You all inspired an idea so let's see how far it goes... You know you're a home school addict when... (I'll start) 1) This is the first site I check in the morning and the last one before I go to bed 2) You search mainly websites that have to do with home schooling (Curriculum YEAH!) 3) All you talk about to some friends on the phone is about home schooling 4) You pray for God to hit you in the head with a 2x4 if it's His will that you home school (and then you don't listen when he does - DUH Brenda) Brenda
You meet other moms and classify them as "us" and "them" depending on the ages of the kids they have with them during school hours All conversation somehow includes history or science or literature
Brenda, I was thinking of doing this, too! Awana had one ions ago ...anyway... ....when you have more e-friends you talk with daily than "real" friends. ....when you have something cool happen and instead of picking up the phone to call someone, you turn on the computer. ....when you consider making business cards for homeschoolspot to hand out at the park. ....when you no longer need to post a question to find out who is using a certain curriculum. ....when you "didn't have time to finish the laundry"...but you managed to make it here and spend an hour :lol: . Love ya ladies! (and the occasional dad who posts!)...and Jackie, the one about "us" and "them" hit a little too close to home :lol:
we are way cool Are we not cool or what? LOL I agree with all the above. One thing about homeschooling is whenever you get a mom's night out it always turns into a what is happening with school at your house night. LOL
You spend to much trying to deciding what you are going to do with your homeschool next year. Your husband says you spend more time trying to do paperwork and school stuff than with me. You can't have a conversation without homeschooling coming up.
......your idea of a weekend getaway with your hubby is to the homeschool convention! (Crystal~ are you reading this?!) .......some of your best friends are those that you've met on homeschooling websites! (Crystal~ are you reading this?!) wake up in the middle of the night thinking about history curriculum (this is a fresh one for me since it just happened last night! LOL) spend the entire month of May shopping for new curriculum and doing your lesson plans for the following year (or whatever month suits you best!) try to plan your family vacation around/about something that fits in with your studies. (Great question, by the way!)
Oh my Lord - what a hoot! :lol: ...when you find strength and support from people who in many cases we have never met - and they know what we're going through :shock: ... you get a parcel notice in the mail to go pick up curriculum (and you speed to get there) work at opening a business to meet the needs of home schoolers in your area -YEAH! 8)
...When UPS brings the school stuff you ordered, and you can't wait to open the box! ...When you can hardly wait to go on that field trip to museums in Pilly that are being planned two years in advance! :lol: ...When you miss good friends, even if they are people you've never met, because they're not on-line for awhile. ...When people sign up to "host/babysit" a stuffed dog for a week or so, and go out of their way to visit sites and take this stuffed dog with them, to help make geography more exciting!!! (Chinook says hi!) (I say thanks!)
....when you are willing to take a stuffed dog to the vet to get a health certificate so he can travel across the country to the next destination :wink: (Chinook was the highlight of our summer!)
when you're talking to a lady with two kids at the Dr's office, and assume thats all she has cuz you've almost forgotten that some people send their older kids away all day. LOL. I was almost surprised to hear she had four, not two. hehe
Glenda, Deena's kids has a pet stuffed dog named Chinook. Chinook has traveled throughout the United States and Canada, staying with host families. Each host family had Chinook for about 10 days, during which time they entertained the dog. We visited various places of interest in our area, taking pictures of Chinook. These were put into a notebook to document his travels, as well as other informational stuff about the area. Deena's kids kept track of where Chinook went, etc. and has a wonderful notebook filled with his travels.
It was great fun, my kids had a blast! Brooke and Jackie and their families were two of the families that participated. Chinook was traveling around and was gone from home for 8 months! With him went the binders that people put their pictures and info. in. Brooke (right?) was kind enough to supply an extra binder when the first one got too full while she had Chinook! We're going to do modern history this coming year, so when we're re-learning the states, we'll use Chinook and his binders as part of the experience! Hey guys, I still have the newspapers with the article about Chinook in it if you want them. I never got them mailed out. Soooo sorry!!
You gave the web site for the paper, Deena. I printed the article and have it saved somewhere. I'm hoping to do myown project when Phillip's a year or two older.
What a great project that was! My dd had a hard time letting go of Chinook :cry: . She still brings him up once in a while, and it's been a couple years by now, hasn't it? I'd be interested in doing another one if someone has one planned.
I have the actual hard copy, which I think has different pictures is all. Anyway, I was planning to send the actual paper to you all, just never got around to it... When you guys do your projects, count us in!
My daughter would LOVE to do this... so there could well be another one coming up! I think this is an awesome idea!!!! Glenda
Glenda, If you have any questions, let me know. I can give you some ideas on getting it going, based on the experiences I and a couple of others had doing this type of project. It takes some work to make sure it keeps moving along, and keeping track of where it is, etc., but I think you guys would have a blast doing it!