Home Depot Celebrates Gay and Lesbian Pride Month

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Ava Rose, Jun 19, 2010.

  1. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    What do you think of this?

    This was taken by a friend of mine. I am not sure if all the Home Depots in my state have this or throughout the country.
  3. squarepeg

    squarepeg New Member

    Aug 28, 2008
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    Think I'll be shopping Lowe's for my home improvement needs...
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Maybe we can find another place to go, too!
  5. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Freddy works for LOWE'S on the weekends so I know nothing about Home Depot. There is not one in our town. Personally that sign does not bother me and I would shop there (if we did have one here) if they had something I needed at a better price than we could get at LOWE'S.
  6. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    I wouldn't go there. Really, I teach my children that being Gay and Lesbian is wrong so I don't want to go to a place who thinks it needs to be celebrated, IMO.
  7. Lee

    Lee New Member

    Jan 17, 2007
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    I knew that I liked Lowes better and this just supports it.
  8. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    Also a Lowes fan.

    Do you know how, exactly, they're doing it? Just a sign at the entrance? Discounts? What?
  9. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    Aren't there two different things here?

    1) Theft is wrong, but plenty of thieves visit Home Depot. Adultery is wrong, but plenty of adulterers visit Home Depot. Come to think of it, we're all sinners and plenty of us visit Home Depot. We don't have to avoid going places simply because others who are there don't follow the same moral code that we do.

    2) The issue is that Home Depot does not celebrate theft or adultery, but they are celebrating gay and lesbian pride. On the other hand, gays and lesbians have faced social discrimination for years, and that's simply not right. Why not celebrate the fact that they are welcome to visit a store, to make the point that they should not be discriminated against?

    The main issue for me is shielding my younger children from gay and lesbian practices - such as kissing in public. This is why we've avoided gay pride weeks as Walt Disney World - even though it's a place we usually enjoy visiting - and so we might avoid Home Depot if it becomes an issue (although how many couples in general are seen kissing in Home Depot?!).

    On a related note, our older daughter's senior trip was a Disney cruise. She went to a Christian school, and we learned that several parents objected to Disney because of their gay pride weeks. My wife went on the cruise as a chaperone, and she loved it. There was no gambling (found on most cruises), no heavy drinking (again, found on many cruises), and there were plenty of activities for children and young people. It was a great experience. Much to our frustration, the complaining parents won out, and subsequent senior trips did not involve Disney.

    Sometimes I think we cut off our nose to spite our face.
  10. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    Hey. If I can get a 10% discount, I'd be happy to walk into Home Depot hand in hand with my younger brother. ;) (Note: adult men walking hand in hand is quite common in India; it's simply a sign of a close friendship - nothing more.)
  11. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Are you familiar with Chonda Pierce? The Christian comedian?

    She tells a story on her Did I Say Out Loud? DVD about a trip she takes with her best friend. The friend is a major bargain hunter, so Chonda let her plan their 'girls getaway' to... um.. I think it was the Carribean. Anyhow, when they got there, Chonda realized that they got this super great package (spa time, massages, facials, luxery hotel suite, etc..) because it was the Newlywed Special! ha!

    After a few days, they started feeling bad about being in such a beautiful place without their husbands. So they arranged for the guys to join them. Only thing was, they didn't tell them they booked them on the Newlywed Special. The ladies hid in the bushes near the check-in desk an watched as their poor husbands tried to defend their sexuality to the clerk who was congradulating them on their numptuals. ROFL! At one point, one of the husbands said, "Wait! Whoah! We've got women here!"

    I'm sure it's a lot funnier when she tells it (and with all the details), but your comment made me think of that. lol.
  12. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I have seen openly gay people at Wal-Mart (a lot actually..lol) and I will still shop there. I have no problem shopping in the same place as a gay person or any other person. I don't think those who do not want to shop there are making that decision because a gay person may shop there. That doesn't even make sense. We all have the right to shop where we want. The store has the right to put that sign up. But I also have the right not to patronize a store for any reason I choose. I may not return to a store based on poor customer service...well could be seen as hardly fair since that employee is just one person. But plenty of people stop shopping at a whole chain based on one bad experience. Why not choose how your shop based on what the company supports? That makes more sense. I'm sure Lowe's has plenty of gay people shopping there. I'm sure Toys R Us does also. I don't care about where a gay person shops. I care about supporting a store that supports something that conflicts with my beliefs. Now...I'm not saying that sign is a huge deal. I would have to know more about Home Depot's agenda or if there is one. That would be what made my decision. Oh and I also wouldn't shop there if it said "Home Depot Supports Abortion Rights."

    You would be surprised what I've seen at Wal-mart! LOL. Well...not kissing..just kidding. My kids have witnessed gays holding hands and even a man dressed like a woman. I shield them from gay sexual practices as much as heterosexual practices displayed in movies. I do not shield them from that fact there are gay people.

    I see both sides to that. I would take my family to visit Disney...I would. Well...there are more reasons than Gay Pride Weeks that may make me change my mind. However, I can understand not wanting to give the money that God has blessed you with to support Disney. I also think that a Christian school should be a bit more concerned with where they send their kids and how money is spent.
  13. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I have no clue. I have not been in a Home Depot for a long time. We go to Lowe's out of preference having nothing to do with this. My friend who took the picture...took it at a store about an hour away. I have heard that not all Home Depots have the sign.

    Also...it was noted a year ago that Home Depot supported gay pride in another way also:

  14. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I put this on my blog...the reactions were mixed. Here is a copy of my post so you know where my issue with this lies...and it has little to do with homosexuality.

    A friend of mine went to Home Depot to purchase supplies for the new church he is building when he came across this sign. I am not sure if Home Depots all over America have this sign up or not. This Home Depot is in Ohio. He immediately put his supplies down and walked out. That is his right regardless of how anyone feels about it. Personally, I agree with him. I have the right to shop where I want and support which businesses I want. Likewise, Home Depot has the right to support whatever they want. Yet, is it really appropriate for a store to take a stand such as this? Maybe...maybe not. Keep in mind, there are about 100 other things Home Depot would have shown support for that would cause me to walk out.

    When is the last time a Christian value was celebrated by a national chain or business? What if the sign said "Home Depot Celebrates the Sanctity of Marriage between a Man and a Woman"? What if the sign said, "Home Depot Celebrates Pro-Life"? Do you think those signs would meet with approval? Undoubtedly, Home Depot would cause such an outrage with signs of that nature that they would have to be removed.

    I realize many of you may find me closed minded. However, for me this is not about the morality of homosexuality. It is about how those who preach freedom and tolerance only feel those concepts to apply to their causes. I think Home Depot has every right to post a sign. I think we all have the right to decide if that sign will cause us to shop there or not. Let's just remember that there are two sides to every story and each can have their time in the spotlight. I support freedom to choose how you believe, what you believe, what you support, what you say without the fear of being branded a hater.

    Whatever happened to the freedom to be intolerant? I am intolerant to many behaviors, actions, and beliefs which conflict with my own. However, my intolerance does not cause me to hate, hurt, or ban others. As a Christian, my intolerance is based on my love for the Lord and His Word. My intolerance is based in love for the lost. What kind of Christian would I be if I did not uphold my God in such esteem? Surely, I would be labeled a hypocrite. Yet, displaying intolerance also brands me self righteous and hateful. I uphold the Word regardless of what man thinks because it pleases my God. Call me whatever you want (well..don't this is my blog and I can say what I want..lol) but when it's said and done you cannot say I am not devoted to my God. I expect everyone who holds a belief system to be just as devoted and display it just as vehemently. I am NOT offended by those with different viewpoints. I am offended by those with the same and yet sit back and allow their God to be offended.

    Yes, I did get a bit off track there. :) What do you think? Do you think Home Depot should remove the sign? ( I do not.) Would you s
    hop there? (I would not.) Do you think if it were a sign supporting Jesus it would just quietly remain up without protest? (I do not.)
  15. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I consider it deviant behavior. And I really don't care to start a debate on that; am just stating my opinion. And as such, I don't want my money going to a company that openly accepts such behavior as "normal".
  16. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I agree.

    However, I also would not patronize a shop that supported abortion. So, I wanted to make the point that "gay" is not the main issue...in my mind. Yet, I completely agree with your statement.
  17. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Yes, Ava! Do you remember when Pampered Chef had trouble on that account? They gave money to support abortion, and suddenly they had all kinds of people cancelling their shows AND a LOT of the ladies that do the shows quit! They made it very clear that it would NOT happen again!
  18. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Oh...yeah! I did hear about that.
  19. ochumgache

    ochumgache Active Member

    Jan 14, 2008
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    I have an issue with "gay pride" in general. It is said that you don't choose to be gay, one is just "born that way". So, if you're just "born that way", what is there to be proud about? It's not an accomplishment to be celebrated. When "pride parades" are held, it is no longer a fight against discrimination. It becomes a glamorization and promotion of that lifestyle. If we tried to celebrate monogamous, heterosexual relationships in the same way, we'd be labeled "bigots".

    I guess I'm just agreeing with Ava Rose. Home Depot would be sued if they put up a "Celebrate Heterosexual Pride Month" sign.
  20. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    That's what happens when a minority is suppressed and discriminated against.

    Where are we when gay partners are prevented from sharing health care benefits or are not granted visitation rights in hospital or pay more in taxes? Are we voting for laws that maintain the status quo? Where are we when gays are beaten up or have their houses and vehicles defaced? Do we quietly believe that they received their just desserts, or are we visiting them in hospital or helping to undo the damage to their property?

    Our rags are as filthy and our guilt is as beyond the pale as those of any other on earth. We are saved because of who we are in Christ and not because of anything we've done. The adulteress faced the same OT punishment and, may I say, the same disdain from society as any practicing homosexual, but Jesus still loved her and cast aside the prejudices of society. It's his love, and only his love, that changes everything.

    I agree that it's right to make our children clearly aware of what is right and wrong, and there is an absolute standard of right and wrong (manifested in the person of Christ), but we all fall short of it.

    <end of rant - sorry>
  21. Marty

    Marty New Member

    Aug 10, 2009
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    I will try to stand very still while the tomatoes come my direction because of my comment. :love:

    Those of us who are conservative Christians have a tendency to get all up in arms over the gay and lesbian issue. But how many of us feel the same way about unmarried heterosexual couples living together?
    If you believe immorality is wrong, does the gender of those involved being the same make it more "wronger"?
    Do we shield our children from unmarried heterosexual couples in the same way as gay or lesbian couples?
    Do we treat unmarried heterosexual couples with the same hatred, name calling and disgust as we do those who are gay or lesbian?
    I have no intention whatsoever of teaching ds that homosexual behavior is ok anymore than I would teach him living together without marriage is ok. I will teach him that the sins of others is not a license for him to sin as well by hating, name calling and violence.

    Tomato throwing may now commence!

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