Home Depot Celebrates Gay and Lesbian Pride Month

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Ava Rose, Jun 19, 2010.

  1. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    I am not a conservative Christian, but my mama taught me if I can't say anything nice, not to say anything at all. I will say something to my kids, inside of my house about what we believe to be true and then remind them that Jesus is our example. That is just the way we do it.
  2. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I do. I feel that unmarried heterosexual couples are no more "wrong" in their behavior if they are living together. I do not believe in marriage priveledges/rights to those living together outside of marriage. I do not believe in acting hateful or violent to ANYONE in sin, but I also do not believe in supporting those organizations/businesses that accept their behavior as "normal". I also would not do business with an organization that promoted protitution, or was working toward legalizing it, or as Ava said, that suported abortion.
  3. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    I just purchased some custom ordered windows from Home Depot. The nearest Lowes is an additional hour away on top of the two hours that I had already traveled.

    I don't really care what position HD takes whether it is publicised or kept private. We all have the option of shopping there or not, but if I limit myself too much, I won't have any place to shop at all.

    I am not stating that I agree or disagree with their position, I am only saying that I needed windows and that is where I purchased them!
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2010
  4. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    I totally agree, you have a true Christian heart, God bless you!

    I'll stand with you girl, bring on the tomatoes ladies! (((( ))))
  5. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Carl and I have discussed boycotting certain coompanies. We have seen lists of companies, and it simply isn't possible to boycott ALL of them. We all need to chose who to do our business with and who not to. For example, I don't buy Pepsi products, but my bff does. I tease her about that. But she changed her phone company from the one I use, and teases me about that. The teasing is all in jest. (We also tease one another about the denominational church she attends, and the non-denominational church I attend. But we know one another's heart, and know it's meant in fun.) I sure hope no one here will be judgemental on where any particular person choses to shop or not shop.
  6. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    What a pane. ;)
  7. DawnEtech14

    DawnEtech14 New Member

    May 7, 2010
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  8. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Know what is nice about new windows, I can see clearly and the error of my ways!
  9. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Yes, always expect a backlash where there exists discrimination. To be honest, I don't blame a discriminated party trying to be treated fairly. I don't always like the tactics...but I do understand it.

    I think in many cases hospital visitation should be loosened up a bit. As far as health care...I think the benefits should go to spouses and children, adopted or naturally born. Why? Because of fraud...I can just say I'm gay so my roommate can get a procedure done using my insurance. Nah. As long as gay marriage is illegal...then the other gay partner needs to get his or her own insurance. Oh and I do NOT condone health benefits to any live in partners...that for me is not a gay thing.

    I do NOT EVER believe ANYONE deserves to be beaten up or have their houses and/or vehicles defaced due to sexual preference or out of hatred. While, I think homosexuality is a sin...I do not think they should have any more harm come to them than any other sinner. I have an old friend that lives far from me and I only interact with online...he is gay. he knows how I feel..and we love each other anyway. He is an old friend that I care about and would never want to see anything bad happen to. Heck, even if I didn't know someone, I would not wish them harm.

    I tire of the argument that because I stand on my beliefs, I am a hate monger. Am I accused of being a hate monger when I call a liar a lair or a thief a thief? Am I accused of being a hate monger because I feel those who cheat on their spouses have sinned?

    yes, we all fall short of the glory of God..we know that already. How does the prevent us from standing on what's right and wrong and having the freedom to express it? Besides, this has little to do with the morality of homosexuality, in my mind, but how a store can support gays without public protest but could never put up a sign supporting heterosexual marriage or pro-life without public protest.
  10. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Can you see me raising my hand? I do feel exactly the same about heterosexual couples living together.

    Gender has nothing to do with it. I do shield my kids from MANY things. Oddly...gays don't even crack my top 5 of what I shield my kids from. And homosexual sex is just as shielded as heterosexual sex. let's face..sex is not a spectator sport. LOL.

    I do not treat gays with hatred at all. Just because I say I find it a sin doesn't mean I hold up a protest sign with slandering names in one hand and a beating stick in the other. Geesh. Do you assume I have hatred and wish harm to come to gamblers because I find gambling a sin? Do you think I beat little kids who come trick or treating on Halloween to my door because I do not believe in celebrating Halloween? Come on!

    I agree. However, I disagree that not supporting something that conflicts with my beliefs is supporting hatred. That is completely ridiculous.
  11. Birbitt

    Birbitt New Member

    Mar 29, 2008
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    I wouldn't avoid shopping somewhere just because of a position they take, simply because if I did that I would quickly have no place to shop. However, I do make a conscious effort to spend my money where possible in a place with views I support and believe in. Good example is that there is a discount food store locally that is run by christians and the reciepts have a bible verse on the bottom, the company is very conservative and honest. they also have the best prices, but being the nature of their business they don't always have what I need so then I am forced to go to the mass retailers. I have a christian mechanic (we used to attend the same church), I also shop christian thrift stores where I can if not I will go to goodwill. This is just us!

    If I had gone to Home Depot and seen those signs I would have said nothing, however if my children had seen them and asked about it I would have explained to them our beliefs on the subject and quietly moved on.

    Like I said I don't agree with it, but I can not boycott it either or I won't have anywhere to do the shopping I need to do. All I can do is make sure my children know the truth and know right from wrong.
  12. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    It would be like putting up a sign celebrating whites during the civil rights years, or putting up a sign celebrating men when women were striving for the vote. It's why all-women colleges and all-black colleges are accepted whereas all-men colleges and all-white colleges would be criticized heavily. Celebration of a minority group is, to some extent, trying to rectify the discrimination of the past and helping those who face prejudice to feel they belong.
  13. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I did not exactly think of it that way...but I see your point. I just think it's all junk. However, I am not against a store supporting whatever cause they wish to support.
  14. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Well anyone who has a problem with that had better BLACK LIST me and put me on their IGNORE LIST! Forgive me father, for I have sinned. My honey and I lived together for a few months before we got married.

    Now, before you black list me, think about your own sins and don't stand in judgement of me! I doubt anyone could withstand the scrutiny that I am now going to endure in their own lives.

  15. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    You know how I feel about things...would it surprise you to learn I was pregnant before I got married?

    Would it surprise you to learn that I used to drink and smoke? Well, I did.

    Would it surprise you to learn I did everything I just mentioned while being a saved Christian?

    With time and trials, comes maturity and the ability to see your past sins as sin. I am far MORE offended by my own sin then anyone else's. However that does not mean I cannot detect sin or call sin what it is. I don't think that calling a sin a sin is standing in judgment. I think it's stating truth. Others have stated they are just as against heterosexual pre-martial sex but that does not make me feel like they are judging me. they are right. lol.

    I think there is a misunderstanding about how sin is addressed. Calling something a sin is not a sin...LOL. However, the inability to forgive or love or have compassion for the sinner is a sin.

    Remember "love the sinner, hate the sin"? Well, we hate sin because sin offends God. Our love for God...a true love for Him should cause us to be offended by whatever offends Him. We should agree with God what sin is and what acts are sinful. However, the love of God in our lives should make it possible for us to LOVE everyone. Our love should be displayed NOT by tolerating sin God hates...but by showing a love for the sinner to give glory and honor to God. Christians should not want to see another burdened by sin. Yes, this can all come out like hate and in some people they cannot separate the love for people with the hate for sin. That is a very sad manifestation of how sin should be viewed by Christians.

    Now...why is this a Christian discussion? I did not post this in the Christian section. When I posted this, I did not give my opinion. Yet, the discussion came back on Christians and their "hate" for gays. This is about a business supporting a cause and if supporting that cause is okay...not okay...and what the ramifications are from the public. Yes, as a christain, I see things from that worldview..but this is NOT have to be about sin. There are atheists who are not in support of gays also.
  16. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I have no intention of black listing anyone or putting anyone on my ignore list. Everyone here has sinned. Period. And God doesn't see my sin any different than He sees yours. But there's also a difference in sinning, repenting, and moving on, and someone who choses to continue in what they KNOW is sin.
  17. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    No. I have no choice in whether or not I'm white, or whether or not I'm a woman. Homosexuality IS A CHOICE. Yes, some may have a tendency toward that particular sin, just as some have a tendancy for alchoholism. And once you are part of the lifestyle, just like alchoholism, it's difficult to break away from the addiction. BUT IT CAN BE DONE, especially with the help of the Holy Spirit.
  18. Marty

    Marty New Member

    Aug 10, 2009
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    How could I black list you when you were going to take "tomatoes" with me!?!? :love:
    I don't have any right to pass judgment on you when I've made BIG mistakes in my life! Which is why I said others' sin doesn't give me license to sin by hating, name calling and violence.
    Standing up for ones beliefs is not equal to hatred/ sin. Being judgmental often is equal to hatred and sin. And yes, there is a difference between the two.

    Mama Bear, if you get black listed, they can add my name right beside yours!:wink:

  19. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Marty, I used your post to make my point but in no way was I getting on you in anyway. I don't think you thought that, but I want to make sure you didnt think that I was being ugly with you. I was in total agreement with your posts. (((( ))))

    I'll stand there and take tomatoes any day with you girlfriend! (((( ))))
  20. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I agree. I think that the line gets crossed often...or the line is crossed by the biggest mouths..lol (not a reference to the Spot..on in general..lol) that both are treated as the same.

    Besides, I think the Home Depot sign is stupid. I tried looking it up and it does not appear that their "celebration" is more than a sign. I want to know "how" they are celebrating. Are they giving discounts to gay people or on certain products or to giving a portion of proceeds to gay causes? Are they decorating the store and having a parade? Or maybe they are trying to expand their customer base and seem gay friendly to gain the support of gay customers. I think the sign could border on insulting to gays as well if the sign is there to gain a customer base. If you are "celebrating" than you are doing something. Doesn't appear they are doing anything. Wait...they did take the time to print out a sign and hang it up. That's just the support any group who feels discriminated against needs.

    Just so you know if the sign said, "Home Depot Celebrates Nose Pickers" I also would walk out. lol. I oppose the stupid sign more than anything. The gay issue is not so central in this, in my mind. That's a whole other ball of wax.

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