I just thought I'd pass along a bit from my conversation with my neighbours today. One of their children has a friend in public school and he told them that a freshman was caught with a gun in his locker. Just another reason why I thank my lucky stars that I decided to homeschool.
It's not just the kids you have to worry about, a year or two ago our local high school had a bomb threat....they decided not to evacuate the school while searching for the bomb, because they didn't *think* there was really a bomb...Thankfully they were right, but that's not how you handle a bomb threat, imagine if they had been wrong!
OMG Josie, that happened to us in Middle School! There was a rumor that a bomb was going to go off in the gym (an anonymous phone call). The school police officer gathered the WHOLE SCHOOL into the gym and we did a countdown to the time that the bomb was supposed to go off. He did this to prove a point, apparently, and to make the "silly kids" to stop calling the office and making fake threats. Well, he got fired because it wasn't from a child, it was from an adult that didn't live in town (gotta love caller ID). It makes me cringe that if there was a bomb then we all could/would have died. Oh my. In Your words: Imagine if they would have been wrong!
I had a fifth grader bring a gun into a classroom I was subbing in. He wasn't being threatened or anything, just didn't feel safe on the bus or walking home from the bus stop. I sent it to hte office to let THEM deal with it! Am not sure if it was loaded or not.
My daughter made a comment after the shooting in Connecticut that she is glad she doesn't go to school because of things like this. The sad truth is - it can happen anywhere - recently the movie theater in Colorado and a mall in Oregon.