Your friends on Facebook are posting pics of their new grandbabies!! Seriously, since when are people I went to high school with old enough to be grandparents? I'm only 38 years old, dh sometimes talks about having more kids and these folks' kids are having kids :shock: So far, 3 different friends around my age have become grandparents in the last couple of months. Yes, I have a 22 yr old, but I cannot imagine him taking care of a gerbil, much less a tiny human:lol:
My husband was 42 when my youngest was born. About a year later, he was out with the baby at a store and the woman there said, "Oooh, is this your little grandchild?" Grandchild??? My husband was so insulted. He is a very young looking guy. He's hardly gray even now 11 years later and still has a full head of hair. I told him not to worry, it's not him - other people just have babies earlier and are becoming grandparents at 40. Seems weird to us, but I guess it's just a different path than ours
In my case, I am the only one of my close friends who even has kids, and I am 32! That makes me feel old sometimes too!!
I got married young and my dh and I had our first rather fast...made my parents grandparents at 38 & 39... I can't imagine being a grandparent that young since I am only a few years away from that!
Lolz! This trend drives me crazy but is also scary. It’s such an embarrassing situation when grandchildren of my friends come call me “granny”! I mean come on we are so young to be called that.
lol, thats what we think...but remember when we were 12 and 15 yr olds, and we saw some 30 something person...our reaction: "he/she is soooo old!"