the word american removed from ps textbooks

Discussion in 'Homeschooling in the News' started by mamaof3peas, Aug 11, 2009.

  1. rhi

    rhi New Member

    Nov 24, 2008
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    And for as many people that are out there that don't agree with fox, cnn or any of the others. You'll find that there are those that do. Regardless, of hits read the comments on any of them and you'll find sides for both sides of the argument.
  2. rhi

    rhi New Member

    Nov 24, 2008
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    That's incredibly sad. I hope you find a board where you can have an opinion at some day soon.
  3. guamhsmom

    guamhsmom New Member

    May 1, 2009
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    Oh I know. If you read my first post you would see that I said basically the same thing. I was just answering a specific question.
  4. dawninns

    dawninns New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Yes! I know I am. I tend to have a liberal bias which I've only really started questioning in the last couple of years. I know that bias tends to make me more susceptible to left leaning reports and commentors. I find myself agreeing with editorials not because they actually make a good case but because they agree with me. That's something I have to guard against.

    I don't know if watching CNN would give you a good idea of quality liberal thought anymore then me watching FOX would give me an idea of quality conservative thought. In fact, watching either tends to make me fear for American intellilect. :)

    I'm not sure what relation manipulation would have with number of viewers. I think, for me, manipulation tends to come into play when news reports play more to outrage and other emotions then they do to intellelect.

    Take the report you linked to. What was your reaction? Anger right? Anger that made you post the You tube link and spread the report for FOX, possibly garnering it more viewers. But what would a really good report have done for you? Maybe it would have given you a lot of food for thought, presented you with differing viewpoints or a bit of background on the politics of textbooks so you left the report questioning the issue and forming a reasoned basis for your opinion. Of course, that kind of report is a disadvantage to a network like FOX or CNN because if you're left questioning the issue, curious about it rather then outraged, then you might search out other sources with more in-depth coverage. You might leave FOX behind.

    I don't think this is really so much of a left/right issue. I think this is a corporate issue, networks fighting for ratings and simply using political and cultural splits to get them.

    I also think there are some fantastic and exceptionally intelligent conservative news sources that put FOX to shame. IF someone wanted to stick to conservative sources for their information, they could do much better. I also think the same of CNN.
  5. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    The bottom line is that news is a BUSINESS. And if there isn't any business, they make it. Does anyone remember the story that came out a good while ago about how photographers would set up the picture? Where they would take things like a teddy bear or wedding veil and place it in the midst of blown out rubble, just because it would make a good picture? Look at all the hoop-la about the "town hall meetings". There's all this reporting of how "out of control" the American public are over health care, how rude they're being to the Dems, etc. I'm cuious how many town hall meetings are NOT "out of control", but those don't make good news stories. And I have no doubt that if they WEREN'T out of control, the news media would somehow set it up to make it so. Not singling out any particular network or anything, because I think now MOST of them, especially most main-stream will manipulate things to SELL.
  6. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    Yet another reason to homeschool!!
  7. mamaof3peas

    mamaof3peas New Member

    Sep 30, 2008
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    dawn, i do understand what you are saying. it is true, but does an unbiased news source even exist? and what is the conservative news source you were speaking of that is better than fox?

    jackie, i agree, the majority of town hall meet have been done civilly. yestereda i was very curious, so i watched fox news online, and you could watch senator spector, senator arkin and senator mcaskills town hall meet live, so i had it on through out the day. there were periods of shouting, periods of people getting up to leave, periods of security taking people out, bc they brought in signs, and it wasnt allowed. during mcaskills TH meeting, there was a big disruption and secrutiy was called, and she even made the comment, i bet that is the only thing the news even covers even though we have spend 2 hours doing this civily!

    i think people are afraid! i think they have a reason to be, but i think that fear brings out the worst at town hall meet. im sure they feel like the senator isnt listening to them.

    it was so awesome, this guy asked spector, why cant we have a national referendum on the healthcare bill. leave it up to us to decide??!! it was like spector hadnt even thought about that option, which shows how disconnected they are to the majority of american people. he is supposedly taking that to the senate, but im sure they wouldnt dare let "US" decide about our healthcare policy.

    guamhsmom, i just wanted to apologize, i just reread my post and it sounded very snippy! i was having a stressful night, we found lice again on my dd, 2 days after i usde shampoo, so now i have to redo everything, and try some of the natural remedies. i get what you are saying, but i dont think that is why fox is on top of the news boards.
  8. dawninns

    dawninns New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    We're a pretty opinionated bunch here...opinionated but we manage to be decent to each other all the same. :) I expect you'll find yourself having and expressing opinions here in no time. :D
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    The yelling is because so many people are fed up with politicians (BOTH Dems and Reps) who don't give a #$$@ about what the people think. We feel we have no control of what is suppose to be a government OF THE PEOPLE, and we want it back. The politicians refuse to listen to the people, and they want their voices HEARD.
  10. Faith3

    Faith3 New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    I agree. Say what you are thinking. We are all adults here and can debate and still like each other. :love:
  11. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Yes, absolutely!!! Dawn and I even like each other, even though she's usually WRONG!!! :love::love::love:

    Seriously, we all realize that those who come here are here for a common reason: We care about our kids and try to do what is best for them. We may not agree on HOW that is done, but what motivates us is the same. And that common goal has managed to overcome a lot of diffferences of opinion. Those that are rude and just plain argumentive usually don't stay around long. We won't tolerate it for the most part!
  12. Faith3

    Faith3 New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    Well said, Jackie! :love:
  13. mamaof3peas

    mamaof3peas New Member

    Sep 30, 2008
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    yep, we are all pretty close and try not to take things personally, and try not to attack anyone personally. it is hard sometimes not to,get hurt, *see my signature*
  14. pdalley

    pdalley New Member

    Oct 22, 2008
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    I don't. I'm autistic and so are all three of my kids. That's what we are. We're wired differently. You take away our autism and we are no longer what we are. Would you say it's rude to call a person a diabetic?

    I can trace 'quirks' or autistic traits clear back to before the Civil War. My ancestors called themsevles Americans,fought wars as Americans for America, etc.

    I've known people from South America but they always said they were Chilean or whatever country they orginated in - not American. It wouldn't have bothered me if they had. It's a technicality.

    And oh yeah, we're also American. There are plenty of things that offend me but I look away, turn it off or change the channel. There is no right not to be offended written anywhere in our Constitution.
  15. dawninns

    dawninns New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    True. Even though Jackie is always absolutely backwards on issues (for proof see how she typed "wrong" in the above sentence when what she should have typed was "right") I still think the world of her. :D
  16. mamaof3peas

    mamaof3peas New Member

    Sep 30, 2008
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    lol, thats too funny!
  17. goodnsimple

    goodnsimple New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    I am sorry that the Canadians feel slighted and left out of the term "Americans" however, we use the term, understanding that Peruvians, Bolivians, Mexicans and Canadians also live in the Americas.
    However, The name of our country is United States of America. What should we call ourselves...??? United Statsians? how bout idiots. or bullies. That is what the liberals would prefer.
    the name of our country ends in America, that makes us Americans. And frankly I couldn't care less...Just call me a Christian. (oh wait, maybe I am a Christ Follower now?!)
    Puh leeze!
  18. dawninns

    dawninns New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Could we please stop talking about what those pesky liberals think, prefer, want or have planned? It gets to feel a little unwelcome here at times for those of us who are what many of you would call liberal. I don't mind being good-naturedly (is that word?) teased about my liberal tendencies and views (Jackie knows that! :D) but I am getting tired of liberals being generalized, stereotyped and talked of as if there's some universal left-wing conspiracy at work, we all think the same darn things and our nefarious plans should be feared by all.

    For the record, liberal thought is as diverse as conservative thought. I'm often struck that even though I get and embrace the label "liberal" I often agree a lot more with conservatives on many issues.

    When liberals grow fangs, fly on bat wings and avoid sunlight en masse then maybe I'll be okay with ascribing generalized views or intents to them but not until then. Actually, being a liberal, I'd probably declare us a put-upon minority being discriminated against because of our uniquely-gifted teeth and blood-savouring ability but that's neither here nor there. :D
  19. dawninns

    dawninns New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    I think, "Them-there-people-from-that-big-bossy-country-that-gave-the-rest-of-us-Madonna-and-Starbucks," would suffice. :D
  20. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Hey, Dawn, seriously now. I know I tease you a lot, and it's all good-natured. You know that, I know that, but also with computers I can't judge if it's getting "old". So anytime I'm teasing you and you want it stopped, please send me a PM and say so! It won't upset me at all, I won't think you don't love me anymore (WAAAAA!!!!). And I promise I will do so right away. I appreciate you too much to let silliness interfer with our friendship.

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