Cervical Cancer Shot

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Ava Rose, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Check out this site. My dr. recommended this type of procedure for me because I'm having all sorts of problems also, and will be doing this when he takes out the polyps in my uterus. Wonder if your dr. will consider this?

  2. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Deena,that's something my doctor didn't suggest at all. This is the link to what I'm considering: http://www.gynecare.com/bgdisplay.jhtml?itemname=thermachoice_about

    She said my choices are this procedure, go on the Pill, or an IUD. I'm leaning toward the procedure.

    Ava, I know you meant no disrespect, and I didn't take it that way at all! So please don't think anything of it! I'm hoping she'll get back with me about where she heard the information.

    A young lady (age 16) in our church just gave birth (as in yesterday!). She lives with her half-sister and stepdad. The stepdad is a WONDERFUL guy, but he's had his hands full with this girl. He IS her legal guardian. So the social worker comes in the room and kicks them ALL out. He says he needs to stay. The social worker asks WHO ARE YOU? So the Social worker asked the new mom if SHE wanted him to stay and be in on the discussion. She said no, so the Social Worker kicked him out. He is so frustrated, because he's her guardian and has NO SAY on anything.
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Ok, I heard back from the pastor's wife. She heard it on the evening news, but can't remember which states were specifically mentioned. DARN! I wish I had more than that to go on!
  4. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Jackie, That's the same thing, ablation, just a different method. I don't think my doctor uses the method on the site I sent you, but that site has the clearest pictures and explanations of the ones I looked at.

    I am talking to my doctor on the 6th and the surgery is the 8th. It'll take a little longer, since they're removing the polyps as well, but it still will not take very long. I'll probably be back home within a couple of hours after leaving, and I hope my life will have changed for the better!!!
  5. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I feel better knowing you're doing this, too! They did check for polyps, and didn't find any. I was kind of surprised there were no signs of tumors/polyps, because my mom had a hysterectomy when she was 37, and has several benign tumors. I was worried about having them, too, and I REALLY didn't want a hysterectomy!
  6. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    Deena...this is that procedure my sister had done....she REALLY has been happy with the results!

    (Just thought I'd mention it again for Jackie, too!)
  7. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Ok ladies, I have one question on this? I read one of Jackie Thread about someone telling her they would arrest those parents that don't have this shot. Ok what if they have no insurance and can't afford it? Are they free for everyone?
  8. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    My understanding is that the governor of Texas made an Executive Decision that no girl of a certain age could go to school without having the shot. So it would seem to me that Texas would have to give it to any young lady who couldn't afford it. You're in Texas, Kris. You might know more about that I do!
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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  10. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Texas for a short while. Wouldn't be here long enough for the shot.
  11. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Funny, how a million words and a thousand posts on the subject just comes down to that! I mean that is exactly my poisiton...Maybe I need a publicist. lol.

    Thanks for the link!
  12. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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  13. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    *sigh* I'm not surprised.

    Then again, I'm the mom who had to hold her tiny baby's near lifeless hand for hours on end while he was hooked up to all sorts of monitors as a direct result of his first big round of shots.

    So, needless to say my boys (or potential future girls) won't be anywhere near any vaccines.

    And for the record, my nieces school is in the middle of a massive chicken pox outbreak.... despite more than 80% of the kids having recently had the vax.

    Just so you ladies know, not to try and push my ideals off on you or anything, but if you are already concerned about giving this (or any other) shot to your child and the doctor is telling you it's "mandatory", I suggest you dig a little deeper into your state's actual laws and possible exemptions. Many states "require" certain shots for school, but a simple exemption form can be signed that will excuse your child from whichever vaccines you choose.

    Doctors in Missouri are required by the state to tell parents that they have no choice but to give their child vaccines before sending them to school. This is not the case, however. Essentially, the state mandates lying. If I ever wanted to send my boys to public school, all I have to do is fill out a religious exemption form (actually, my boys have a medical exemption, but if they didn't....). Most states allow a religious exemption. Many others allow a philosophical objection. To find out what types of exemptions your state allows, check out the NVIC.org map.

    The other thing to keep in mind if you are choosing to vaccinate is the source of the ingredients. Many vaccines for chicken pox, Hepatitis-A and Rubella are produced from aborted fetal tissue. If abortion is an issue for you, then be sure to MAKE CERTAIN that your health care provider knows the origins of the drugs. It's information that is usually readily available to them. Alternatives that are derived in the eggs of water fowl are also quite common.

    I hope no one thinks that I'm trying to dissuade you from immunizing your child. I've made my own personal choices and I don't expect anyone else to jump on my band wagon. However, I find that a lot of people are lacking some basic information. Mostly because it's not being broadcast like I feel it should. So I feel inclined to share it with those who do vaccinate their children in order to prevent them from making the same mistakes that I did or would have (i.e., I had no idea about the derivation of those three vaccines so never asked. For all I know the few rounds my oldest got could have been made using human embryo cells. They may not have, of course, but I didn't know to ask as I didn't know it was a possibility)

    I hope that all made sense...lol. It's nearly 2 am and I've been sewing entirely too long today. One can only stare at the needle going up and down so long before one begins to lose one's mind.
  14. momwith3kids

    momwith3kids New Member

    Feb 22, 2006
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    QUOTE: Originally Posted by Jackie
    (BTW, their offficial stand is that, while they support vacinations, they are against MANDATORY vacinations.)

    When my DS1 was in 6th grade in PS, they told me he couldn't come back for 7th unless he got a certain shot. I made an appt at his reg doctor, only to find out once we got there, that they don't do shots. I made an appt at the local HD, only to find out, he had that shot when he was 3 years old. It was already on the medical record the school had. They just chose not to look. I had only assumed he needed a different shot. Never again!
    As far as the cervical shot, I don't think I'm going to go that route with DD. My DS2 got the chicken pox shot and got chicken pox from it. I'm not lucky in those regards.
  15. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    Here comes the tomatoes from a few... I vaccinate! My oldest just got his second round of the chicken pox vaccine this past summer. When DD got the chicken pox shot she got the chickenpox! I had a 3 week old baby in my house when it happened, and I had never had chicken pox. The doctor at the ER assured us that it was nothing more than a mild case, and it would be gone in a week at the most. She had a horrible fever and spots for 3 days. Because it came from the shot it was a mild strain of the virus. The doctor also assured me that sometime in my life I most likely had them, but never ended in the rash/fever as most do.

    As far as the HPV vaccine... I will give it to my daughter! My sister has HPV, at 20 they had to remove part of her cervix because it was showing signs of cancerous growth. My grandmother died of cervical cancer, my mother has been in remission for about 20 years now. It runs in my family, and any means I have of easing the risk on my DD I WILL take advantage of.
  16. CrystalCA

    CrystalCA New Member

    Jun 23, 2004
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    You are "preaching to the choir" with me.
    My 2 dd's haven't been vaccinated since they were 1 month old!
    They will not get the HPV vaccine either.

    Crazymama: No tomatoes here. That is your personal choice for your family and you need to do what you think is best!

    A really good book to read is:
    Natural Cures- they don't want you to know about by Kevin Trudeau ( there is a second book by the same author called : Natural Cures Revealed )

    It is a real eye opener about vaccines, antibiotics, our food supply and our government. It has really changed my life.
  17. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Oh, I would never throw tomatoes over this. I don't personally agree that vaccines are best for my boys (and after one of them nearly dying, neither does their doctor), but I made that choice based on our experiences and the knowledge I gained in the process. Knowledge that was specific to our experience. Just as you made your choices the same way.

    As a side note, I would further research anything and everything that Trudeau wrote in his book. Much of it is definitely fact, much is up for debate, but some is shady at best. I'm not saying it's not worth the read. There is a lot of great information there. Just be careful before blindly accepting everything he writes. [fyi, I'm not saying that you did, Chrystal, just a general warning for anyone who reads this post. Of course, that should go without saying when talking about any non-fiction book, right?]
  18. CrystalCA

    CrystalCA New Member

    Jun 23, 2004
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    That is what I did. I checked out every website ( there are over 100) , did independent research on his cancer "cures" , researched his food recommendations ( which were backed by several well known nutritionist/author of health food books) and ya he is a bit of a conspiracy theorist when it comes to our government ( but who knows, he might be right).

    It changed "my life" in the way it made me think about the food I put in my and my families mouth , vaccines and antibiotics ( which all that he wrote about is now coming to light).

    BUT YES, please do your own research, don't blindly believe all, and if you can get past his government conspiracies it is really an excellent book ( my own review of the book , you do not have to listen to me).
  19. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I was not going to allow my dd to get the shot in the first place and nothing new has convinced me otherwise. It is not a morality issue for me. I am concerned about the saftey of vaccinces. All my kids are up to date on vaccines. However, had I been more educated on vaccinces I may have seen things differently. I may not have...it is a personal decision. However, I will allow no more vaccines until I have done my own research. Though I think my older kids are done anyway...not sure.

    Again, this is a personal decision. Everyone here has a fully functioning brain and will make the best decison for her own family. However, I am grateful for all the different points of view. I honestly never thought I had much of choice when it came to getting the kids vaccinated. It was just what was done. I trusted they were safe. That was foolish. Instead of just going with the flow and the course of doctor visits I should have done my own research. I am beginning to be more aware of what goes into my and my family's bodies now.
  20. Ohio Mom

    Ohio Mom New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    Be very careful with thinking that you have already had the chicken pox. My 21 year old nephew thought he couldn't get them either. He was exposed and within a week and a half was dead. Please be careful. There are only about 100 cases of chicken pox a year that are deadly, he happened to be one of the 100 cases.:cry:

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