Ear Piercing

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Emma's#1fan, Dec 28, 2006.

  1. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I am all for the light pink nail polish. I even bought her stickers to go on her nails. She is allowed to play around but not wear any of it outside of the house. Oh well.
  2. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    You know, it is funny how parents work.
    Handsome doesn't mind the dark polish. I am the one who can't stand seeing dark polish on a young girl.
    I do not mind light polish. Ems and I sometimes have slumber parties, just the two of us, and we paint each others nails and play with the makeup. She sometimes wants to wear something dark and I tell her she can only as an accent but not the whole nail. As for makeup, she can't wear it out of the house except gloss and for her ballet performances.
  3. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I think for dads, they reject anything that makes their little girl in their eyes look like a grown up. Or they reject anything that for whatever reason, they associate with a girl that is on the fun side...kwim. They just all have different opinions based on their experiences.
  4. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I have a funnny thing about ear rings, I have two holes on the inside of one ear, and only one set on the outside. When they did my ears at 16 ( I was supposed to wait til Iwas 16) they promised me it would nto hurt beause of the new type of 'gun' they had. My cousin was beautician and my othe cousin was having his beautiflly long hair done while we were there lol.
    apparently it hit "grissle' in my ear and did not go all the way through but veired off. the second time it went through but even today I can put an ear ring in the wrong direction and it does not go through! then I pull it out reset it and go through the full hole.
    That scared me!
    I don't want my kids ever to get peircings, but decided if my dd wants to she can have them done. I did not want her to sneak away to have them done ever, so told her when she was very young that if she EVER wants them done she will have my permission to have one in each ear that is it. I said I want to know when, and where and that itis done properly not by a friend!

    So far she does NOT want them done and has thanked me for not doing the ears when she was small.
    She had extra skin removed from one of her ears as a baby so drawing attention to it would nto be good anyway, though I have not told her that.
    She likes clip ons and stick on styles though so wears them!
    She has said maybe someday she may change her mind, but untill then clips work for her!
    Btw- I have told my boys if they ever peirce themsevles anywhere I will personally remove them during the night so they can close up!
    lol mean mom!
  5. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    My husband has his ear pierced.:lol: He got it when he was 16 I think. My brother also has his ear pierced, twice. Now they both want tatooes. :roll:
  6. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I had my ears pierced a second time right before I was married. Handsome bought me a beautiful pair of diamond earrings and wanted me to wear them at our wedding. So I had the other holes done. After that day, I never put earrings in them again. They closed up quickly. I do not think I have worn the earrings since. Handsome didn't realize at the time how bad my ears react to earrings. I told Emma that when she gets married she can have them. At first I wanted to give them to her when she got her ears pierced but them decided she would still be to young. I don't want her to be careless and loose them. They are very beautiful and special. If she ever has a daughter, then maybe she can hand them down.
  7. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Patty, I have that same issue with my ears. I only wear earrings every so often because they are so sensitive. So many earrings now a days are made really cheap too that cause infections in my ears. I got my second holes done as a teenager and they got so badly infected that I never wore anything in them after that and they closed up. Now, even with my first holes, I think I can count how many times a year I actually wear my earrings. Less than 10. I'm a necklace girl! :D
  8. momandteacherx3

    momandteacherx3 New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Just a thought- but maybe your DD can pick out (or has one already) a cute little stuffed animal that she can put the earrings on and display that somewhere in her room? My sisters and I had stuffed animals all over our rooms (and this was before beanie babies!! lol)- and we would put our jewelry on some, etc. My grandmother had plenty of costume clip-ons that we would put on bears ears and thought it was great! Anyway, that way the gift will be displayed and used, but DD doesn't have to have any piercing!

  9. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    That is a neat idea!
  10. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Jen~ Kevin wants a tattoo, too. I'm thinking not..
  11. Jennifer R

    Jennifer R Active Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Becky, my oldest got one about a year ago. She got her name across the small of her back. I asked her if she was going to get one why did she pick something like that!
  12. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Our middle daughter has four tattoos. I can't understand it myself. She said it expresses who she is. I told her she should express who she is by her lifestyle...
    But she is an adult and I can't stop her.
  13. appleOmyeye

    appleOmyeye New Member

    Oct 7, 2006
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    GREAT idea!!

    I was 7 when I had mine pierced but even then, wasn't fully aware of how much it was going to hurt. I'm glad mine are pierced, but like several others have said, I don't wear earrings often.

    I've been straightforward w/ my dd8 about it and told her if she decides she wants them pierced and understands the care and responsibility that goes along w/ it, she may when she is 10 years old. She's so cute, because only a couple of times has she brought it up she wanted to do it before 10, but we've had the good fortune of watching several very young girls or babies (AACK! imo) get THEIR ears pierced at various stores and the experience speaks for itself. Without any lectures, battles, etc.....she is totally OK w/ waiting until she's 10.:lol: ;)
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2006
  14. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    I was 12 when I had mine done, but don't remember it hurting much (just like a pinch). My dd5 had hers done at 4 (both at the same time) and never even flinched.

    My dd8's ears are VERY sensitive! She can only wear gold or sterling silver earrings. You ladies with sensitive ears might give those a try. My dd can't even wear the sensitive ears/hypo-allergenic stuff. It has to be the real thing. Wal-mart has a line of sterling silver that is really affordable, so that helps. Also, dip your earrings in neosporin before putting your earrings in. It coats the hole with the antibiotic ointment leading to less infections.

    I rarely wear earrings anymore either, but mostly because going to Wal-mart, the grocery store, and the library really don't require me to get too dressed up. Dh and I very rarely (can't remember the last time) go out, as we have no one to babysit for us. I am also terrible about losing them!! :oops:
  15. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    There was no "pain" with my girls'. I think it was more like getting a shot at the doctor's office.

    Patty, my DSS2 has his tongue pierced. Like you say, he's an adult, and not living under my roof, so what can I say?

    Pam, my SIL also has to have gold posts. I'm not sure if she can even have the silver ones, but NO hyperalergetic! Neosporin sounds like a good idea!
  16. jenlynn4673

    jenlynn4673 New Member

    Dec 30, 2006
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    How old is Emma now? Sorry if you posted somewhere else.
    I have boys... so my response is based on my belief. If you and your DH discussed this and Emma isn't having an issue with it, I would just wait.

    I like the idea of pulling the posts off. You can also purchase kits for making magnetic backings I believe that look pretty real.

    At the PS, there were many BOYS in Kindergarten and 1st grade that had earings - they also did the mohawk cuts. I was thinking, if their parents allowed them to express themselves in this matter at this age, how are they going to comtrol it later? Thankfully my boys never asked or mentioned it.

    Coloring hair. *I* started turning gray 13. So, I was allowed to color my hair as long as it remained a normal natural color. I did do the wash out color on my oldest DS (7) back in September for spirit week in a bright red. That was clearly for a special reason and not a daily way of life. We had lots of fun doing that.

    Anyway... my point is I would stick to your guns. Battles against yourself are sometimes far more difficult than debating against others.
  17. AmyU

    AmyU New Member

    May 15, 2006
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    I totally agree.
    I think its all up to the family. I personally see nothing wrong with ear piecing. But Its not my family. I think if you have strong feelings about her waiting then you should wait.
    My son has had his ear pierce and he has also had a mohawk. The mohawk only lasted half a day. Because he did it himself and it wasn't straight. His ears got sore with the earings so that ended fast too. He still talks about wanting to do both again. With the ear ring I remind him of the pain and he forgets about it. With the mohawk I just don't say much, its only hair and he is young and doesn't have to go to the office.(LOL) We do talk about looking nice when you are going out. (about being clean and hair combed)
    I know that the outside look doesn't make my son and anyone that takes the time to get to know him. Will find out he is a great young man with a big heart.
    But I am glad that he has decided at this point that farm boy or kinda cowboy is his style right now. It fits him!!
  18. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Jenlynn, Emma is 9 years old.

    Jackie, our daughter's tattoos are so odd, to me. She has her mom's name across her back, a giant Tinkerbell across the bottom of her back, and a female skeleton head with a pink bow on the front of one foot and a male skeleton head with a pink tie on the other foot. Handsome asked her if she knows what they are going to look like when she is old. She said she didn't care.:roll:
    Last time she came over she showed us her new tongue piercing. Oh!!!! I would be to scared to do that. I can't stand bitting my tongue as it is. Forget about piercing it.
    As we ate dinner, Handsome kept staring at her mouth as she talked. He started laughing and apologized. Then he asked, "Doesn't food get stuck inside the hole and give you bad breath?"
    Then we all had to laugh.
  19. appleOmyeye

    appleOmyeye New Member

    Oct 7, 2006
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    WOW! Great point that's very well put!
  20. bugsmommy

    bugsmommy New Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    We had dd ears done when she was about a month and a half old~ she did not even cry, she just gave us "a look"! lol! As for the tatoos~ i had one done on my ankle (geesh what was I thinking???:eek: :oops: )YEARS ago, but on the other hand dh has a beautiful one on his arm that has dd name!!;)

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