The 3yo is deaf and his name is Hunter. His name sign with extended pointer finger "looks too much like a gun" so it violates the school's anti-gun policy. >facepalm<
My husband just told me about this tonight. That's crazy. I'm no expert in deaf culture, but I thought a sign name was a name not just a representation of the spoken name. I guess we're becoming a society that loves to be offended which has led to a search things that could possibly offend our delicate sensitivities.
When I saw this earlier in the week I was so angry. Babyboy is severly hearing impaired and has a name sign his mom gave him when he was a baby. It doesn't look like a weapon but I guess it could look like you were being rude to someone because it has a Z shaped motion in it. I have seen kids make a Z shape and sort of dismiss someone they don't like. Anyway, if his mom and dad wanted the school to use his name sign I think they should do it no questions asked. I watched the little boy's video and his name sign didn't even look like a weapon or aggressive in any way to me. We are all getting so scared of our own shadows that we have lost our common sense on some issues.
Anybody read the comments at the link? The question is asked "If this were your child, what would you say to the school?" Most agreed "See you in court" or "Tell it to my lawyer" would be appropriate. Some said they thought his namesign looked like goalposts, not guns. Some weren't as polite, but suggested the school should be glad his name is Hunter, not a nickname for "Richard" (Peter, Willie, Johnson....), and many suggested that they'd like to show the school a one-fingered sign of their own...
Yeah I figured they would come around once people found out and let them know how they felt about it. Babyboy's mom hadn't heard about it until today. She was shocked and she and I said the same thing at the same time. "They better be glad it wasn't Babyboy!" Not that he is any better than any other little boy but his mom is a real advocate for him and would fight it all the way.