Pray for the ruling to be overturned :(

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by northernmomma, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. lonegirl

    lonegirl New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    I do not approve of prostitution and coming from the same town as Northern Momma I was sad when they cracked down on 20 Johns and recognised a name in the list. I was sad for both him and his wife.

    That being said I do think it should be legalized if only to protect the women. I live mostly in Toronto (since 98) and in some well known areas there are women on the street all year no matter the weather. I think legalizing it can help keep these girls safe and protected.
  2. northernmomma

    northernmomma New Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Safe and protected is subjective when talking about prostitution. And I am soooo sorry you recognised a name on that list :( It in my opinion was more of a deterrant for future 'clients' and therefore a good thing. If it is behind closed doors what's going to stop it. Society acts like it's here it's going to stay about so many negative things and we turn our heads away. Let's look at it, deal with it, and abolish it for the scourge that it is. Sorry for the harshness of words just I get irrate when people are complacent.

    Further I love our OHIP Healthcare coverage! Even other Provinces don't have such good health care. BC's motto from what I hear from relatives, B.C. Stands for 'Bring Cash' and that includes health care.

    For those interested parties here is the site about Ontario coverage. And yes we pay for it through taxes.
  3. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Making it legal, IMO, is no different than saying it's ok. How is it ok for a married man to go and solicite a hooker? Not saying everyone who uses them is married, but it's a common occurance...that's fact. By 'allowing' it, it's opening a door up for more married men to have an affair. Why don't people just learn how to keep it in their pants??? By making it legal, it only presses more temptation on someone to go out and cheat on their spouse or SO because government is saying it's 'ok'. Shame shame.
  4. mom24boys!

    mom24boys! New Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    I totally agree! But it's not OK for single men either!
  5. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I agree. :love:
  6. Gwenhwyfar

    Gwenhwyfar New Member

    Sep 25, 2010
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    check it out... i actually found a two christian web sites with (lukewarm in one case, but still) support for legalized prostitution...

    Should Prostitution Be Legalized?

    Why it's Time to Legalize Prostitution

    random, but we'd mentioned it earlier so i thought i'd post 'em.

    TGIF ~ it's been a longgggggg week. :cool:
  7. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Gwenhwyfar....first...thank you so much for posting those.

    Second, I'm so sorry but that first one is a load and the second one..I think missed the Christian connection...but I was still laughing at the first article.

    So..the first article is saying that in an attempt to show compassion for hookers we should legalize prostitution to protect them. LOL. I'm sorry but I cannot be the only one who sees that as completely insane. From a secular viewpoint I get it. From a Christan viewpoint, having compassion lies in witnessing and bringing these women to Christ so they can live a Godly life. (oh and a Godly life does not include selling your body for the purpose of sex) As Christians we are not to turn away from hookers as if they are cast offs who do not matter. Those women do MATTER. In fact, they matter so much they need to learn a real trade or career.

    The article also mentioned that Jesus hung out with outcasts. What in the heck does that have to do with anything? That is simply an example of having compassion NOT tolerating or allowing poor or deviant behavior. Jesus NEVER engaged or promoted sin.

    Yes, Jesus has a bloodline which includes women of the night. lol. That only shows how forgiving and amazing our God is not that our God accepts this.

    That article was lame...forgive me. It was an ill attempt at...I don't even know. lol.

    But I do sincerely thank you for presenting these articles. But I stand by my first assessment that I sincerely doubt there is a Bible believing, God loving Christan who thinks prostitution should be legal.

    Women died from botched abortions. Now abortions are legal in the name of women's rights and safety...yet I still cannot condone abortion NOR would I EVER VOTE for a candidate who supports it.

    So legalizing something in the name of compassion or making it safe is simply a ruse.
  8. Gwenhwyfar

    Gwenhwyfar New Member

    Sep 25, 2010
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    just have a sec right now but oops ~ sorry! i assumed "christian science monitor" = christian publication, but i just went over to the wikipedia article and discovered that although it was started by the founder of a christian church, it doesn't claim to be a christian publication...

    "The paper includes a daily religious feature on the "The Home Forum" page, but states that the publication is not a platform for evangelizing"

    "Despite its name, the Monitor is not a religious-themed paper, and does not promote the doctrine of its patron church"

    my fault on that! *head desk* :p
  9. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    No problem...I can see how you made that mistake. I would have also until I read the article.

    You know,other than not going to doctors, I have no idea what a Christian Scientist believes in.:)
  10. Gwenhwyfar

    Gwenhwyfar New Member

    Sep 25, 2010
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    neither did i, so i went hopping and landed here for a bit and ran into this:

    "Evil is a negation, because it is the absence of truth. It is nothing, because it is the absence of something. It is unreal, because it presupposes the absence of God, the omnipotent and omnipresent. Every mortal must learn that there is neither power nor reality in evil."

    ...which gave me a headache. and made me miss my best friend who is 5000km away and really good at having conversations that go around like that late at night after a few beer. :lol:

    /total tangent ~ i've a bad habit of running off on them.
  11. Gwenhwyfar

    Gwenhwyfar New Member

    Sep 25, 2010
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    there's no way that i can debate health care with you ~ i'm not political enough for that. :p

    i will say, though, that canadian health care is not the freebie that some seem to think ~ we do pay for it. we pay via our taxes/etc ~ and it varies from province to province as to whether people pay premiums. in my current province, we don't - but that's a fairly new development as they used to do it that way unless you were below a certain income.

    i'm happy with our system - and i don't feel the need to regulate anyone's behaviour from a health care cost sense. (and truthfully - is there that much difference between the person who contracts a STD after sex-for-money and the person who contracts a STD after sex-post-manydrinkswithstranger? speaking purely from the health care standpoint. is person a less worthy of health care than person b?)

    i'd disagree that prostitution has been "kept in check" ... it happens. a lot. it's been happening for -- well, a very long time. it's not going to go away. having it criminalized -- well, not prostitution ITSELF, as the act is legal here (it's everything around it that isn't/wasn't -- living off the money, communicating for, operating a brother/etc, and such) -- has kept woman (and men, as there are male prostitutes as well) involved in criminal activity, kept them from being able to fight back against those who take advantage (pimps, traffic'ers, abusive customers, etc) ..... and so on...

    [keep in mind, i'm talking about adults - not teenagers/underage. i would like nothing more than for ALL of the underage teenage girls & guys OFF the streets. that's a very different dynamic. i know, i was there as a young teenage runaway many years ago.]

    if we come 'round to morality again ~ as i said before, morality is dependent upon the society that creates it...

    " A moral code is a system of morality (for example, according to a particular philosophy, religion, culture, etc.) and a moral is any one practice or teaching within a moral code."

    i don't agree that society is broken...although i did agree with Miss Ava's 'hell in a handbasket' statement, albeit a bit jokingly ~ there are plenty of things wrong with this world, but i do hold out hope that they can be fixed... if we could just all get our sheep together.

    how'd we get on the drug topic? mehhhh....

    you'll hate me for this. i support needle exchanges. :p

    let me explain a tad though ~ i support harm reduction + education and the willingness to offer other supports. those other things are EXTREMELY important parts of the whole thing, imo.

    you said " I mean the hell they live everyday because they have to sell their body"

    ....but we're talking about consenting adults who choose to work in the sex industry.

    do i want anyone forced into it? freakin heck NO!

    those who choose it willingly ~ i support their right to do so.

    [million times difference there]

    you said..

    "This is the eternal battle - to do what is right or to do what is wrong. No one can choose for you - but every choice has consequences."

    ...and on those, we agree. funny eh - plenty of disagreement going around, but the key bits match. i find that happens a fair bit... sometimes people aren't quite as different from each other as they seem at first.

    long post is long!
  12. Gwenhwyfar

    Gwenhwyfar New Member

    Sep 25, 2010
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    slightly OT insertion: you guys rock. i love a good discussion and although i have my own opinions on things, it's always good to hear the opposition. people can learn a lot from each other - and as hs'ers, i think we can always appreciate a learning opportunity, whether we learn things that we agree with or not! :cool:
  13. Gwenhwyfar

    Gwenhwyfar New Member

    Sep 25, 2010
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    mwahahahah :lol:

    i'm in alberta. TEXAS OF THE NORTH i've heard :lol:
    [i'm a maritimer at heart though]
  14. ColoradoMom

    ColoradoMom New Member

    Mar 18, 2007
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    You can't help it - you are product of your environment.

    Frankly I think you are more naive than misguided in your opinions. Perhaps you should look into what heroin does to a person? With a master's in forensic toxicology I know very well what heroin does and I would not wish it on anyone. It isn't a pleasant high - it is a sick and twisted form of torture that is almost certain to kill you very painfully and very slowly.

    If these things to you are moral, then I would hate to see what you consider amoral. And supporting the "clean needles" (which came up with the reference of how safe Amsterdam is with the addicts off the streets and dying in flop houses instead of the parks) you support the torture and horror of physical and psychological addition because there is no such thing as casual heroin use. Every single user becomes addicted. The outcome is predetermined. When you hand that clean needle over you are GUARANTEEING that person is VERY - VERY sick in about 6 hours.

    But the needle pushers don't stick around for that part. The legal prostitution pushers don't stick around for the aftereffects of selling sex. Because those things are less important than making sure that the morality police do not get their way.

    And this is exactly my point. Those who feel they are doing prostitutes a favor by allowing them to legally sell themselves or heroin addicts a favor by giving them clean needles, are really just condemning them to their own personal hell on earth.

    Congratulations. Was that your goal?

    I don't disagree with drugs and prostitution because of morals only - I disagree, like I said before, because people who support these acts are really just robbing those people of their chance at a productive life.

    I am willing to bet that there aren't many little girls running around saying they want to sell their bodies for money when they grow up. It is a desperate act for a desperate situation. Wouldn't your bleeding heart feel better by offering these girls another chance at something they can feel good about instead of subjecting them to performing sexual acts with strangers for money?

    Wouldn't you gain more warm fuzzies if you prevented a person from becoming addicted to heroin instead of enabling their slow and painful death with "clean needles"? Maybe out of sight out of mind works better? Get them off the streets and give them clean needles so people don't have to watch them die.

    Your stand is no stand at all and in my opinion is the worst kind of apathy. Either you feel prostitution is right or you feel it is wrong. Either heroin addiction is a curse to be overcome or it is not. You cannot hand a man a needle and say heroin is bad for you and call it "education" Please. That not only sounds naive - it sounds ridiculous.

    Neither can you hand a woman a safe bedroom and a condom and say you should really consider working at McDonalds instead.

    Stand for SOMETHING.

    I bet if your daughter was dying from heroin addiction or selling her body for groceries every night you'd come up with a passionate opinion against both real fast. Let's hope it never comes to that.

    If you agree with prostitution - legal or otherwise - stand up and proclaim it's benefit to society.
  15. Gwenhwyfar

    Gwenhwyfar New Member

    Sep 25, 2010
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    edit: late night + very tired = overly sensitive. sorry 'bout that. :cool:
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  16. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I think there are plenty of excellent points in this post. I can't imagine a child wishing to be a hooker or a drug addict when they grow up. both are for damaged people who live damaged lives. Condoning such a life is not compassion but quite the opposite. It's like street cleaning...let's legalize it so I don't have to see it or deal with it.

    I cannot see in what world prostitution or drug use could benefit a society. And the fact that people do it anyway or will do it anyway is NOT a reason to legalize something.
  17. lonegirl

    lonegirl New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    The reality though is that whether legal or not it's going to happen. If making it legal helps even a few it is better. The reality is....are the police really going to stop every incidence of prostitution and drug use? Well...that would be wonderful but my guess is that many a blind eye will be turned. The user that uses a clean needle vs a dirty one will hopefully one day make the choice to clean themselves up....and be able to and not have contracted some other life threatening disease because of use of a dirty needle.

    Would it be great if drug use and prostitution be eradicated? Sure....but the reality is....we live in aworld where people are going to continue to do these things.

    It's like the idea that making condoms available in highschools will make more teenagers chose sex.....uhm they will chose it anyway....why not make it safe for them?
  18. mom24boys!

    mom24boys! New Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    I haven't read all the post, but to me, and this is JMO, making it legal or providing condoms makes some people believe, now that it is legal or now that I have been give a condom, it's OK for me to do. It's not OK, it's just down right sin. I have dealt with teens that haven't had unprotective sex because of the consequences, but give them a comdom and away they go, because someone gave them premission to do so. Like I said, this is JMO, and not stated very well.
  19. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    Agreed. Giving a High schooler a condom is telling them it's ok to do, just do it with a rubber. In most districts if you sign the "can the school nurse give your child tylenol" then you also sign that it is ok to hand out condoms, birthcontrol, and even abortions in some cases, which is SICK.
  20. mom24boys!

    mom24boys! New Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    Why abortions just, "in some cases?"

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