I'm apalled!

Discussion in 'Homeschooling in the News' started by MommasBoys, Feb 28, 2009.

  1. timkelmom

    timkelmom New Member

    Feb 8, 2006
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    First, Miley is DATING a 21 yr. old. We have no proof that she is having sex with him. Actually, even though we all know they are, they haven't even declared publicly that they are dating. We "Mom's of girls who idolize Miley" are not looking the other way. We are watching the situation to see if it becomes an issue, a 16 year old with a 21 yr. old is not the same as a 13 year old and a 40 year old. Honestly our girls are not all that interested in who Miley dates.

    I personally think Miley gets judged too harshly by the press and the public. Plus Miley has the consent of her parents. I know that does not make it legal, but she has their approval.

    Second, if you do not see these children as victims, you may need to look a bit harder at the situations. Of course these boys may think they are "all that", but they are just hormonal children with adults manipulating the situation.

    These adult women continue to get off very easily. I think house arrest is the most they have gotten recently.

    Mary Kay Letourneau is a rare case. She did spend time in prison, but, in the end, she is with Villi and her children and they are presumably happy. In another 5 or 10 years no will know who she is or what she did.
  2. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I should have bet money!:wink:

    I KNEW someone would defend Miley Cyrus AND justify her dating this adult somehow. And I get pulled up for a double standard??
    Even dating him is illegal because she's a minor. Her empty headed parents should be putting a stop to it until she's 18. Oh, but it's Miley Cyrus.. that makes it okay..'poor' Miley..
    her parents allowed her to photographed topless by an ADULT. Oh, yeah.. she was slightly covered... that makes it okay..(how much money did that earn her or her Peter Pan father?), then she's allowed to publicly date this ADULT guy. He might not be that much further than her maturity wise, but he is an adult.

    I get it, though. The little girls like Hannah Montanna and we don't have the heart to take that away from them.
    I would.
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    OH!!! Why didn't you say Hannah Montana? I had to look the name up to figure that out; my kids couldn't tell me that!

    Let's just say that, while I agree there's a difference between a 13yo + a 40-something and a 15yo + 21yo, there is NO WAY my 15 (or 16 or 17!!!) would be permitted to date a guy that old. PERIOD.

    No, we don't know if she's sleeping with this guy or not. We assume she is. And, to be quite honest, if she isn't I'd like to see her SAY SO, and set an example of abstinence (Gee, did Becky say something like that already...?). She has the ability to really set a high standard for these young girls, and she choses not to, REGARDLESS of whether she is personally setting a standard or not.

    So what she is doing is illegal? Then shouldn't that be the END of it? Or is it NOT illegal and OK since her parents give her permission? Or does the law no longer exist for those who make lots of money? Well, no offense, but is this REALLY the type of example you want for your daughter? One that teaches her it's OK to flaunt the law if you're rich enough? Or, perhaps, that the law is simply WRONG, since it doesn't apply to this "fine" example of youth and sexuality.

    And yes, I think these 40-something women are just as much predators as the "dirty old men", and should have prison time. But even the dirty old men get off, when Planned Parenthood circumvents the law by telling young girls that they don't want to know how old their boyfriend is, or ignores the fact when they DO find out.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2009
  4. timkelmom

    timkelmom New Member

    Feb 8, 2006
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    OK, this might be a little mean, but wise up. She is an entertainer. Celebrities making poor choices and ending up in tabloids under microscopes is nothing new. Her choices are really none of our business and I would take something away from my DD or shield her from it if I thought it were harmful. I don't see Miley as harmful.

    I don't see anything (including semi-topless pics, her loving relationship with her dad, her silly YouTube videos, or her dating an older guy) she has done as harmful to my DD.

    Not to mention, that this has nothing to do with the original topic of a a 40 year old women having sex with a 13 year old boy. I'm sorry, you may say her (Miley's) boyfriend is a legal adult therefore making the relationship wrong, but it is definitely not the same thing.

    That woman should be charged to the fullest extent of the law, yet sadly she will not be. Female teachers have been getting away with this sort of thing quite often in recent history. They are not treated the same as adult male offenders.

    This woman is immoral, disgusting, and should be remorseful. However, I'd bet she is not. She probably only feels bad about getting caught.
  5. timkelmom

    timkelmom New Member

    Feb 8, 2006
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    But is it? That's my question, are they doing anything illegal? I don't pretend to know the law, but is it illegal for her to spend time with this young man? It only becomes illegal when there is a physical relationship. There is no proof of that. I'm not saying it may not be happening, but no one can say so for certain.

    And, are the laws the same in CA?
  6. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I honestly don't know exactly what the laws are. Would it make any difference to you if it was? I will say that any young lady who poses half-nude, even with her parents' blessing, is NOT a role model for my girls.
  7. mamaof3peas

    mamaof3peas New Member

    Sep 30, 2008
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    I agree, i dont allow my dc to watch hannah montanna, for lots of reasons, but my most common reason when asked why? because she is much older than my dc. they dont need to worry about highschool issues. some people around here just cant get what is so wrong with her. i guess it isnt that the show is horrible, in fact on occasion i have flipped through and actually laughed at the show, but i just dont want my dc have those types of heroes.

    on the boy and old lady thing. i still say the boy or girl is a victim. they are still a child. i dont care what they did to evoke the involvement. they are still under age and really arent mature enough to make these decisions
  8. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Talked with Carl last night. He says that you've got kids as young as 12 and 13 turning tricks. Yes, they absolutely ARE victims, and the adults should be seriously prosecuted, but I still feel that experienced teens that look older and come on to the adults need to be held responsible, too. Especially the older ones.
  9. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    Ok - I don't watch Hannah Montana or pay attention to that stuff..... but I will tell you my 12 year old son would NOT be mentally capable of making up his own mind.... his hormones are in a FIT at the moment (total male PMS)

    Now - on another side of things - I was 17 and dating my then 26 year old boyfriend. He's now my husband of 13 years (together for 18)..... so it's also a maturity thing. Yes we are an exception - and my mother threw a FIT... though now she says she knew when she met him it was meant to be....

    One thought though... in Miley's world - how many 16 year old boys could "handle" even just being her friend? I doubt there are many kids she could just be herself with - most would be 18+
  10. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    You know, another issue is that of authority. 17 dating 20 or 21 is one thing, but when that older person is a LEADER of some kind, whether it be a coach or a teacher (or student teacher!) or a Youth leader, you've got a whole new situation. I know my BIL's wife is 15 years younger than him, but he never was even interested in her until she had been out of his youth group for 2 or 3 years, and had some college behind her. (And even then, he was terrified to go into the pastor and tell him that he was considering dating her, lol!) She's been VERY good for him!
  11. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I think you should wise up- and start thinking like a young kid. If you really think young kids aren't influenced by these entertainers, you are mistaken. Now, your youngster probably will never get her picture taken while she's topless, but I bet she looks at other aspects of Miley Cyrus with admiration. You do not know what aspects she's looking at though, you can only go by what she vocalizes.
    And remember- I agree that the woman in the op should be held accountable.
  12. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    If Jeannie liked HM, I'd have pulled the plug on her when she posed for that picture.
    Jackie's right- HM could really make a positive statement about abstinence if she wanted to, but you don't hear that out of her camp.
    The Jonas Brothers-Jackie, they are another Disney creation-wear Rings, Promise Rings?, to show they support abstinence. I haven't heard anything about them going back on that- yet.
  13. amym

    amym New Member

    Aug 28, 2008
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    I think it is sad in this day and age that there is still the attitude that somehow if a woman/man acts or dresses a certain way, they are "asking for it" and that somehow that make the crime less horrific. What I think is even worse is that it is women holding on to this view. I don't care what anyone thinks, to me it is just as horrible for a prostitute to be attacked and raped as a housewife. You can dress like the biggest hoochie you want if you do not give someone permission to touch you, then it is hands off! Period. In God's eyes we are all equals, each deserving to be treated with the same amount of respect, love and integrity. The laws that protect one must protect all.

    As for minors and adults, sorry once again I don't care how you dress or act a 40 yr. old person has no business messing around with a 12 yr. old. It could be the biggest slut in school, doesn't matter. As an adult and a person in authority your responsibility is the safety and mental well being of that child.....not using him/her for your pleasure. A 12 year old is not always mature enough to use their head and not their hormones as a guide. And many of them would not feel comfortable going against an adults wishes even if they felt what was going on was wrong.
  14. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    I am in complete agreement with you amym. On all counts.

    And I also agree fully with Tmkelmom. Miley Cyrus and NOTHING to do with this teacher having sex with a young boy! So what if this kid thought he was all that and a bag of chips what this perverted lady did was WRONG - the child was not wrong he was mislead and abused by this lady. I am sick of these women teachers getting away with this crap. If a man did that to my child he would be dead and I'd be in jail. If I had a son no double standard would apply.

    We all know that the majority of the ladies here do not like Hanna Montana/Miley Cyrus but this isn't about her or what someone watches on tv. My kids love her, watch the show, have her posters, DVDs, CD's and clothesand have been to two of her concerts and that does not make me a bad mom. My kids do not idolize her or follow her every move. They aren't going to become whores because of it and frankly I don't see anything bad about the way she dresses. She looks cute! And she has nothing to do with a 40 year old piece of crap preying on this young boy.

    But the issues isn't about her.

    This sicko 40 year old disgusts me. What a nasty low down dirty piece of trash to do this to a young boy.
  15. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Absolutely it doesn't make you a bad mom. You and I have different priorities, that's all. (And that is NOT meant in a negative way AT ALL!!!)

    You are right that it doesn't have anything to do with this woman's behavior. This woman is responsible for herself. Absolutely.

    And yes, I agree that rape is rape, regardless of how a woman dresses/acts. I don't think anyone suggested otherwise. But there's a difference between a teen being raped, and one who IS out looking to get some. And a young girl who is dressing provocatively, acting provocatively, especially if she's coming across as being over 18, IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HER OWN ACTIONS, regardless of the age of the guy involved. He may not know her age. Now personally, that doesn't excuse him in my mind, because what business does he have sleeping with her if he's not married. But I know plenty will disagree with that. However, that is NOT "rape", just because of her age.
  16. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    It is the same difference for a few reasons-
    she's a minor dating an adult

    she's being manipulated by the adults around her, like someone said the boy in the op was.

    It dioesn't have to be Miley Cyrus, either, this could be applied to any underage celebrity.
  17. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    wow, I could say alot of this subject but best shut my mouth and go finish washing the jet....
  18. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    16 and 21 with consent of parents IS a HUGE difference than 13 and 40. She is not being coerced into having an obviously secretive and wrong sexual relationship behind her parents backs or the backs of the authorities like this sick teacher and child.

    And why bring celebrities into this anyway? Not just Miley but any celebrities? To me it makes no sense to throw them into this when the article we are all commenting on is a 40 year old teacher and 13 year old student. Teacher/student relationships is what this is about. This lady abused her power, position and this child.

    This lady was in a position of authority over a young impressionable child. A 40 year old should know better. She used her position and power to seduce this dumb kid. I say dumb because most 13 year olds are pretty naive. Like I said before - so what if he thought he was hot stuff. He is 13 for cripe's sake! He doesn't have to know better but she sure does. Poor kid.
  19. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Tiffany, I get the feeling that I could post that it's Monday and you'd find a way to disagree with me.:wink:
    I have to admit it's Tuesday in some parts of the world.:lol:
  20. FreeSpirit

    FreeSpirit New Member

    Jul 17, 2008
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    My opinion on Miley is she is actually quite adult for her age given that while most 16-year olds have the responsibility of grades and some extra curricular activities, Miley Cyrus has a job acting in her TV show, making records and touring. I'm actually quite impressed by her, I think she has a lot of poise and is handling her fame quite well. It takes a lot of responsibility to do the things she does. She's not your average 16-year old.

    I think the teacher is truly disgusting. Taking advantage of a 13-year old? I really do call that taking advantage. I'm sure he consented to it, probably wanted it too but young kids want candy for dinner and as adults we don't give them that! How an adult could ever corrupt a child is beyond me. I get angry when people show my stepdaughter PG-13 movies.

    My mother's maiden name is LeTourneau. When that whole scandal came out her whole family was embarrassed. They are not related to her in any way that we know of, but it's not a common last name and we hated to think anyone associated her with them!

    (On a side note, once we get much older age is less of an issue. My husband is 6 years younger than me and we joke that when I was 18 and a senior in high school he was 12 and in 7th grade! And when I graduated college he wasn't even "legal" yet! And now...we are just right for one another!)

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