
Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by jemsmom, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. jemsmom

    jemsmom New Member

    Apr 13, 2011
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    here i am again with this matter.

    i just got a phone call from ps adminstration office asking us to bring documents to register my youngest daughter for kindegarten. i replied we are not sure whether we will be staying or moving therefore we'll need to get back to you. and i have asked her, if we ended up moving, can we withdraw my two older daughters by writing a letter or need to fill out a form? she replied we need to fill out a form and need to tell them WHERE they (2dds) will be register.

    my questions are:
    1) whoever withdrew their kid(s) from ps - did you fill out the form or just a letter?
    2) do we really need to tell them more than the information of "my 2dds are no longer attending their school?". we do not wish to let them know we will be homeschooling in florida (currently in new york). the most, can let them know we're moving to florida.
    3) do they have the right not issuing the confirmation of withdrawal if we chose not to tell them where we're registering our 3dds? will they be advising us something like - they will communicate with our "new" school......?according to the school district in florida, we need a copy of withdrawal confirmation when we register 3dds to be homeschool. so we need that confirmation =(.
    we sound like we are up to no good or something. but we are not. we just don't want them to know more than what they already know of us for the past 5 years. and they have proving to us, they can't be trusted by them doing things to my oldest against her and our will in this past school year.
    any advice and/or point us to where to get this information will help us greatly.

    really need help, thank you so very much in advance.

    good health and happiness.
  3. Blessed_Life

    Blessed_Life New Member

    Jul 6, 2010
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    I'm not sure what New York's policies are but here in MI you don't have to tell the school district where you're moving to. In fact, schools will usually not release records to parents (although they legally have to) but prefer to release them to the future school district. Often they wait to get an official request for records from the future school district, so I'm not sure why they're telling you that you HAVE to tell them where you're enrolling your children next year. You probably do have to fill out a form to withdraw your children just so there is evidence that they were withdrawn. I'd recommend that you go to HSLDA's website. They have HS laws for each state there. Good luck (and don't let them push you around)! :)
  4. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    Can you set yourself up as a private school in Florida? Then have your private school receive the confirmation of withdrawal and school records that would ordinarily go to a school receiving your children. The NY school is none the wiser, you get what you need to register the kids in FL, and everybody's happy.
  5. leissa

    leissa New Member

    Feb 2, 2010
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    I think they are just trying to be difficult. I don't think you are supposed to have to fill out a form. I think just a letter is all that is required. And I really don't think they have to know where your kids are going. This may just be Texas, but I just called them on the phone and said dd wasn't coming back (after K) and that was that. I heard nothing when ds was supposed to register for K. They don't even know ds exists. You probably need to check HSLDA to be sure.
  6. Meghan

    Meghan New Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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    At this point, my advice would be to become VERY familiar with your local laws! I know you guys might be moving, but you need to make sure you are covering yourself where you already are.

    I withdrew both of my children mid-year. Here, I just had to send a letter to the superintendent's office and the same to the state to withdraw them, and I think I had something like 10 days from the day our homeschool started to let them know. I did NOT have to let our ps know. I did, though, out of courtesy.

    You need to know the laws because it is your best defense when someone tries to tell you you'll need to do THIS or do THAT. Follow the letter of the law and understand that you will probably know it better than the secretary who was given your phone number. Unless you told her you were thinking of homeschooling, it sounds like she was just trying to be helpful.
  7. jemsmom

    jemsmom New Member

    Apr 13, 2011
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    regardless from which state, i have been told that letter of withdrawal was good enough until this morning phone coversation with that lady....=(
    for about past 5 months, i been checking on and off for information on how to withdraw from ps on hslda, ny state board of education and just googling - didn't find much. unless i'm wording correctly or looking at the right section in these website. so anyone can advice me where exactly i need to look into - PLEASE!

    yes. i think ps just being difficult too. no! i didn't utter a word about homeschool to this lady but i'm assuming that based on me telling her not sure whether we stay or move might give her suspicious - =0

    yes. it does seems like i need to get myself look closer to this whole ordeal of withdrawing from ps. at this point, my goal will be withdraw officially in peace and move on EVEN without dds school record.

    i will hope there's no need for us to register as private school in florida then change again once all things settle. what do they get out of being difficult?

    please more detail where to look for this info. thanks again!
  8. Meghan

    Meghan New Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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  9. jemsmom

    jemsmom New Member

    Apr 13, 2011
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    thanks meghan for the link. appreciate your extra effort

    i looked at it. it's all about hsing in ny. there's nothing about withdrawing from ps. or am i missing your point here? sorry if i did.
  10. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    In NY all you need to do is send a letter to the district superintendent and basically state: We will be homeschooling _________ for the 2011-2012 school year. That is all you are initially required to do. After that the district has I believe 10 days to send you confirmation and provide forms for your IHIP (my district has been horrible at that part for the past couple of years). Now you are not required to use their forms you can use whatever forms you would like to use as long as you provide the necessary info.

    You are not required to tell the district you are moving but you may want to send a letter (certified is probably best) that you have moved to Florida as of _____ and that you are homeschooling your children in compliance with Florida state laws. This way the district should leave you alone just incase you ever do have to come back to the state. I have heard of occassions where someone has moved out of state and the district pursued legal truancy actions, rare but there are districts out there that do stuff like that.
  11. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Your youngest hasn't been enrolled, is that correct? And when will she be 6? If she's not yet six, you simply tell them that she's under the age for compulsary education. PERIOD. They're giving you grief; don't accept it!
  12. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    In NY she would have to turn 6 before Dec 1st of this year.
  13. jemsmom

    jemsmom New Member

    Apr 13, 2011
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    thank you mschickie and jackie, for your help, once again =).

    actually my youngest will be 5 by the end of august. they have gotten her name from her nursery she was attending this past school year.
    as for her, i'm not that concern since she's not in their record so-to-speak. that mean i don't really need to officially withdraw her, correct? or i'm wrong?

    mschickie - excuse me for going thru what you posted, but i just want to make sure i understand you correctly. and also hope YOU ALL can continue to brain storm with me....=)

    - i only need to send the letter to the district superindentent = to the state.
    - my letter will either let them know 1) i'm hsing as of ________ or 2) i'm hsing in florida
    as of _______,correct? the way things are going, we will not get a place to stay in florida until the first week of september. that also the first week of school in NY. so let say i sent in by the 1st. "certified", by law they suppose to give me the confirmation within 10days, correct? so this mean,we will not be able to register in florida until 2nd. - 3rd week of september, since we need the withdrawal confirmation, yes? in this way, my kids are consider not "in school" for about 3weeks time. wouldn't this make us at fault with truancy? or it's indeed ok since we did notified NY ps as "the beginning of the year" and as for florida state hs law, we have 30days window to register. all these make sense and i understand it right? or no? and is there anything else i need to know as far as withdrawal, attendance and notifying to hs?????

    also - i know "the school record" are not required nor important to hs. but if i want to get one from them and request for it along with the notification of us hsing, they will not issue one to us, correct?

    truly appreciate for everyone taking their time to help me out here. since this is consider "my department" in my household, i need all the help i can get. THANK YOU again in advance.

    good health and happiness.
  14. squarepeg

    squarepeg New Member

    Aug 28, 2008
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    I guess my question is why wait to notify until Sept? Why not do it at the beginning of August and then you have plenty of time to receive your confirmation before moving to Florida?

    (*NOTE* not familiar with NY or FL hsing laws, was just curious about date.)
  15. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Since you are not moving till mid Sept. you will need to send in a letter of intent to NYS. I would try and time that to the end of Aug. this way hopefully you will be moved before your IHIP is due otherwise you are required to complete that in NYS. When you move I would send a letter stating that you have moved to Flordia and will be homeschooling under their laws. You can register in Florida as soon as you have an address there. If you have the address before Sept 1 you can start your paperwork with Florida and tell NY that you are moving to Florida and are homeschooling under their laws. Does that make sense?

    Since your youngest is not of compulsory age you do not have to do anything for her. If they contact you just tell them you are not registering her until 6.
  16. jemsmom

    jemsmom New Member

    Apr 13, 2011
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    it's the possibility but i'm not too sure how it will work when i don't have address of where i'm moving to.....also unfortunately i couldn't move to florida until september....

    but let's see.............

    good health and happiness.
  17. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Yes, I think MsChickie is right. And with your youngest one, DO NOTHING. If they contact you again, inform them that New York law has set the age for compulsary education at age 6 by Dec. 1, and she doesn't yet fall under that.
  18. jemsmom

    jemsmom New Member

    Apr 13, 2011
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    yes. mschickie, i think, i got it.

    " the plan" - i will sent in a letter of withdrawal to the district in NY and at the same time register in florida. when florida ask for the confirmation which hopefully by then i received one from NY to give them a copy. all these can take place by the 1st of september. do you think, this will work?

  19. jemsmom

    jemsmom New Member

    Apr 13, 2011
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    yes i will reply with that statement for my youngest one. i know they tend to push me around.

    really - truly appreciate you all helping me.
  20. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    You can not register in Florida until you have an address there and once you have that you can tell NY that you are moving and will be homeschooling in Florida. You will need to send a seperate letter to the school district in Florida where you will be living from the one you would send to your NY school. The laws in Florida are a bit different than NY.
  21. fairfarmhand

    fairfarmhand Member

    Feb 7, 2010
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    whenever I need a name and address for our homeschool, I just call us "smith" (our last name) academy and list my home address.

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