all my kids started out tiny, ( my biggest was only 5.3 at birth) and now my 9yr dd is nearly 5ft and nearly 100 lbs. I'm only 5 ft and she wears my clothes. exept for jeans,because ,well, I'm not even close to 100 lbs!
don't worry Becky, my girls are both with your kiddos, I am sorry we aren't normal but hey we are having fun though. Are my kiddos smart I say yes. and Becky are your kids smart. yes. every parent thinks there kids are smart and you know what they all are in there own ways. Some take longer to potty train, others take longer to read. We all finally get it in the end. But, it might take others a little longer to get there but they always do. Skinny, well Becky, God made each and every different. We all can't be skinny and I am one to prove that. I always wanted to be skinny and no boobs. No I ended up with Dolly Parton boobs and fat women. But, I guess God wanted me that way. Boobs I don't get them what are they for? I am done feeding the girls. But, guess I will have those big things till I die, unless some of my rich homeschool spot friends gives me some money to help me take some of these things away. My youngest would like it she was gifted in that department too. Its not a good gift...
Well, I may be a tiny bit smaller around than you, but I have no boobs, to speak of. Glad my dh loves me anyway! Hey, since I'm loaded, you name what you want, Hon, and it's yours! (Don't you wish we could REALLY say that and follow through with it?!)
Boobs I don't get them what are they for? I am done feeding the girls. Umm.. your husband might be best to answer that one....:shock:
I laugh here as I remember the first time I let the word 'boobs' slip in front of Jeannie. She said 'Boobs?! Who named them boobs?? That's funny! Boobs!'
My brianna did the exact same thing the other day with my 18mo olds pants. She kept asking me why they wouldnt button and I about cracked up when I saw what she had done. She is 35lbs and will be 6 in March. She was only 3lbs when she was born though so she will always be petite.
Wow Jeannie was smart then and she is going to be the first female president right. Yea I have the pink jet to fly little Miss Jeannie around...