other than I'm so glad we homeschool http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/7549257/Secret-list-red-flags-high-risk-teachers http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/7524380/Disgust-over-teachers-sexual-offending http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/7518391/School-sex-offender-case-a-wake-up-call
Very dismaying. I don't know what else to say, either. I followed a link and found the story about not using playdough... interesting. Not making potato prints, or other fruit/veggie prints, not using macaroni for art projects, because food is for eating not for art.
Scary stuff. The final straw that convinced my hubby to homeschool was my son's PE teacher was arrested for child pornography! http://www.madisonjournaltoday.com/...her-faces-two-federal-child-porn-charges.html
Years ago, I was engaged (long story) to a guy who really liked teen girls.... entirely too much, if you know what I mean. He decided his senior year of college to switch his concentration to education, and managed to get his license (he was a non-traditional student; 30 years old his senior year). As soon as he was assigned a student teaching position, I called the school, told them who I was and all of my concerns. The completely blew me off! A year after I left him, mid-year he abruptly left his position as a history teacher. At the exact same time, he was fired from the church where he was working as a youth minister. I can only assume, but I'm guessing I was right. It still makes me angry that the school thought I was the nutso one.
Linda, there's a lot of protesting going on about that one, it's a bunch of political correctness overkill (like the deaf boys sign name looking too much like a gun). In traditional Maori culture food is for eating not playing with. Most Maori people don't care if children use food stuffs for arts and crafts. In traditional Maori culture pillows and cushions are for your head, not your feet or bottom, but nobody is getting rid of the floor cushions in the reading corners Josie - wow. I'm glad the local children weren't involved but just the fact that his mind works that way. Amie you tried your best but society prefers ambulances at the bottom of cliffs not fences at the top. There was a young (early 20's) teacher at my school who really liked teen girls and 'secretly' dated girls from other schools. He eventually lost his job because of it. (By the way you are nutso because you're a cloth diapering, cosleeping, babywearing, home birthing, crunchy Momma... kinda like me