Your 11 year old daughter

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Amethyst, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. Amethyst

    Amethyst New Member

    Oct 29, 2010
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    What are you getting (or what is she asking for) for your 11 year old daughter for Christmas? Mine is mostly asking for clothes. She seems so young to be just asking for clothes. And yet she definitely doesn't play with toys like she used to. Her older sister has moved on to high school years, so they don't play together as much. She's not into electronics. What will your 11 year old daughter be getting this year?
  3. homebody2k

    homebody2k New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    My 12 year old dds are getting Kindles - they aren't asking for toys either :love:
  4. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    my11 y.o daughter Eva loves to cook so she is getting Paula Dean's new cookbook, she still likes things like Build a bear and Webkinz. She likes music, and she is getting a coupole of Nintiendo DS games........

    is your daughter crafty? maybe a friendship bracelet kit, a painting kit of some kind, that clay you shape and bake to make beads and other things, finger nail polish, hair accessorites, certificate to get her nails done in a salon?
  5. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    I have a 12 year old daughter (just turned it in October)...

    We give three main gifts, and stuff the stocking.

    The three main gifts are based on the Gold, Frankinsense and Myrrh idea.

    Gold is the gift that they REALLY want.

    Frankinsense is something that "covers" you - clothes, jammies, etc.

    Myrrh is something that "frangrances" you - i.e. educational or spiritual.

    Hoping she does not read over my shoulder on this one!

    My oldest is getting an American Girl Felicity Riding Outfit as her gold (this is a big deal b/c Felicity is no longer made so we really had to track this down). She doesn't really play with the doll anymore, but she likes to dress her up, do her hair and put her on display based on how she feels.

    Her Frankinsense is a cool T-shirt she's been asking for.

    Her Myrrh is a new bible, it's pink and slimline with a snap closure. Very girly.

    Her stocking stuffers are nail polish (cool ones that have really thin brushes for making designs), cool matching socks, lip gloss, bath gel, hair stuff. etc.

    Hope this helps!!!
  6. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I have a Dd12. Since there are 4 of us in our home, we each give each other 1 gift, which means we each receive 3, though they are not theme specific like Krista's family.

    My Dd12 is getting two things she has desperately wanted: 1) cowgirl boots and 2) red canvas Converse shoes. Yep, she's a fashionista. :cool: Her other gift is a large gift card to Hobby Lobby since she loves crafting and making her own jewelry. She will also need it to buy material since she is receiving a sewing machine from my mom and dad. Stocking will include nail polish art pens and such. She wants to become a cosmetologist and has plans to set up a mock salon in her room.

    Nope. No toys here either....and I have to remember to log off of here from now until Christmas so she doesn't read any of this. :lol:
  7. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    My dd10 didn't ask for any toys this year. :( She wanted Toms (the shoes). I did get her a jewerly box to decorate and a silver necklace. She also wanted a charm bracelet, but I'm waiting to give that to her for her birthday. I want it to be given on a special day for her.

    Dd13 wanted a new hoodie and boots, she also getting a make-up set and Caboodle.

    Stockings are filled with a favorite candy, lip gloss, nail polish, and hair accessories.

    We usually only do three gifts here (not themed), plus pj's and stockings, but my kids all needed clothes, so they all got an extra gift this year of clothing.
  8. leissa

    leissa New Member

    Feb 2, 2010
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    My 11 yr old is getting "Soul Surfer", a new zebra print rug, clothes, and bath and body stuff. (She wanted her own "spa" kit, mine smells like "old lady" to her). Definately not what I thought I'd be buying her at her age. I miss the Barbie and Polly Pocket days.
  9. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Yep, my daughter is out of the toy stage too... The only toy she asked for was a webikins.. She wanted UGG boots. But WAAAAY too expensive.. Also asked for Aeropostle clothes. Usually clothes aren't really given except for maybe pj's but all the kids are in need of them this year.. Also got sparkly body spray from Justice. She asked for inline skates so found a pair of those and also portable speakers for her ipod. Those are her main gifts.. Stocking stuffers are hair items,parfume,lipgloss,nail polish,fuzzy toe socks, and ear rings... I'm having a harder time buying for my 14 and 15 year old boys than her this year though.. But she is definately growing up (((((sniff sniff))))..
  10. jill

    jill New Member

    Apr 24, 2008
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    My 12 year olds "big" gift this year is a pair of boots. Ironically, that's what she wanted (and got) last year too - different style though. She still has them and they still fit and she said the other day they were her favorite gift last year. Starting about age 10 neither of my girls wanted any toys...clothes, books and electronics pretty much covers it. As far as I'm concerned, if I can "kill two birds with one stone"...putting clothes they want on their body AND getting "credit" for a great gift...I'm all for that.
    Merry Christmas!
  11. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    OLD LADY ????:lol:

    I miss the toy days too........ except putting together that talking grill and "beauty salon"..... both made lots of noise befoere we were done putting them together...........
  12. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    I just wrapped the last of the webkinz........ the boys don't play anymore but its been our tradition for the past 3 or so years.......
    cheeky dog, husky, and pom pom kitty came from Amazon today.
  13. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Great gift!
  14. clumsymom

    clumsymom New Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    I'm chucking as a read this thread. My 15 old daughter asked for a pillow pet, build-a-bear, and Lego set.

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