mary68, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. Mary68

    Mary68 New Member

    Nov 29, 2006
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    It is a slow process. So far, I am just doing a couple of subjects a day, sort of easing back into it.

    We had a very busy 2 weeks and I am so glad that it is done for at least a while before Easter. I really missed coming to the board.

    I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  3. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    We got some good school work in today and some clean-up and errands. Now we're ready to start back full-day again tomorrow (Wednesday). I hope it works out. DS13 has his orchestra class tomorrow, and tomorrow night ds15 has piano and dd9 has voice lessons. In between I HOPE we can get in a good day of schoolwork!
  4. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I still have my Christmas decorations up! lol. I am taking them down today during school. Once that is done and some laundry, we will be doing a regular school day. So, today is review and stuff and we begin again tomorrow back on track.
  5. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    I am so proud of us. We cleaned up all the school stuff and Freddy installed our new bookcase he built for us. It is great. It goes from the floor to the ceiling and is fastened to the wall so it can't move. The bottom shelf is officially Babyboys. He noticed the new bookcase yesterday morning and made a bee line for it. We sorted all the school books and put them on the shelves by subject. We bought some storage containers for markers and craft stuff and sorted all that. It had somehow all got mixed together. We have a seperate container for all the sets of flash cards and our favorite learning (and a couple of just for fun) games and the inflatable globe have their own shelf too. One shelf is for the boxed curriculum sets so they stay nice and organized. Now the shelves above their desk is for personal stuff. They have cheerleading pictures, some stuffed animals, candy jar, devotional books, crayons, paper and stuff like that. The drawers have penpal letters in file folders along with church stuff and forms and homeschool papers. I am so pleased to start back so organized. I even made a place to keep our daily planner so it can stay right out where I can see it without Babyboy pulling on it and tearing the pages. And I have my own pencil, pen cup now. Yay me! I don't have to borrow one from the girls now. We did some work yesterday. Crystal did a LOT of math and Emily went to the doctor for an ear infection and then did some reading, history and a little math. She is feeling much better today and we are going on a field trip to the county court house. We want to show the girls around and let them see where we filed for their adoptions as well as where other things happen. Then we have the afterschool program at church where they get to do PE with a group. It is really just organized games but that sure sounds like PE to me. I hope everyone has a great day today. Beth
    PS- I finally took the tree down!
  6. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I took all the Christmas stuff down on Christmas Day, after everybody went to sleep. I was so full of caffein from the tea at my sisters. I decided to go for it instead of waiting until the next day. I like to get things down and back to normal asap.
    Emma started back to school yesterday but we are taking it easy this week.
  7. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    It's WORKING! We ARE having a good school day and getting lots accomplished! Yahoo! :D
  8. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    We worked and had a wonderful week so far. Things are going great with school.
  9. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    We had an interesting field trip to the county courthouse today. We got to sit in on a couple of court proceedings. Unfortunately there was a man sitting in the courtroom two rows ahead of us with an obscene picture and caption on the back of his shirt. I was so mad. I kept hoping he would get up and the judge would see it. I wish I could explain how bad it was but if any of your kids were to see it I would feel awful. It was sexual in nature and showed a female is about enough to give you an idea. We did look around a lot and the girls loved the deputy at the entrance who has to check for weapons. We all set off the detector except for Crystal. She didn't have on much with metal in it. Freddy doesn't have to be checked because he carries a retired detective card but they had to search my purse. The girls loved that. We then went to the big county library and the girls loved that their Daddy didn't know he could check out books there using his local library card. He then thought we had to drive back there to turn them in. He is learning about branch libraries now. We went to the afterschool program later on and our little friend C was back and was very nice and well behaved. I was so proud of him. He had his step-mother call me last night to see if his punishment time was up from when he scared us all before Christmas when he left the church and hid from us. I was so glad to see him. All in all we had a great day. Hope everyone else did too.
  10. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    You're so lucky to have been able to take your children. We are not allowed to have any children in the court rooms, here, unless they are part of the trial. That must have been exciting.
    The part about the metal detectors reminds me of my niece. Her right upper leg and pelvic bone is almost all metal. She sets off alarms where ever she goes.
    The doctor told my sister he can issue her a special card that explains her disability but she hasn't gotten it yet.
    Now, the part about the women's ... reminds me of my cousin. He pierced his girlfriend and took a photo and had it put on his shirt. He was so proud of it and asked us if we wanted to see a picture of his girlfriend's piercing. We thought he ment an ear piercing. He brings out the shirt and flashes it at us. I was so disgusted!!!:x
    His girlfriend sat there with a huge smile across her face. She was as proud as he was. YUK!!!
  11. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    I think you just can't take children in to trials that are about anyone under 18 here. I am not sure. I would have to ask Freddy. I know when we had to go to court over any of our foster children it was always a closed courtroom. Yesterday they got to see a young lady, who couldn't have been much older than 18, in court for a drug violation. That really got their attention because she was so young. We are going to talk about it some today. I want to point out to them things like the way people come to court dressed like they are going to work in the fields instead of trying to look nice. I want them to know how serious court is and how we show respect for the judge. Some men had to be told to take their hats off. I want them to understand how to speak in court and point out how the people acted yesterday. Some had to be told to stand up when the judge spoke to them. I want them to know how to act in different situations. Freddy has been telling them how to speak to an officer if they are ever pulled over or go through a traffic stop. I want to teach them what to have ready and what to say if they need to call for a doctor's appointment or if they need to call somewhere like social security in case they needed to replace a lost card or ask a question. Does that make sense? I never knew how to do any of those things. I had to learn on my own. I want them to be able to handle life and not be afraid or intimidated. It was a nice little field trip and we got to include Freddy so they liked that a lot. I just hope they never have to be in court for the wrong reasons! Beth

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