What would you do???

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Lisa, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. Lisa

    Lisa New Member

    Aug 24, 2006
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    My oldest ds is will be starting lesson 26 in MUS Beta today. At the rate he's zipping through this I expect him to finish the book within 2 weeks. Would you go ahead and start the next level when he finishes? Or just review for the rest of the year? If I wait I can probably get it a little cheaper at the book fair in May. On the other hand, while review never hurts, he has this down and I'm afraid he'd be really bored doing a lot of review. And he's really excited to start multiplication. But on the other hand, he'll just be turning 7 Sunday, so what's the rush. So.... what would you do?? Thanks

  3. missinseattle

    missinseattle New Member

    Feb 18, 2007
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    Well he he already "knows" it then I would move on. No point reviewing if he's mastered it. Can always review later.

    We're using SIngapore and Miquon and we did multiplication a couple months ago in Miquon and will start it in Singapore next week. I go back and forth to make sure she's still got everything fresh in her mind while adding new skills.
  4. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    I'd move on right away.
  5. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Move on!
  6. Lee

    Lee New Member

    Jan 17, 2007
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    If he gets it move on.
  7. Lisa

    Lisa New Member

    Aug 24, 2006
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    That's what I thought:lol: I was sure hoping ya'll would say wait, though, so I could justify not spending the money right now. LOL
    Oh, well... we should get our refund back soon. And I do looove getting stuff in the mail:love:

  8. hmsclmommyto2

    hmsclmommyto2 New Member

    Jul 13, 2007
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    If you can find some fun math computer games (or other kind of math games), you could have him do those a few days a week to practice & review. It would be a nice break for him & you could wait to buy the next level. There's a free multiplication game you can download online. My dd loved it. It's called Timez Attack. Here's another site that has lots some free online math games
    If you can find a fun way of reviewing (so it doesn't seem so much like review), you might be able to put off buying the next level for a little bit.
  9. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    A lot of times kids finish early, and it's hard to decide what to do. Personally, I think I'd try to find the next level used while he's finishing up. Then I'd expand and do some on-line stuff or the workbook stuff and wait for the sale if you can't find it used.

    Are there other cheap books from Walmart that do fun things with what he knows and maybe a little extra?

    My dd finished her science a couple of weeks ago, so we're working on other stuff that interests her.

    But with math, as they get nearer to completing, I try to find the best deal I can--used, no shipping charge, etc. If it's only a couple of week or so in-between the time they finish and the sale price, I do other things, then buy when the sale comes on. Usually there's enough on-line and other stuff to keep them busy. At your dh's age I think you can find a lot of stuff at the level he is if you really want to wait for the sale.

    It depends on what you can find it for now, and how much the sale is for as well. If it's only a few dollars, I'd just buy it now. If it's a significant amount, I'd probably wait. You have to decide if it's a significant difference for you.

    Okay---I rambled, sorry. I just wrote it as it came out. Hope you can make sense of it!
  10. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    I just keep moving, there might be days you need some time off so while you can move, move.
  11. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Oh yeah, someone mentioned this, but it's good to reinforce: Sometimes they zip through, then suddenly hit a wall and go pretty much nowhere. My ds who is now 14 shot through math until he hit 6th grade then BAM! It took a long timeto get him back around to working. We were working with Horizons and the huge books overwhelmed him to a point he would cry and think he couldn't do it! So we had to switch math programs. That's when we found the Life Paks Math. It worked becuase there were 10 books and he could handle that.

    So I'm saying, be aware that a "flying" child could hit a wall. Be as understanding as possible, and know that you may have to make some changes. Just be encouraging, try different angles (like we did FINALLY when we got the LifePaks), and get them back on track as soon as possible! Lots of kids do that, so it's okay. Things will be fine in not too long!
  12. Lisa

    Lisa New Member

    Aug 24, 2006
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    Thanks everyone. I'll check out those sites. My problem is if he's playing a game I don't feel like we've really 'done' math. But again, that's just my problem and I know it.

    Deena, I'm kinda worried about that. Maybe I'm just borrowing trouble, but he's doing so good right now and really loves math. I'm afraid that because he's still so young, if I introduce something he's not mature enough for and he struggles, that it will turn him off math. Does that make sense? I think this is one of those times when I worry myself to death and then once we get started everything falls into place and I realize I was worrying for nothing!!

  13. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Ahhhh, but Lisa, you DON'T need to worry about that! Because, you are right there daily and can see if the lights in those eyes starts to dim! Then you can stop what you're doing and do something else, or tell him, "Lets take a break for a week or so and do THIS (some fun activity) instead." When you come back to it, if he's still not enjoying it, then you can back off and work with other things! He WILL get back to it!

    When that happened with my ds, it was my first time dealing with a "wall", and at the time I had noone to give me advice about what to do. I could have backed off, but I thought, at first, that he was just going through a stubborn stage, so I forced the issue. I would handle it totally differently now, poor boy! WRONG! He n

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