I would really like to have any information/help you can give me. We really want to do this!!! Glenda
You know you're an addict when... Your husband buys a bolt of fabric (about 250 yds!) at a garage sale for a dollar just in case you could use it AND you do! We built a tent with huge tree stumps and we are doing our Mummies chapter in SOTW and will have life-size mummies around! Sabrina
When a nice lady that works at the grocery sees you and the kids shopping and comes up to explain about their WONDERFUL play area for kids so that you can shop "more conveniently", and you end up lecturing her about all the wonderful math, reading, economics, etc. that your children learn while they help you shop.......!
You know you are an addict when.... .....EVERYTHING that happens can be turned into a teachable moment! :lol: ....you anxiously await the second grade books before first grade is completed. ....your son finishes first grade (day before yesterday, woo-hoo!) and you can't wait to get started on second, even though you thought you wanted a break! ....you give your ds a break anyway, 'cause he earned it! ....this is your 200th post and you become an official "Homeschool Spot Addict"!!! :lol: Blessings,
When you come on here daily to check in with all our other homeschool friends and see how there day is going. when you plan you day around school and shop with school in mind go down the road and read every sign on the road and say ok if we are here how many miles will it take us to get over to point b and if we are driving 65 mph how long will it take. Thanks ladies I have enjoyed this wonderful site and all your wonderful help. I have meet some wonderful and very helpful ladies in here. My two dd's have some wondeful and fun lovely pen pals through this site. It's a great site. Thanks again Amanda for all your hard work for all of us to go and have a place to talk and take some things off our shoulders. :lol:
....When you go to each sale, and ask specifically for "Landmark" or "Cornerstones of Freedom" books, or "old" textbooks.
You have to get on the computer right before a big storm is coming and make sure everyone is okay on it.
...You let your son study while he's walking around or hanging upside off the couch! ...You look for learning opportunities in everything you do ...You go out and shoot hoops, run through the sprinklers, play hopscotch, and help mold clay to make stuff for the Ancient Egypt tomb model with the kids---and love every minute of it! (well, mostly :lol: ) ...You're happy because YOU get to see the excitement on your childrens faces when they "get it"!!!
Glenda, I sent you a fairly long message a couple of days ago. Did you receive it? Yikes, I hope it wasn't lost, then I'd have to write it all over again! Oh well, if that happens I will, but hopefully you got the message!
friends Yes, this site has provided us with a lot of new friends. Some of which we will have forever. I made several friends when we were all at ABCTeach and I email a few of them on a regular basis. It is great to have friends who have things in common with you. Thanks Amanda from me too. Lorna
when you come to the forum to see which of your cyber friends are here...and then are bummed out because they aren't here...
You cry when the UPS guy passes right by your house and then claims your curriculum package can't be delivered because there is "no such address....... " :shock:!
when your mailbox is plugged full of home school catalogues (and you have a really hard time restraining yourself from over spending) Brenda
when your friends online know more about you than some of your local friends... when you tell other local friends about everyone here...
...when you read through these old messages and laugh again cuz they're still so true! ...when you still enjoy coming here to meet your friends who also homeschool ...when you get the ideas for most of your curriculum your child uses from your on-line friends' advice