I about slapped her

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by wyomom, Jun 14, 2008.

  1. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    I think those who don't enjoy being with their kids perhaps may be a bit jealous of those who LOVE being with our kids.
  2. wyomom

    wyomom Member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    I know some of them don't understand it. When the kids stay at my folks some say great you get a break. After the first day I am kinda lost without them. They only stay for 2-3 days. The girls love going to the "ranch"
  3. seekingmyLord

    seekingmyLord Active Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    Whenever someone says something like that, I usually smile and say something like this: "You know, society has changed so much. There was a time that mothers were considered neglectful of their families for pursuing any career outside of the home and now society seems to commends mothers who leave their children in the care of others right after giving birth. Oh, speaking of children, please excuse me, I need to get over there with mine."
  4. wyomom

    wyomom Member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    Very good I need to remember that one.:wink:
  5. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I will never understand those who feel they have the liberty to use their tongues to express the way the feel even if it is hurtful or rude.
  6. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Loose tongues: That is called diarrhea of the mouth! :lol:
  7. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    This is so true. I often wonder why some people even bothered to have children. I know some people who can't imagine spending all day with their child and they certainly can not understand why I would want to spend all day with mine. These people have no problem putting their child in daycare from 7am until 5pm everday and then even on weekends they want to find a sitter so they can go out alone. And they think I am weird for homeschooling. Sheesh!
  8. RoadRunner

    RoadRunner New Member

    Jun 17, 2008
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    What is funny is that my hubby and I have our roles reversed: he stays at home with our son (in ps for now) and I have a full-time job. You would not believe the strange looks and comments I have gotten over the years!
  9. wyomom

    wyomom Member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    You have to do what works for you. My dh works all day and I work 5-10pm. I take the kids to him as he is getting off of work. I am home all day. We have found a way to make things work. As of my last calculations we will only have to do this for 4 more yrs then everything is paid off. WOOOHOOOO
  10. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    That is what makes us hs moms so special, we LOVE being with our kids and it shows! :love:
  11. RoadRunner

    RoadRunner New Member

    Jun 17, 2008
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    Only 3 more weeks and I am off work for my vacation and then maternity leave!
  12. GeekyMom

    GeekyMom New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    You know, that comment reminds me of one a neighbor made a couple of months ago while we were out on a day trip. In a conversation about needing something in my purse, I told her that I leave my keys and purse in my car since it's in the attached garage to save time. She had the nerve to tell me I was crazy. WELL, before I knew it I told her that she is sitting over at her house with her husband with no kids! I have four to raise and I don't have time to go looking for any keys and purse when I need to roll out. So it's true, folks do speak without giving consideration to your situation and values.

    Back on topic; Some folks seem to think HS'ing is like it was in cave man times or something, and they are not aware of the innovations and variations in curriculum's, which I think help parents out a lot now a days and not to mention the support that is out there for HS'ers as well.

    While I have had several people commend me on the commitment to educate my children, I have also had people say to me "I just can't do it." And there has been a few that just look at me like I'm a Martian; judging silently. -LOL

    So it really depends on the person and if they have offended me with their comments. I normally say that while you certainly do not need to possess a degree to teach, the benefits and satisfaction received are inmeasurable. I know the hows, and the whats of my kids day at school when I HS, and I can fill in any holes immediately when one presents itself, not to mention the fact that they are normally 2 grade levels ahead of many public schools. (...which normally shuts them up and gets them to thinking)

    The kids do not have to sit in class and wait on the behavioral kids to let loose control of the class to get back on subject or finish a curriculum.

    Besides, my kids know I am Mom, and I mean business, when it's about their ed-ju-ma-cation. :D
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2008
  13. mediamaniac

    mediamaniac New Member

    Jun 17, 2008
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    Man, It just goes to show how much our society has become about self. People think they can say what they want,when they want. It's all about self gratifaction. I have chosen HS partly because I want my kids to have some sense of social responsibilty, and, you know...manners. It's really only been about 70 years that PS has become the norm...a lot of good it's done...The social depravity and decay that we now enjoy has all happened in the same amount of time. Coincidence, heh? I don't think so. Sometimes I just want to shake people!
  14. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Lol- amen to that!! I'm surprised they don't have us women sign forms of some kind once we're able to conceive, spelling it all out!
  15. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    I fully agree!

    My ds came home from work to tell me that a guy he works with who is like "huge" threatened him and called him out AT WORK! The guy told my ds' in graphic detail what he was going to do to him and he opened the back door to call him out. :eek: Is this elementary school? Hello!

    What led up to the guy threatening my ds at work was stupid. The guy was wrong, the owners thought he was wrong but instead of the guy acting like a immature 30+ year old and he thought he would call my ds out.

    Ds didn't file charges but if the guy bothers him again he will tell him that he WILL file charges this time.

    If my ds had been a minor, the guy would have been in hand cuffs! :twisted:
  16. kyzg

    kyzg New Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    So often the people who have raised messed up kids are the ones that have parenting advice or are passing judgements.

    One of my good friends does not agree with homeschooling and repeatedly stresses how much free time I'd have if I put them in PS. When I recently told this same friend how this whole MI/OH separation/relocation has caused a behavior change. She said, "Well, if it's making them miserable you should put them in PS for awhile." When I asked her how that would help, it became obvious by "it" she meant HSing. She completely changed the situation to imply that homeschooling was what was making them miserable and not the fact that their dad was living out of state, that we don't feel at home anywhere, etc. Grrrrr. . . .

    Yeah, but her kid cried so hard at school she had to go sit there with her for about a week, then the girl went through a faze where she was jabbing herself with a pencil. I should've said, "Maybe you should homeschool her for awhile so she'd feel more secure."

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