I am not in your area but I found this on line https://www.homeschool-life.com/2130/index_public?Logout=1
I also was an education major and worked in ps. I can tell you that has been the largest hindrance to me in my homeschooling journey. I also...
I was looking at the new catalog for Classical Academic Press and it looks like they got some new upper level products I am very excited about....
Curriculums I love: Math: Saxon (grades 4 and up) Horizons (1st-3rd) Science: Apologia and Sonlight Science History: Mystery of History and...
Chances are she would have had these same problems in a traditional high school and then would have added bullying on to it (these types of kids...
Do you feel that distance learning is easier, more difficult or essentially the same? (In regards to difficulty of subject matter, understanding...
We pulled sd out mid 9th grade and started dd homeschooling in 1st. If we could go back and do it again we would have homeschooled sd from the...
Dh actually did this once with sd. Mind you it was not a lot but it got the point across. After that the language she spoke at home and around...
Actually it this the 3rd edition that Dr. Wile has the issue with. They actually took his name off the book and it has been rewritten. That is...
That is what I have my local hs group for. We do Mom's nights and other support events. There are lots of places on line now where folks can...
It really depends on dd and the particular day, she should be able to get all her work done within 4-5 hours (7th grade) but she has a tendency to...
Soverbose has some creative writing programs http://www.soverbose.com/#!creative-writing-classes/c1rqe
Don't discount history as a major. There are well paying jobs out there. Besides working in a museum there are many history majors found in law,...
We used Saxon with our sd who we pulled from ps in 9th grade. She loved it (as much as a kid loves a math program that is). Saxon does deal with...
Welcome I homeschooled my step daughter for high school and we have homeschooled dd since 1st grade (she is now going into 7th). It was the best...
Separate names with a comma.