I wonder

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by becky, Sep 17, 2005.

  1. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    There has been two threads with references to lesbians.
    suppose a lady comes here saying she homeschools... and it comes out that she's a lesbian. You can be a lesbian and a mom, and you can do all that and homeschool.
    Would she be welcome? I hope so.
  3. mamaheffalump

    mamaheffalump New Member

    Jul 1, 2005
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    You do realize that you just opened up a can of worms ;)?
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Yes, you did! And it's one I'm not about to jump into!
  5. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    I think what Becky said has some truth to it, that there seams to be some strong bias against certian things here. In my home school group we have an adopted a the word "hozho" as our motto. It is a Navajo word meaning harmony. Our mission statement says something to the effect of: We are not devoted to any one homeschooling approach, political platform, religious outlook or philosophical idea. Our homeschool comunity supports families regardless of personal lifestyle or educational choice in the area of home education.

    This board has been very helpful to me and Its the first place I check after I read e-mail. But it took a long time for me to feel comfortable responding to a few of the posts. My issue was Christanity. I believe my self to be Christian, but not as active as some here, we do not attend church,(my husband and I disagree what kind of church to go to) my kids aren't in AWANA or Sunday school. And since a lot of the conversation here is about religion, I backed off for a while but as I grew more confident, I started posting more and more here. And am glad to have a place to talk with other adults ;) I am hoping no one is being judgemental toward me because I let my kids go trick or treating, or because my kids aren't going to be in a play this winter re-creating the birth of Christ. I would hope that we as a collective home school community on this board would make any one that needs the support of other home schoolers feel welcolm to post here weather or not we aggree with thier personal style or beliefs.
  6. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    No, I'm not opening a can of worms at all. I'm just wondering if that type of person would be accepted. What about a homosexual male raising his kids by himself? Would we give him advice like we trade among ourselves?
  7. Carrie

    Carrie New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    I must admit that I personally would not.
    But if he were really interested in homeschooling he could visit one of the "Pagan Homeschool" message boards. And I didn't coin that name, so I am not being judgemental by saying that. I found the list while searching for somewhere to ask a question about my daughter and algebra.
    A search engine would help someone in that boat find what they are looking for.

    Anyway, homeschoolspot says they feature discussion about christian issues(scroll to the top of the page), so one shouldn't necessarily be surprised by the "christian" nature of many of the posts.
    However, it has been my observance that not all members here are necessarily Christians. And that is okay too. We don't all homeschool for the same reasons or convictions. And secular homeschoolers still reap the benefits of what they sew.
  8. Lornaabc

    Lornaabc New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    Well, at first I wasn't going to write anything but after thought I think I will. It is a sin but everyone sins. Don't we? Yes! Anyway I would talk with him or her for that matter the same as I talk to you. I don't agree with all you do either or many others here but as a Christian I am susposed to love you. That I can say I do or the best I can without knowing you any better than I do. But on the other hand I wouldn't let my kids hang out at that house. There are alot of homes my kids will not go into due to different lifestyles. I have to show love and be nice to them. That is what God demands of me.
  9. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    At the top it says 'the place for homeschoolers to interact and share', although I never took notice before. That doesn't tell me it's specifically christian, it tells me christian topics will come up.

    I'm not trying to create friction, I'm just thinking out loud. Here's another twist- what if the person didn't let on about their orientation until sometime after they've been here? After they have become a fixture, like most of us are? Then what? Do we suddenly shun them?
    Still another twist- some of you wanted to take in a family displaced by Katrina. What if the family assigned to you was two dads or two moms with one or more children? Do you tell them at the door that they are not welcome? What if you had to pick them up somewhere, say an airport? Do you keep on driving if you recognize the family makeup?

    I say again I'm not opening any cans, just asking 'what if ?'
  10. Lornaabc

    Lornaabc New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    As far as the hurricane people I didn't want a family because of what I may get. Not gay folks but with all the fighting down there maybe someone with problems(gang member or something). As far as offering to help with that I offered to Brenda for my family to travel to Vicki's and carry the supplies but Vicki declined the offer for help. It would have been my van, my family, my time, my husband's vacation time and my gas!!
    As far as talking with gay folks I have done that for years. Have known and loved one alot. Don't like their sin but I don't like alot of sins. Love the person greatly! No affection has ever and will never be shown in front of my children and we both agree that is how respect works. I don't kiss, hand hold, etc. my husband in front of them either. It is a respect issue. Also I am from a very small city and honestly it doesn't sit well here. Doesn't bother me as long as I don't get that pushed on me. I don't push anything on anyone. Religion or anything I do. You have never seen that out of me. Not my character. I pray when ask, for people who ask. I wouldn't ever stop talking to someone who believes different than I do but I wouldn't have to be their best friend either. That is why a person only has 1 or 2 best friends. That is why every person doesn't marry the same person.
    Also as I said earlier yes that is why we have different boards here and I think we do well keeping them seperate too.
    I do realize some folks here would have a problem talking with a gay person but they have to decide for themselves and account to God for it when the time comes. Some have problems with drinking, Some no religion at all, Some marriage problems, some kid problems, some all of above and some maybe no problems. Lucky Dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    As for me I don't allow smoking or drinking in my home but that is a choice I made as a youngster. I have an alcholic older brother who I saw waste his talents, ruin his marriage, lose his child, go to jail and many other things I will not even mention on here. Knew then I would never marry a person who drank. I married one who had already done that and got it out of his system. I never chose to take part in it. I don't have smoke in my home due to bad bad allergies of me and my son. My dad smoked all my life and still does and when I go to his house you can bet I will be sick the next day. I was sick as a child alot with breathing problems so I know that is what the problem was. Can't change the past but I can make rules in my house. Husband and I agree. Thank goodness he had a drunk for a uncle too. His uncle drank aftershave and perfume to get alchol in his system so he knows what problems it can cause too.
    Now you know more about me that you should probably. LOL
  11. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I was like that, too, Lorna. My whole family smoked in the house and I was sick at least three times a year. It just scratched my throat all up.
    Dean smokes, but he goes outside all the way down the drive.
    I never smoked or drank, either, and I hope my kids learn from what they see in their house. I know for a fact Kevin turned down a gift of a pack of smokes on his birthday, so I must have done something right!
  12. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Becky, as far as a family goes, I was willing to take one through HSLDA. This is how it worked. You would tell HSLDA what you were willing to take...number of people max, if it was cool to bring a pet, etc. Perhaps you don't want teens, or just boys. Whatever. As people contact them needing housing, they will put those people in touch with those that match their profile. Then they say it's up to the two families to work out if they're "compatable". I would not want a smoker. Also, my family watches very little TV. It would be very difficult for me to have the television on all day long. Hopefully things will be settled before hand to some extent. Also, it seems as if someone is not coming; they had over 3,000 people offering homes, way more than they had people looking for homes.
  13. She

    She New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Wheweeee drop off the board for a while and this is what the topic is. :)

    Not sure what brought up the topic but...I'm sure it was something that happened somewhere. Anyway....

    We are Christian. We go to a contempory (sp?) service on Sunday morning in the gym with a *rock* band. HA! Anyway...I go because my husband is in the band and the boys enjoy going so...I tag along. As a child we did not attend church. When I went to church it was with one of my friends, to their church.

    Both my parents were forced to go as children and didn't want to go. So...we didn't. Does that make me an evil person? I sure hope not. Does that mean that the Lord doesn't love me? Hope not.

    Seems to me that too many people wrap the fact they are Christian up with the fact that they might actually be horrible people. Scary thought but...I've seen it. Being here in TX, yep part of the Bible belt has really been an eye opener for me.

    Your faith, orientation and method of schooling will not make me determine if I want to hang out with you or not - your actions speak louder than any of that. If someone is a rotten Christian and another is a wonderful & trustworthy Hindu well...guess who I would rather spend my time with?

    Anyway...just remember that it isn't OUR job to judge the choices of religion or orientation, that others make. :)

    We are working out tushies off getting a homeschool group in our area that is about homeschooling FIRST not if you are a Christian or not. What have I learned? Well...I've learned that the people who sit back and complain the most, are the ones that cause the most trouble and get the least amount of productive work done. HA!

    I've also learned that no matter how much you bust your tail off....there is always someone there looking at the flaws.

    So...if you are Christian and frowning down on someone else and their choices of life....just make sure you are truly thinking Christian and leave it up to God to decide their fate.

    My ten cents worth.
  14. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Do you feel it's OK to say that something is "right" or "wrong" according to the Bible? And I'm not necessisarily talking about homosexuality here. Do you think it's OK to say ANYTHING is wrong according to the Bible?
  15. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I think it is, yeah. I fight with Dean and Kevin most days over something I know is right and they think I should lighten up on. I've even been told by one of them that you can't take 'all that' in the Bible literally.
  16. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    You think it is, or you know it is? If we can't take "all that" literally, who decides which parts CAN be taken literally, and which parts can't? Again, I know all of us have sin that we chose to ignore (as much as we can!). And God considers ALL sin as sin, unlike humans that see murder as a big deal, but speeding as unimportant. And if God says something is wrong, I believe it's wrong. Whether I can justify it in my mind or not doesn't matter.
  17. Lornaabc

    Lornaabc New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    That is what I meant. Sin is sin no matter how big it is.

    I am glad Dean smokes outside. I do think it hurts the people in the home more than the smoker. I think you have done a great job with Kevin. He seems to be a good young man and make good decisions. But you are right they had better believe the entire Bible. It is not to be altered in any way or form.
  18. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I really don't understand those who do smoke inside. That yellow dingy gunk gets all over everything, and it's really noticeable if you take a picture down!
    The house just never smells fresh.
  19. Earthmomma

    Earthmomma New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    Wow, a lot of heavy issues! I *try* to live by looking at the log in my own eye rather that the speck in anothers. Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen. I watched a movie called The Passion of the Christ and it wasn't even 18 minutes into the movie when the tears came hard, I have a son and as a mother I couldn't believe how anyone could be so horrible to another mothers son. Yet I am no better than the soldiers who beat Him. I sin and my sin isn't better or worse than the sin of the soldiers. I myself have inflicted some of those beatings on our Christ through the sin in my life. With that being said, other peoples sin is of little importance as their soul. Remember Christ didn't eat/talk with the Christians but the tax collectors, whores of the day and people who needed him most.

    Now when you factor who you want your children hanging around with that is another story in and of itself. Healthwise, smoking is bad. Some other peoples flagrant sin is bad. Therefore I try not to hang out in areas where there is smoke/lewd behavior. There will be a time and place for my children to see and understand different types of people and how to minister/evangelize to the people who need forgiveness. Until that time I feel responsible in guarding their innocence.

  20. Lornaabc

    Lornaabc New Member

    May 1, 2004
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    Yes, earthmomma, I feel that way.
  21. Recondite2020

    Recondite2020 New Member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    My answer to both those questions is yes and yes. I would not welcome Sodom and Gomorrah under my roof under ANY circumstances. I would not allow their vile lifestyle to plague my household. Homosexuality is an abomination unto The Creator of all things and I will have nothing to do with it. Perhaps God put them out of their homes to get their attention? Perhaps they escaped God's judgment of their lifestyles? No one knows, but I will not be guilty of promoting and accepting that lifestyle in any way.

    If I were faced with a situation such as that, I would let them know that I cannot house them and why. Then I would give them the message of salvation and warn them by telling them what God did to Sodom and Gomorrah. Considering what they would've just gone through, I'd hope they'd be receptive and able to identify to some degree... But with all that raiding going on down there, I don't know anymore. Who would've thought they'd shoot each other in a time of need.

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