...but in desperation of wanting my constant migranes to disappear, my horrible HORRIBLE pms to subside, and to lose weight and just get the ball rolling on my health...ahem...I've gone RAW!!! Don't I sound like a hippie dippie??? I've been on it for 3 weeks (with a splurge last night of boiled shrimp..so worth it) and I feel incredible. The 3rd day on it was rough, my body was detoxing hard core and I was zapped for energy. But I havn't had a single headache, I'm pmsing right now and it's been the easiest one since after having my kids (especially after having my son they were HORINDIOUS). So, think I'm nuts (mmm....allowed to eat alot o nuts). I've already lost 8lbs! I'm down a size too!!
So what all are you eating? I did a 10 fast once (I called it my Daniel Diet). I could have raw veggies, nuts, and I allowed myself, after the first 3 or 4 days, to have cooked lentils because my stomach was feeling raw without something more substantial!
That is too cool! Yes, Please share what you ate! I assume you drank a lot of water, too? Did you change your physical level of movement, ie: Exercise more? Also, not to be too personal. but do you have a history of sugar problems like diabetes or hypoglycemia? I have the hypoglycemia where I have too low sugar and everything triggers too much insulin... I am totally interested in raw foods. So I wonder how something like that would affect me.
Congratulations that you have found something that is working for you! Eight pounds in three weeks sounds reasonable (and great!) and the bonuses of relieving the other problems is fabulous! MT3
Amazing! When I was on the Maker's Diet I ate a lot of raw foods, but not exclusively. I commend your willpower and rejoice with your success.
Thanks for the encouragement girlies! It has been such a blessing, and as of this morning, I lost another one! I have uped my physical activity, b/c I just feel so darn good! I now get up at 5:30 and walk around my neighborhood for 2 miles at least 3 times a week, but I've been shooting for 5 days. I'm kinda stuck in a rut at the moment as far as non-creativity in what I'm eating. I've never been a big fruit lover (probably b/c I've loved sugar more) but I've been making fruit smoothies for breakfast..yum! I love veggies, so I've been having an avacado everyday for lunch, then big salad for dinner. Tonight I'm making hummus with carrots to dip in. I havn't gone exclusive. I allow a tiny cheat over the weekends...but not with bread, dairy, or sugar. This past week I indulged in boiled shrimp with lemon juice...YUMMO!!! A great website is this one if your curious. I also checked out a bunch of books on the subject at the library. I think it helps healthwise, but I also think the cold turkey cut of refined sugar, flour, and dairy has made the most tremendious change, since I use to go into carb coma's
I do not think you are nuts at all! When I became ill in February, my doctor drastically restricted my diet. I could only eat apples and bananas, no dairy with the exception of goat cheese, no red meat and only water to drink. I was also allowed to eat beans. The only sweet I cold eat were red vines or lemon drops. I lost about 25-30 pounds in a month and a half to two months. I went down two dress sizes. I slept great, felt great when I woke in the morning, I had more energy than I knew what to do with, and my intestinal problems cleared. After a while I started adding more fruit, veggies, and dairy. My constant itching even stopped. I have since gotten off track and am working on eating better again since my stomach has been hurting a bit. But there is something to show for eating the way God meant for us to eat.
Yeah, I agree with Jen, what was a typical week on your diet like Eden and Patty? Is that too much to ask? By that I mean, what do/did you eat each day over a week's time? BTW, on the 10-day Daniel Diet, I did pretty much the same thing. It was icky and HARD for the first few days until my body started adjusting to it! I lost 5 lbs. by the end of that 10 days too! Just wanted to say to those who may try it: it could be very uncomfortable for the first few days, but don't give up!!! Hmmmm, me thinks me should do that again maybe!
There really wasn't a set plan or diet, only a list of what I could and couldn't eat. I forgot to add to my other post that I was able to eat egg whites. So at first I ate egg whites with an apple or a banana for breakfast. For lunch I ate whole, homemade pinto beans with Feta Cheese sprinkled on it. Feta is a goat cheese so I was able to eat it. For a snack I had Red Vines. Handsome went out and purchased those huge tubs.LOL Dinner usually consisted chicken and raw veggies and brown steamed rice. I was also able to eat whole grains. I fogot to add that as well. This was all I could eat for one month. After the month was up I added more fruits and veggies. I started making breakfast shakes out of yogurt, berries, organic milk, and pineapple juice for a sweetener. I stayed away from the red meats for the most part. Raw fruits and veggies were my snacks. I also ate a lot of chicken salads because I was sick of plain chicken and sick of lettuce. WARNING!!!! This might be to much detail! My bowel movements were so full of fiber, I rarely had to do a lot wiping.LOL That sounds so gross!!!!!!!!!Sorry!LOL Seriously, since my intestines were bleeding, it was nice for a change to have things passing like they are ment to. You know what I mean? LOL
Awww! I forgot to add that once I added more fruits, veggies and food, I still lost weight but it slowed down. This was a good thing. I don't think any person is meant to eat this way all their lives. It was just so my inners had a chance to heal.
For breakfast this morning I made a mixed berry (just frozen berries) with a banana smoothie. I got some almond milk I'll add to it tomorrow, it was just a bit too watery for me. For lunch I had an avacado. For snacks I had some nuts and seeds (cashew, pisashio, almonds) For dinner I had a HUGE spinach salad, cherry tomatos, sprouts, with lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil. I drink only homemade smoothies and spring water. Oh, I also had my first piece of bread in 3 weeks Ezekiel 4:9 bread, it uses no flour and the wheat it uses is sprouted. it was DELICIOUS! Tomorrow I got some hummus to use as a dip for carrots and my new bread. My mouth is watering already!!
Red Vines are an old fashion red licorice. They are best when they are fresh. YUM!!!! I will say, I kind of tired of them after a while but it was a nice way to get in my sweets without the fat. http://www.redvines.com/ Click up top on the page to read about Red Vines.
I went to the dr today. I am heavier than I have ever been INCLUDING the day before my twins were born..... So I got some of my old favs, from the veggie department today... and of course, nersing my water bottle..
There's a GREAT "cook"book out there called "Raw". The guy who writes it is, well, I'm not sure he's a guy! LOL Anyway, I went raw a few years ago for a short time to clean out my system. The recipes were really good, I liked many of them - and at least there was variety! There's a recipe in there for almond milk that's really good - and when you let it stand in the fridge for a few weeks it turns into almond cheese - just add some fresh herbs (which are raw!) and use as a dip! It was a yummy treat. I've debated about going back to 80% raw and just eating dinner cooked...I lack willpower, that's for sure! So glad you're feeling better!!!
I was also at my heaviest when I got sick. I was already over weight when I had Ems but most of my weight I gained once I stopped nursing her. After that I just kept gaining. I wore a skirt and blouse to church yesterday and I felt like Porky Pig. LOL I am glad this thread was started. It gives me a reminder of where I am heading if I do not eat properly again. Handsome busted out the gazelle for me and I used it this morning while I watched an episode of Little House.:lol:
ugh. I'm pmsing hardCORE today so my motivation is in the pooper, mostly b/c I'm just so void of energy. But this time around has been so much easier, I'm greatful. I'm 5'9 and had lost a bunch of weight 2 years ago due to stress and was down to 160. Then I got pregnant and ballooned up to 230. I only lost 10lbs after I had him!!! What the heck?!? Then I was down to 211 a few months later and was stuck there for a long time. I ate EVERYthing, but not after 7 and didn't drink any sodas. I got down to 204-202 and got fed up.I joined weight watchers online and got really excited but then quickly got tired of watching points, felt hungry all the time, and ate WAY too many carbs. I lost maybe a pound, but quickly gained it back. I got stuck on a twizzlers kick, was eating them like a madwoman...then last month went camping alone w/ my husband and was so consumed with my body image the entire time. I would put on my bathing suit, walk out of the bathouse and see all these tight, healthy people walking around, looked at my husband and thought "that poor guy has to be seen with me! That's gotta stink" He is so wonderful to tell me how beautiful he thinks I am all the time, but I just didn't feel it. Then when I got home, since I'm someone who starts something storng, then gets burned out, I just told myself I'd detox for 3 days. Then just a week, then, when all the weight started melting away, and I was feeling so much better, I just thought, well, another week then. There are moments of weekness (especially this last week) when my son's chicken tenders looked like heaven on a plate, but then I think "I could eat those, but I chose not to. I know what they taste like. Besides, if I ate those now, my stomach would hurt so bad." and carry on eating my delicious salad. I'll allow myself a cheat every now and then, but the desire is getting more deminished by the day. I just bought a dehydrator off of ebay so I can start making more things and I'm excited about that. I now weigh 193 and am so anxious to see that number just keep going down