Why do Christians think this is a fallen world?

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by Euphemism, Feb 23, 2007.

  1. Euphemism

    Euphemism New Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    One thing that's bothered me is that all Christians think this world is evil, or that these are the end times ect. I don't think so, we actually have it a lot better now than we ever did. Sure, there's corruption and war, but there always has been and usually to a much worse degree. I'm a pure escapist myself but I still see a lot of beautiful things in this world.
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Violent crime, child abuse, wars, pornography, public corruption, greed.... Yes, they've always been around, since the Garden of Eden. That's what it means when we say it's a "fallen world". No, I don't think we're "better" now. It's much worse than when I was a kid. I grew up, running my neighborhood, free from fear of molestation. I live in that same neighborhood now, and my kids don't have that same freedom. Violent crime keeps going up, injustice prevails, terrorism is on the increase.

    Is there still beauty in the world? ABSOLUTELY!!! After all, God still provides hope. That's where the beauty comes from!
  4. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    When you read the book of Genesis....you read about creation. The world was perfectly made. Then you will read about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They were given free will because God loves us and wouldn't force us to do something we don't want to. However, God wants us to choose to follow him. God gave them free reign over Eden...the only rule was they were not to eat the fruit of one particular tree. The reason for that is God wanted to teach them obedience. When they were alone in the garden...Adam and Eve chose to disobey God and ate of the tree. That is what is known to christians as "The Fall"....when a perfect world "fell" into sin.
  5. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Also, if you follow the prophecies in the Bible and the church ages..and the age of the earth...you can see we are coming to the end. I don't mean end as it tomorrow or a year from now. The bible does tell us that we will not know the exact time or year. However, if you follow the trends in the bible and follow the trends in the world you can see how they intertwine. In Matthew, Jesus says that when the world becomes again like Sodom and Gamorrah (sp?...I have always been a terrible speller, I hate that.) He will return...which is the second coming.

    Now, "end times" have been predicted and obessessed with by many an author and many a preacher. Remember the book 88 Reasons the World will End in 88'? Even in the bible, Paul speaks as if the world is in the ending phase. So, it has been explored in the proper light and in paranoia...Paul not being the paranoid or the alarmest. So, you will hear a lot on this subject and not all true.

    I think the main thing to be concerned with is the brevity of life. Just the same way we do not know the day and hour of Christ's return...we do not know the day and hour of our own death. Once Christ returns or death happens our eternity is sealed.
  6. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Euphemism, will you please explain to me how things are better today, aside from modern conveniences. You see, modern conveniences have no personality so I do not see them as the destruction of the world. On the other hand, people are very capable of destruction.

    In the scriptures the battle is never over the trees or the beauty of the sky, it is always directed towards the heart of men. Our prisons are over crowded, we have politicians who are corrupt, homosexuality is becoming the norm, murders in general are on the rise, it is so simple for somebody to walk through life without a conscience. Porn, perversion, child abuse, drunkenness, are so pervasive now. They can be read about or heard about daily. Many people have an unbelievable love of money and will do almost anything to obtain it. Women are no longer satisfied with the beautiful image God created them in. They now alter themselves to look like something that the world finds attractive. Many people do not take the time to fashion their character but would rather be what others think they should be.
    Wow!!! There is so much more. The one thing that stands out most is that Christ is now at the back burner or He isn't living in many hearts anymore. People do not need Him because Jesus represents a life they do not want to live.
    I love this world, in the sense that it is God's beautiful creation. Man has turned it into something ugly and self-serving.
    I love trees and natural life. I look at the mountains everyday and think, "Wow! What a mighty God I have, who created something so majestic."
    Look at the sky, it's amazing!!!
    I do not look at the world and think it is an ugly place. I do look at it and think that it is extremely evil because of it's inhabitants.;)
    I look at the people and think that many have become ugly in their behaviors and lack of love for the Creator of all things. They are destroying what God created, they are destroying each other.
    We, as Christians believe the Bible to be the truth of God. The Bible makes it clear that this world will come to pass and all that is evil will be destroyed in the lake of fire. According to the scriptures, things will continue to get worse.
    So unless you believe, then it is understandable that you can't see or understand what we believe.
    I do not think it can be denied that people have become very destructive in their behavior and lack of love for other people. Look out in the streets. I am sure you will find more people who are miserable and living for the moment then those who are content in Christ.
    They do not smile, they are vulgar, perverted, disrespectful, selfish, quick to anger. It is a me society we live in.

    I am glad you feel comfortable asking us these questions!:angel:
    Thanks for giving us a chance.
  7. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I'm a Christian, and I have never said that. Not sure if your blanket statement is all that accurate.;) I do however, think there is much evil in this world. That's just reality and common sense.
  8. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Good point, Jen...I'm not sharing that blanket either. lol. I think since Christians use thier "own terms" things get confused. Terms like: saved, worldly, blessed, salvation, tribulation, etc. Those words and others like it need to be clarified so everyone is on the same page. Worldly and of the world are different than the planet earth and God's creation. God did not create and evil Earth....so no the World or Earth is not evil. However, there is evil IN the world. Being worldly or of the world is referring to a state of sin or ungodliness.
  9. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Great points as well Ava!!! I love hearing spiritual and faith-driven posts from you.
  10. Euphemism

    Euphemism New Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    Homosexuality to me isn't really a bad thing. Overcrowded prisons are a problem but there's 6-7 billion people in the world now. Porn is the reason for the interweb :p or was for many years. Anyway, I see a lot of beauty in people as well as nature.
    One of my friends is a jerk to a lot of people and has absolutely no consideration for people in public, but when he's with people he knows he loses the tough guy image and starts to act really calm and thoughtful, caring about what people want and going out of his way for them. He's had a lot of bad stuff happen to him and the only way he can cope with life is to act like he's above it, even though inside he just wants to get away. Another one of my friends is a christian. Not a loose one either he's really clean and outgoing and friendly. He's accepting of people's beliefs but doesn't let them effect him. However when I talk to him on the phone and stuff he feels really lost and confused, not so much with God but with life and how he just can't make sense of many parts of it. My last friend is always joking and very funny. He puts on a facade of being a christian, much like me, but deep down just wants someone to accept him for who he really is, like he does with so many people.

    I think a lot of the reason so many people act so perverse and such is because they feel they need to to survive, not so much because the like what it makes them seem like.
  11. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I am a christian and don't recall falling under that blanket term either (but it's possible that I have at some point in my life).

    Christianity is something that to someone who doesn't share the same faith can be totally confusing and dare I say intimidating. I suppose to some we may look to be "holier than thou", when in reality wer'e no better than the next person - we're as guilty as the next person for doing wrong things (judging, etc).

    As for modern conviences, yeah we've got lots of them and that's not really the problem - we have because I believe that God blesses us with those things (well unless of course you've robbed someone to get what you want). I believe that the conveniences and luxuries we have today become a problem when they take priority over our lives - when we eat, sleep and breath for those conveniences.

    I'm notorious for causing confusion and so I think I'd better stop now (I'm even confusing myself right now I'm so tired :D
  12. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I will not debate the issue of homosexuality with you, simply because we are not of like minds in this area. I can't comprehend your frame of thought nor can you understand mine. :angel:
    As for your friends, I am sorry, but you just proved my point. We are living in a world that is putting on a facad because they want to be accepted. It takes a strong, brave person to stand up for Christ because as Christians we do come under a lot of scrutiny from people who question our believes and it is easier to take the easy way out rather then stand up for your convictions. A lot of people claim to know Christ but they will not own what they claim is truth.
    I feel sorry for your friend that is a Christian. Mainly because he hasn't realized that when he found Christ, he also found victory over the desires and temptations of the world. He is seeking acceptance when all he has to do is look up and he will realize he has already found it. I will pray for him. I do not mean that flippantly either.
    Regarding the overcrowding in the prison system, am I to believe that it is acceptable because of the rapid growth of human life or do you mean that it appears we have more crime due to the amount of people living on earth but we really do not. This was a discussion we had in one of my Administration of Justice classes and let me tell you, crime is on the rise and is growing leaps and bounds. When people think of crime they often think of murder or rape. We often forget about the acts that are never reported. Last year, in the area I live in, we had over fourty murders in half a year. The first twenty were commited in the first few months. Yes, our city is growing but no, not fast enough to ever justify such disturbing behavior or acts.
    I think it is a great thing that you see good in people. There are a lot of great people in this world. We do not think that everybody is evil but we do know that we are living in a world that is succumbing to sin by the handful.
  13. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I think you did great! No confusion.:angel:

    "I believe that the conveniences and luxuries we have today become a problem when they take priority over our lives - when we eat, sleep and breath for those conveniences."

    Great point! This reminds me of the saying, Loving the creation more then the creator.
  14. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I have opinions on homosexuality that I choose not to debate here because it would serve to be pointless, however I will say that someone's sexuality does not make me like or dislike them (I have several co-workers who are gay). They are still a human to be treated with the same respect and dignity that you and I deserve. God still loves them. Love the sinner not the sin
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2007
  15. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I couldn't agree more. :D
    Jesus died for all sinners because He loved us all.
    He set the highest example as to how we are to live our lives. Sin and destruction will spread, according to the Bible. I think the Word is clear on this. Still, we are to pray and love the person, regardless of the sin. At the same time, we are not to embrace or become part of the sin.
  16. Euphemism

    Euphemism New Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    The facad is more to keep from displaying to the public that anything is wrong with you. People who are depressed or lonely ect are usually picked on and beat up which only adds insult to injury. Christians not displaying who they are is their choice, but they are not nearly as heavily scrutinized day-to-day as so many other minorities (or are they the majority? idk). I've been more opressed by them in the past year and a half than I was by anyone during my 16 years following christianity.

    Also, by modern convieniences what do you mean? Like air conditioning and radio or medical advances and improved systems of government? Also, what about the gap between classes that has grown much smaller over the centuries?
  17. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I guess some of that depends on your perspective. When I was in school I would have agreed 100%. However, I find that many act out to GET attention. Many have pity parties so others will come to their aid. We also seem to live in an society that accepts almost anything as long as you publicly cry and ask forgiveness.....Clinton, Miss America to name a few.

    However, I do see your point about those who are picked on or bullied because they seem different. But that also lends more support to a fallen world....;)

    Christians should not choose to hide their faith. To the point though, it is easy to hide one's faith to avoid persecution. One cannot as easily hide color of skin or ethnicity....nor should one try or feel they need to. Yes, there is racism. There has ALWAYS been racism and it is not likely to ever end. If people stopped judging based on color of skin a new standard would soon rear its ugly head.

    More oppressed by who? The majority? If you felt no oppression from Christians, than your reasons for "leaving" Christianity are not based on emotion or experience but on logic? Just trying to understand.

    These questions were not asked of me but I would like to comment. I just want to praise the Lord for medical advancements. lol.

    Now, as far as improved systems of government....well that is another one left to one's perspective. lol.

    Now, please notice that the gap between classes is going to close in the coming decades. If you see who is taking the hit on medical insurance, job cuts, tax hikes, interest rising, and so on...it is the middle class. The rich can rise above this and the poor have the government to help. The middle class will diminish as time goes on. Either you rise above or below but hitting in the middle will eventually push you in one of these directions. Think about what you learned about the Roman Empire and compare that to America. Now, I am as patriotic as an apple pie...just my observances. Also note in the Bible...in the end times...America or this region is never mentioned. Curious.
  18. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    By modern conveniences, I mean things that man has made with what God created. Man has made cars, houses, cell phones, basically anything man has made. They are a blessing but people have taken the blessing and made it a god. They live for things that can never love them back.

    I really like what Ava posted!:angel:
    She said a lot of what I would have said.

    "Also, what about the gap between classes that has grown much smaller over the centuries?"

    I apologize, I really do not understand what you mean. What are your referring to?:D

  19. Euphemism

    Euphemism New Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    True, and those that are attention whores are the ones who get picked on. People hate them or maybe love to pick on them so much that even if you're not doing anything for attentiion if you have some of their attributes you're targeted.

    No I was oppressed by christians, I just wasn't sure if christians are the majority as far as religion/belief systems go. I was kicked out of the Boy Scouts because I wore a collar to their meetings, even though the rules said it was fine. I was hounded for months by the church I used to go to for me to come back and dipite me politely refusing each time, they eventually sent some people to visit my house to try to get me to come back. That rather aggrivated me.
  20. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I can see your problems with the Boy Scouts. That is rather silly.

    I am so sorry but I had to laugh at your experience with your church. Only because we have people at my church how go a bit too far in hounding others who decide not to come back. People hate being visited after months of phone calls and letters and post cards...you know what I mean. They really were just trying to get you back involved. That isn't oppression. Some are just awkward on how they approach things. At my church, we are always very sad to see anyone leave. We do make attempts to let the person know we want them back. Visiting is not unusual...in fact it often helps. Someone may express a problem or need that they would not have before. Or they can see how much we do sincerely want them back. And believe me, it is sincere...especially to get teens back because we all know they ain't tithing. LOL. Seriously, we do want to see people who come to church stay in church. I can imagine how annoying it was though.

    So...did you actually get an answer to your question?

    And...what collar are you talking about...don't mean to sound stupid.

    Also, have you made any progress on homeschooling?
  21. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I'm not sure the word "oppressed" really fits here.


    Annoyed perhaps. Kind of like when those pesky telemarketers keep hounding you. Usually though, like Ava said, when church's do that sort of thing they really mean well. They truly care about the individual and don't want them to become "lost", which is usually what their main concern is. Because that is their main focus, they really have nothing to gain, and if they have nothing to gain why else would they go to those lengths to check on people? They are just doing their part for their church and as a Christian. If you were to tell people from the church you would not like to bothered like that, they will listen and leave you be.

    I'm guessing colar means, like a studded dog colar that some people wear like a necklace?????

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