You know what I love about homeschooling?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by mamamuse, Dec 17, 2007.

  1. mamamuse

    mamamuse New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    It's that my almost-ten-y.o. can still BE A KID!

    He and his little brother just headed outside. They are both wearing pirate hats and vests and carrying their toy swords and guns. They've been acting out this elaborate, make-believe pirate story they created for a good part of the day...and I don't have the heart to interrupt them to finish their bookwork!

    One of Zach's 9 y.o. public schooled friends came over a while back, and he ridiculed Zach for having a Hot Wheels theme on his side of the computer. "R" thought it was babyish. And a year ago Halloween, when Z was still in 3rd grade private school, he refused to dress up because the boys in his class had decided that they were too "old" to dress up. I was soooo sad, but no amount of talking or encouragement to "do his own thing" would make him dress up...until about an hour before we left for our church's carnival and he let DH make him into a dog catcher (they simply made labels to stick to his ballcap and polo shirt!)

    So this Halloween, when my homeschooled Zach asked for a full Star Wars Boba Fett costume, and wore it with pride...when he wasn't ashamed to ask for a Webkinz for Christmas because he thought they looked fun...and now, to see him going outside dressed up...I'm just happy.

    I know that some members here have kids in PS, and I don't mean to knock it. But around here, anyway, there is so much peer pressure to grow up too fast. And I just wanted to share how it does my heart good to see Zach finally feeling (and showing) the freedom to just be himself!
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    DARN!!! I thought you were going to say that the part you loved best about homeschooling was coming to visit with us all every day, lol!!!

    Seriously, I know exactly what you mean. Your kid can be a kid as long as he wants. Doesn't have to worry about what the others think! I was reading somewhere (here...?) that they were going to teach 4th graders about condoms. GET REAL!!! Do I REALLY want my kids learning about such adult stuff when they're still into Barbies?
  4. SoonerMama

    SoonerMama New Member

    Apr 26, 2007
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    I think that is GREAT, Kari!!
  5. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    That is sooo cool! I wish my son would realize how fun life would be if he would find his imagination. It really knocked alot of that out of him when he was in ps for K and 1st.
  6. nancy sv

    nancy sv New Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    Excellent!! I love that creativity!! It's too bad that the schools around you are knocking that out of kids. My boys are in school this year, but they really do a lot of imaginative play!!
  7. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I am with you all the way! Although we can't keep our children from growing up, they grow up WAY to fast in the public school. The things they are exposed to!
    It is so sad to see children missing out on some of the most precious moments of their childhood.
  8. INmom

    INmom New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    That's great Kari! And sometimes, I think it's almost worse for girls. My 11 yr old dd is quite quirky (and we love that about her), but we believe she would be ridiculed mercilessly in public school. We see it happen with her friends who still go to ps. We love that our children can be who THEY want to be and not who their peers determine they should be.

  9. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Kari isn't it just awesome!!! I love that too!

    I'm so glad our kids can still be kids while they are still kids. I'm so glad that my daughters can wear what they want and think is cute and not have to be beaten down about it because it isn't "in" and the jeans didn't cost $70. I am so glad our children can be themselves and persue their interests without having to worry about if they are cool enough. I'm so glad they can hang out with us their parents and enjoy our company.
  10. timkelmom

    timkelmom New Member

    Feb 8, 2006
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    I'm with ya too. I love that my 13 year old DS still loves to play with Lego's and cars and trucks. He would be ridiculed for this if her were in PS. He doesn't care about ipods, cell phones, or girls. I know the day will come, but I am cherishing this time in his life.

    I agree about the clothes too. They don't care what's in or hip. They wear mostly whatever I get them although DD 10 is beginning to care about fashion.

    I love your story and that their wonderful imaginations provided them with an afternoon filled with fun and innocence.
  11. 4kidsmom

    4kidsmom New Member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    I agree we cannot keep them from growing up, but I sure wish we could. My ds 14 is growing even faster than dh did at this age. When dh went to a "private christian school" he was made fun of unmercifully to the point of considering taking his life. I believe it would probably be worse for my ds. He is almost 6`2 and a tad lanky. But at home he can be himself and not worry about criticism. He love to play legos with his brother and sisters .
    And play outside and they all use their imaginations.
    I LOVE homeschooling!
  12. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    I agree with you all! That's probably the best thing about homeschooling---being with the kids as they are growing up! I say this often: I will NEVER regret that I didn't spend enough time with my kids! You can't spend much more time with them than I do! :D I just am so happy about all the things you guys mentioned---our close family relationship, being able to be who they are without ridicule, being happy with what they have and not wanting more....

    4kidsmom--I have a 14yo ds as well. He likes legos and playing outside with friends too! He's not 6'2" though! :) He got glasses when he was 4. He has NEVER been teased about them, NEVER! I LOVE that! There's no reason he should be teased, but I remember when I was young kids calling other kids that wore glasses "4-eyes", etc. I was a bit concerned about that when he got his glasses, but thankfully that never happened! He's also quite hyper (he would be labeled ADHD if I ever took him in, though a more minor case than some kids of the ladies on here), and a clown. He'd sooo get in trouble if he was in school. Then he'd think he was a bad kid! He has a beautiful and kind and caring heart, so I'm glad he's here being nurtured, loved and respected instead!

    I LOVE homeschooling too! It'll be a sad day when my kids are through homeschooling! :cry:
  13. 4kidsmom

    4kidsmom New Member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    I agree. I have friends who say things like, " How can you be with them all day?" :roll: I dont know what to do with myself when they are not with me. We love being together. I told my dh that when they are all grown and gone, we will just steal their kids. lol He agreed with me.:lol:
  14. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Sounds like your kids have a great "foundation" and self-esteem. That's great!

    Edited to say: It's nice to see kids walk to the beat of their own drum rather than follow what others are doing. Refreshing!
  15. jascheres

    jascheres New Member

    Jun 24, 2006
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    I was just having a conversation with a lady who was blessing our family with some Christmas gifts. When she shopped for my ds6, she said that she wasn't sure what to get for him since they usually start outgrowing the usual toys when they get into kindergarten. That's what happened to her ds5 who started kindergarten this year. I told her I home school so my ds6 loves to play with toys. He has a great imagination and still plays with just about anything. I agree with the thought that kids grow up to fast in public school. I am thankful that my ds6 can still be a kid!
  16. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    I love that we can take vacation at any time of the year! We are planning a Colorado trip for 2008 and I have been researching prices at different times of the year. It is way cheaper to go when it is not summer. It will also be nice to take in the attractions without a bunch of crowds and wild crazy kids everywhere.
  17. WIMom

    WIMom New Member

    Aug 9, 2007
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    I love the fact that my 7 y.o. son can still be a kid and play with the toys he loves instead of playing with certain toys because they are "in". My son still loves to play pretend house and he still likes to play with Fisher Price Little People. He can be his quirky self and know that he is loved unconditionally. Ds and his 4 y.o. sister are best friends and they are much closer than they were last year (last year my son went to public school). I also love that we can do some school work in the morning and take some afternoons to do other things. We are also planning a mini vacation in February and are looking forward to it not being crowded and getting a cheaper price for going during the weekday.
    Another thing I like is that when my kids get sick they can nap and sleep in when they need to, so they can recover faster.

    Of course, I also love being with my children (the majority of the time anyway)!
  18. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Around here, we love Christmas music. I like to listen all year long.:lol:
    Sometimes Ems will slip one of my CDs into her princess player, in her room. I remember a time, a friend of hers commented that it was weird that she was listening to Christmas music. She nicely told her, "Why not? This is what I like."
    It stopped right there and after I even heard her friend singing the music in the room.
    I am so glad that Ems can have confidence and not feel embarrassed for listening to music that others may not find "cool". She hasn't felt the pressures that accompany public schools so she doesn't feel the need to succumb to it now.

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