We are back at the hospital. Freddy started having chest pain around 8 o'clock and we went to our local hospital. They sent him by ambulance to the larger hospital about an hour away. We are in the emergency room now and will be going up to a room sometime soon. The nitroglycerin is doing a great job and the pains have stopped and he is feeling okay. Once his latest bloodwork comes back they will know more. Please keep him in your prayers. This is rough.
Freddy is feeling better and the doctor says his bloodwork came back fine. We are waiting to see a cardiologist right now, but It looks like he might get to go home later today! Feeling blessed!
Freddy got to go home on Sunday evening. They started him on another medicine. On Thursday morning he had chest pains again, but it stopped after one nitro. pill. He had an appointment that afternoon and the heart doctor added another pill which releases nitro. slowly. Since he started the last new meds he has been okay. It is so hard to be away from him because I worry, but it is our new normal I guess. I will get used to it in time. Emily goes in for surgery on Wed. She will be 17 on Monday and this is the last of many surgeries. We are happy to be finishing up after all these years but I dread being in a hospital again. We are hoping she gets to come home on Thursday or Friday.
Things are getting better, but it was sort of crazy for about a week. Emily is healing and Freddy is doing well after several adjustments to his meds. I am pleased and thankful!
Will pray for both of you. God will never leave you nor forsake you. Trust in God. Have the faith till the end.