Where to buy used curriculum?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by kristen1nv, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. kristen1nv

    kristen1nv New Member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    I am not sure how exactly one would use it anyhow but a friend of mine said it happens. She said she has purchased used Calvert curriculum. She said that it appeared that when the people buy it they either use the mechanical pencils then go back and erase or just made copies from day one. ????

    Either way, to save some money, I would be interested in knowing if any of you know anything about where I could find used sets of curriculum besides Ebay
  3. dalynnrmc

    dalynnrmc New Member

    Jan 16, 2007
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    Check Craig's List for one - it's like eBay only it's FREE and it's LOCAL. Classified ads just like in your newspaper.

    I got a lot from my freecycle when I first started too. (Freecycle.org - also local, based in yahoogroups. Give and get stuff for free, to keep it out of the landfills.)

    Goodwill and other places that have used books are always a good place to check - I recently purchased a science text for $4 and a history text for $5 there.

    Amazon.com and other book resellers online would be a good place to look.

    I'm sure someone will post some sites where it's specifically homeschoolers selling used curriculums. Check your local homeschool groups, too, if there are any.

    Scholastic has a warehouse sale 2-3 times a year.

    My best advice is just to keep an eye out, and get things as you see them and have the resources to do so. That way you arent' under pressure to "have a fourth grade english book by next week" or something. LOL (Not that it's that big a deal anyway, just sayin!)

    Public schools, end of the year, often get rid of hundreds of books which are considered "out of adoption". Go by the office, or ask some teachers - they always have a wealth of private collections anyway that some might be willing to get rid of by sale etc. in addition to the school's out of adoption books. (Also, if books are going out of adoption, some of the teachers may be willing to give up their teacher's edition, and spare workbooks, etc!)

    Just a few ideas. We "piece" our "curriculum" so this sort of method works well for us. If you're looking for a boxed set, you'll probably need to advertise (again, Craig's List is free) or adamently search other advertisements. Good luck, hope you find what you need!
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    DaLynn, I'll have to check out Craig's List. I've seen it mentioned on here recently, but am unfamiliar with it!

    My favorite used curriculum spot is homeschool classifieds:


    I've been going there for quite a few years now, and have always been satisfied.
  5. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    if you have a Half price book store that is where I get alot of mine. Also, thift stores of any kind. Garage sale.
    Also, if you go to homeschool confer. they have a section with used books. Our hs group if you belong to one has a used book sale twice a year. I do get alot from e bay too.
  6. kristen1nv

    kristen1nv New Member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    You are all wonderful! Thank you so much!
  7. Hippychick

    Hippychick New Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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