HELP! What do we do? What would YOU do?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by JenniferErix, Aug 27, 2006.

  1. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    This is long, but I need your advice.....

    This is the strangest thing that has happened to me in a long time. But because I have known my fair share of scam artists. I trust no one..... Especially those who come baring outrageous gifts....

    The kids and I went to the teacher supply store, looking for magnets and ideas. While looking at stuff, a man asked if I was a homeschooler. I replied, "Does it show?"

    We chuckled and began to talk. I could see he was there with his young son and his wife. They were a bit reserved. I, meanwhile, was constantly telling my kids to calm down and to come here.

    In the midst of all of this, they told me they were wanting to homeschool their five year old son. I was, I guess, excited to be able to tell someone how wonderfull it is and began to show them ways that they can do things at home, without having to buy things. (Such as the letter ball discussed in another thread) They seemed impressed.

    I mentioned that we have scronged things together, by browsing the stores (Just as we were doing) and then finding a cheaper way to do it, such as the $0.88 toy rack at walmart. (I remember they gave each other a funny look, when I said that.

    We were near the Saxxon Curriculum boxes. I pulled the first grade out and said, we cannot afford something like this, but if you take a look at the back of the box, they tell you what subjects they cover and this can help you find your way.

    I also told them about my trick of going to the library and browsing the school districts textbooks, for reference.

    The wife did not say much at all, during this 45 minute conversation. Which, I found weird, but I did not press the issue.

    The kids got along well. But the husband was controling the conversation. I tried to talk to his wife, but again, it was the husband that would answer.

    When we talked about the "Socialization Issue" I told them how excited we were to have found our new church, in May. That the church has tons of activities and that we have the kids signed up for nearly everything.

    We traded phone numbers and e-mail addresses and eventually left the store.

    When I got home, I e-mailed them a chunk of information such as HSLDA and other links. I also addressed the wife, directly, asking if she and her son would like to join me and my kids to a playdate with other mothers and kids at the indoor mall playground. Imentioned that her husband was alsways welcome, but since most of us are stay at home moms, it is generally the ladies, only.

    The next day, I called them, and left a voice mail letting them know that I sent the information via e-mail and that I hoped they found the information helpfull.

    Then, nothing. No return email, no return phone call.

    So, I figured, my enthusiasim freaked them out and so, I just gave up. I mean you cannot make someone be your friend. So, I let it go.

    Well, today I received a VERY strange e-mail...

    Here it is....

    Please forgive for not responding any sooner.

    But the truth is that I do work full time,and in front of a computer, so when I do get home the last thing I want to do is look at computer know what I mean.

    This causes me to delay in checking my E-mails.
    Thank you for sharing all that the valuable information with us.

    In response to your invitation to go out or get together we have a schedule conflict during the week because I work, I hope you'll understand.
    But I pray that, we will keep in touch and plan doing other activities at a later time?

    By the way .I don't know how to present this proposal, but we feel that God as put this in hour hearts to do this for your children.

    But the truth is I don't know how you will receive this offer. God told us to make the required curriculum for the first grade available to you, at no cost to you of course. Each subject has a teachers guide and work books included.

    All you have to do is accepted; use it and be bless by a faithful God.

    The publisher is Alpha Omega, and this the publisher that is highly recommended by the Home school store.

    Please pray about it, talk it over with your husband and let us, know.
    We will make arrangements for the curriculum to be picked up by you or whatever it takes to get it to you.

    I pray that you will take this as sign that God supplies all of our needs according to his riches and glory.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen

    Ok, so what do you guys think?

    I just felt creapy when I read it. My husband says, "See? It pays to be nice to people!" But he agrees that there will be no "Me meeting with them".

    If they truely want to offer us this gift, they can bring it to the convention center (My husband is the Director, and he has control of the building security, including the cameras and on-site officers.)

    I hate to be like this, but in this day and age, when someone offers you something like this, you can't help but look for the strings, you know?

    I need some advice, please!
    Do I accept it?
    How do I gengerly tell them to bring it to my husbands work?
    Do I reject it?
    How do I phrase a rejection (Just incase they are well meaning???)

    Sorryfor being so freaked out, but I do not want to end up under someones front porch, you know? (Too many bad movies!)


    Last edited: Aug 27, 2006
  3. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    I see this as such a blessing for you and your kids. Yes, you do need to be careful in this day and age, but, I also think this family is being obedient to what they feel God has lead them to do for you and your family. Because of that, I think you should graciously accept this gift and be blessed by it! :) God uses people in all different ways to be a blessing (not only for you, but for the giver as well).

    I took it as though the arrangement to pick it up would be at the store you were at...not at their house. Maybe I am wrong, but that's what makes sense to me. So, could you pick it up there? That way there would be a third party involved and you could feel safer about it.

    Let us know what happens!! And if you decide to accept...enjoy your new curriculum!
  4. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Well, I surely do not want to look as gift hourse in the mouth, byno means. And I would be crushed to think that they would find out I was freaked out, if they really are such nice people.

    The store is a perfect place!
    But, would I then be beholden to them, in the future? You know? For favors, or soemthing?
  5. Mom2ampm

    Mom2ampm New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Seems very strange to me. All the pieces don't seem to add up here. Why would the wife not talk to you? I certainly will be uncomfortable about accepting from them. It is sad that in this age people cannot trust anyone. I wouldn't accept the offer...if there is a real offer here. I tend to play things safe.
  6. Sherry

    Sherry Guest

    I agree with Leslie that the store seems like it would be an appropriate place to pick up the materials. If they want to purchase them for you then perhaps they could go to the store to pay for them when their schedule allows and you could go to pick up the paid for materials when your schedule allows.

    If it works out, consider it a blessing from the Lord. If it doesn't work out, you haven't lost something you already had.

    I can understand your being cautious. They may want to do it but are also being cautious.

    Jennifer, if they do this they will have the satisfaction of feeling they did something in obedience to the Lord to bless someone else.
  7. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I think they may think I was fibbing about a husband. (As if I were all lone and they felt sorry for me?) I did not have a wedding ring on. (Long story of why you should never buy the cheap jewlery at walmart...) We have no wedding bands, in fact. But I do have a marriage license!

    I dunno.
    I feel i must accept it, because there is more of a chance that they are ligit than ther being some grand conspiracy...

    But I will have to be sure there are no strings attached....

    How would I go about asking such a thing, without sounding like I was looking the preverbial gift horse in the mouth?
  8. Sherry

    Sherry Guest

    Jennifer, Since they are telling you they fell they should give this to you as a gift as directed from the Lord then I would not feel "beholden." If someone gave you a gift, and then tried to get something out of you they would really be way out of line. Just be careful and don't go to their home or have them over and don't let them in if they drop by. You may want to mention the store would be a great place to pick up the materials from, freeing them up of needing to get them to you.
  9. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    I ceratinly don't think it would obligate you in any way. I know I tend to feel like I "owe" people when someone has helped me out or something, but I have learned to just let it be. (not that I don't appreciate it :) Look at it this way....someday you may feel the need to bless someone else either that you know or don't know, so you can look back and remember what this family did for you and it can be like paying them back by doing something nice for someone else.
  10. Sherry

    Sherry Guest

    Certainly there are people that are not to be trusted but there are also some good people in the world and those that listen to the Lord when directed to do good to others. Being cautious is wise, but cutting ourselves off from people in general and never trusting someone we don't know is really unnescessary and sad.
  11. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    That is exactly what I am grappling with. You said it bettter than me!
  12. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    It IS strange this day and age, and I can understand your hesitation, but I'm leaning toward the idea that they felt impressed to offer you a Christian curriculum, so you wouldn't have to piece together a non-Christian curriculum, and decided to follow up on what they felt God was leading them to do.

    About how to ask if their are strings attached, without it sounding bad, I'd e-mail them back and thank them for the offer, that it would be wonderful (or whatever words you'd want to use), then ask if there's anything you need to do in order for you to receive this curriculum? Something on that order. And I agree about you picking it up at the store...

    As for the wife not talking....oh my, there could be a million reasons why she didn't say anything! When I'm at "that time of the month" I get to a place sometimes where I don't WANT to talk to anybody. Even people I know at church, I want to just leave as soon as church is over. It's a hormonal thing, and my dh covers for me on those occasions! :) It could be something as simple as that!

    You COULD just e-mail them and ask them these questions point-blank, mentioning that you just can't be too careful these days....
  13. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    I deleted what I originally wrote...incase somebody already read it and wondered where it went. I realized I wasn't making much sense and didn't like the way it sounded. I think it's time for bed!! ;)
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2006
  14. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Isn't it funny that we never think of the easy steps?

    I am going to think and pray on it for one day. (I received the email tonight.

    I will figure this out after church.

    I know some people would say, "Geesh! Lady! It's FREE! Take it!"

    But it is not the bait I worry about, it is why the fisherman puts the bait in the water that scares me. << Spoken like a true victim of scams...)

    So, your opinions MATTER!
    I like to hear the different opinions!

    I will post here, tomorrow what we decided.

    Thanks guys, really!
  15. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Do you have any idea how many times I realise I have done the same thing, only it is two days too late to delete the post? hahaha!

  16. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Ok, I wrote him back. Hee is what I wrote...

    Walter and Miriam,

    I am beside myself.
    Thank you for your offer.
    I can only say thank you, thank you very much!
    How blessed are we!

    However, I am sure you will understand that my husband and I would wish to pray about this at least one day. We have never accepted gifts of any kind, before.

    May I write you back after church, tomorrow?

    It feels strange accepting such gifts.
    Is there something we could offer you, in return?

    Until tomorrow,

    Thank you.

    So what do you think?

  17. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    Sounds good to me, Jen. Assuming that the couple is honest, there should be no problem meeting in a public place. They should understand that in our society, we cannot be too cautious when it comes to our safety. Should meeting in a public place be an issue, then I'd politely say no. That would definitely be a huge red flag. I hope it works out for you. That is way cool!
  18. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    I'll pray about it, and hope it's all legit. and you are able to accept their offer! What a blessing that would be, eh?!
  19. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Here's how I see it-

    you said you were constantly telling the kids to calm down. They saw a frazzled mother.

    You laid it on thick about for free or nearly so. They saw a frazzled, broke mother. Lol.

    You said the wife was mostly silent. I know marriages - Christian ones-where the husband takes the lead and the wife keeps quiet.

    If they are genuine, they probably feel like God brought you and them together that day.

    Lol. How were you and the kids dressed?

    It's kind of funny, but I also think you need to watch out. Pray over it for certain.

    It is true you don't want to be drawn into an entanglement you can't get out of. Beholden is a good word here.
  20. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Jen, whatever you decide, please be careful.

    I am a firm believer that God is not the author of confussion. When in doubt, pass it up, I always say. Now he may be a great guy with a heart of God. On the other hand there are many predators who use the name of the Lord for their game.
    Now, some people may not agree with me but I think as a man of God, he should have asked his wife to address you in this matter. Is it possible for your husband to pick up from this point and deal with it. Did his wife say she was okay with it or did her husband speak for her? If you do not hear it from her mouth, again, I would suggest you pass it up. You are a very attractive women (from looking at your Avatar :D :D ) and personally, I think something is not up to par. Now some people may think I am being overly dramatic, but if you are able to pick it up at the store, can you have a friend do it for you. If this guy is not a true man of God and has ulterior motives then he just might be waiting for you outside of the store and follow you home without you knowing it.
    So regardless of what you do, again, please be careful. As you said, you do not want to end up under his porch.

    And I do like your e-mail to him. Good luck and I will pray for guidance and protection for you.
    God bless!!!
  21. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Patty, you sound like I feel! I've been creeped out all week from the JonBenet stuff. Everyone is suspect!! Lol.

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