You Have to be aware of this, please....

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by JenniferErix, Oct 26, 2007.

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  1. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Been dealing with personal issues, this week. Nothing of concern, but wanted to make clear that this was not intended to be a drive-by type of posting.

    This was intended to simply supply (Those who are concerned with such things) information to make a more informed choice for your family.

    Which is why the title of the post is, " . . . be Aware . . ."

    And why it says, "Whatever you decide for your family, of course..."

    I did not say, "FEAR this movie."
    I did not say, "Don't see this movie."

    I said, "Glad someone told me about it.... So, I am trying to pass on the favor..."

    I feel that it is important to help parents of all beliefs to be aware of what they may be walking into, before they do so, so that they can make a more informed choice about the choice they ultimately make for their family.

    (Speaking for me, alone...)
    For our family, walking blindly into a movie that a reasonable person would reasonably consider is made for children...
    and finding that the movie took UN-reasonable liberties, in regards to the contrast between what is advertised, verses what is shown on the screen...

    ....... is, in my mind, fraud at best... and overbearing propaganda at least......

    Now, before you think I am a raging prude, let's change the flavor, for the benefit of discussion....

    Let's take religion out of the conversation and replace it with something else.

    Women's rights.

    Let's say the movie is advertised as a nice holiday children's movie with cute kids in magical lands, a movie that may become an instant classic because it not only expands our children's imaginations, but also exposes them to other ways of thinking....

    Sounds nice, eh?
    I mean, what back-woods, red-neck would fear that?

    Then say that ACTUALLY, the movie is the directors opus on why women should be kept down and silent and beaten, if necessary. And he goes on record to say that although it is subtle . . . it is his mission to knock women back down a notch or two.

    I'm not too sure there are many women on this board, and men for that matter, who might choose to go see this movie, once they find out this information.

    But at least they have the information to make that choice.

    And if they choose to not let their 10 year old go see it... does that mean they FEAR it?

    Or that they simply do not want their young children to see women "Knocked down a notch or two", in the guise of fairies and sugar....? It sends a confusing message.

    Wouldn't you be glad you had this inside knowledge before your children watch such a movie?

    What if it was a movie that is sold to teens as "Cool, Hip and cutting edge, a "THINKERS movie".. But the director goes on record to say that although it is subtle, he is actually trying to get kids to smoke more, so that his tobacco stock goes up.....

    Am I still, "Fearing" the movie?
    Or am I making an educated choice about what my family will pay to go see?

    For those of us who do not want the teachings of our Lord to me "Muddied", it is the same as these two scenarios above.

    So saying we "Fear" the movie, is a cheap-shot.

    Now, this is an extreme example, only to prove a point: Parents should be on guard at all times to what they and their children are walking into. And passing on that information is not a sign of fearing the movie.

    We may not always make the best choices, but we must always try.

    I was simply trying to prepay the awesome support and help that I have received, on this board, by passing on information.

    What you do with it is up to you.
    But to accuse those who choose to not see it of "Fearing" it, is shallow and short-sighted.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2007
  2. CrystalCA

    CrystalCA New Member

    Jun 23, 2004
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    I will not respond to personal attacks.

    I was just saying that PLEASE fully research everything , even Snopes.
    The movie isn't even rated yet ( but I guess it will be PG13).

    I also guess the word FEAR was misguided but most people ( maybe on this board or not) will fear this as a way the "world" is trying to take away religion instead of just seeing it as fanatasy.

    Enough said I will not respond again and I was not trying to respond to any one person , or religion I was making sort of a blanket statement that came across wrong.
    I was trying to point out the "other side of the story".
    Sorry for doing that.
  3. dawninns

    dawninns New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Don't apologize Crystal. I've seen a lot of warnings popping up about the Golden Compass and I find it a little disturbing myself. I respect a person's choice, like Ava Rose, not to see it but I'm having a hard time with the emails and such that are circulating and the claims being made about the book in them. I'm wondering how long before some Christian group pops up denouncing Phillip Pullman and the movie in the media.

    When I worked at a bookstore I often talked to kids who loved Narnia AND Pullman's books. The thing about most kids is that they read for the fantasy and not to ferret out christian or anti-theist messages - just to enjoy.
  4. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    As opposed to Pullman's denouncing of Christianity and C.S. Lewis books?
  5. dawninns

    dawninns New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    That's Pullman's right. He's one individual however and doesn't claim to speak for anyone but himself. When the inevitable group pops up however it will likely call itself christian and be quite happy to create the impression that it speaks on behalf of all christians. And it will tell us what we're supposed to think about the movie and do in regards to the movie. The dire emails are already circulating after all.
  6. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    I see your point of one person vs. a group that tries to speak for ALL Christians! That makes sense.

    But I think it IS dire for some Christians who follow the principle in the Bible that says to shun evil and that the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace, etc. Going to this movie would not fall under those Biblical categories, therefore they would choose not to go. And sharing with others, as Jennifer Erix did, would be considered their duty as a Christian. People can delete their e-mail or call them crazy or whatever, but at least they have followed their convictions.

    Soooo, my thought is, if we're giving Pullman the benefit of the doubt, we should also give the Christians that send e-mails the benefit of the doubt!

    Just my pov.
  7. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I am sorry you are upset.
    I did not attack you.
    I simply tried to clear up a misunderstanding about fear verses investigating.

    We basically agree...
    .. even if we go different ways about it.

    Check this out......

    This is the same thing as if I were of a particular group who do not eat pork and felt it was worth noting to others who may share my beliefs, that a particular children's food contained pork and that parents who were concerned with such things, should "Be Aware" of the contents.... which means to investigate it... not fear it.

    But you jumped in and said......

    " . . . thats a shame because that means you give more power to it and that its something to fear."

    That is as stereotypical of Christians as non-socialization is of homeschoolers.

    This original posting was not about fear, it is about research...... Which is why I did not use the title "BEWARE". I used the title: "Be Aware". 2 different things.

    I felt this movie warranted "Investigating".. and that other Christians would feel the same. (NOT that the movie was "Evil" but "That it warranted investigating.") And that is why it is in the Christian folder.

    Just as you basically were saying, that parents should INVESTIGATE movies..

    That's exactly what I said.

    We seem to agree.... sooooo...
    What's the problem?

    Come back and talk.

    Just because I may like dr. pepper and you may like Pepsi, doesn't mean we can' t talk about the calories and how our families plan to watch our sugar intake...... or not.

    ie: Our reasons and flavors may be different, but we still have the same goal: "Caring for our kids the best way we know how."
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2007
  8. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    These are my thoughts exactly!

    I guess for me, if a movie clearly is something that denouces God, I don't need to see it in order to teach my children about why it's not ok. It's not fear, it's common sense with being a follower of Christ.
  9. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    Well said...I agree 100% with Deena and Jenpooh.
  10. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Why does everything here have to turn into more than it was meant to be? The way I see it JenniferErix posted this as information only. Just to give Christians a little info on the movie. Why does it have to be turned into more than it is?
  11. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    I was thinking the same was posted in the "christian issues".....

    I think things have just been a little tense lately. I hope it doesn't keep people from feeling comfortable here.
  12. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Yep...considering it is in the Christian Issues section, that is how I took it.;) I think everyone needs to respect other people's convictions, IMO. I believe there is a reason why a warning like this has been put out there to begin with. Obviously someone saw something harmful in it that they didn't think was very Godly and all Jen did was bring it to our attention so we could make our own decisions about it. I think, as a Christian myself, if what the reviews stated is very truthful, I think I'd feel like an irresponsible Christian parent if I let my children see it...but that's just how I would feel.:love:
  13. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I love everyone.. even those who think I am looney!
  14. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    and we love you, too, Jen!! Thanks for making us aware of this!
  15. dawninns

    dawninns New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    I don't think you're looney at all! :) I think that if you manage to bring up a topic that sparks a lot of discussion then you've done a good thing!

    I've just been seeing this email everywhere. I'd encourage anyone to investigate the series further as the email is pretty thin on good information.

    I'm also not keen on emails that tell me what to see or what not to do. I'll read Harry Potter and darn it, I'll read Pullman's books. :)
  16. Flowerchild

    Flowerchild New Member

    Oct 25, 2007
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    I think you did a good thing by posting your concerns so others could be aware. I think this is just a mix-up and a miscommunication of some kind. I hope it works out.

    Please don't be discouraged from posting info. It is a good thing. :)
  17. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Well Jen I KNOW you are looney!! ;)As looney as I am!!!! And I love ya girl!
  18. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Wad-da-you lookin' at???
  19. Flowerchild

    Flowerchild New Member

    Oct 25, 2007
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  20. Ohio Mom

    Ohio Mom New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    Rofl, Help Grandma Has Fallen On Floor Laughing And Can't Get Up!!!!
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