I can't stand it!

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by becky, Feb 17, 2007.

  1. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    You know, most ladies on here post about how lovely and pleasant their homeschooling life is.... the kids are happy and eager to learn... you can almost hear the flowery violins playing in the background.:love: :angel:

    At my house-- the violins sound like the ones from the shower scene in Psycho.:twisted:

    This morning was one of those days. Those 'I don't know..', 'I can't do it...', 'I don't want to..'

    I could have pulled my hair out. I ended up sending her back to bed and we finished our work this evening. These tirades are so very mentally and physically draining. I don't even see where she gets her reasons from, that is, I don't see any behavior that would alert me that a tantrum is brewing.

    So, tonight I'm licking my wounds. I'm just drained...
  3. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Ohhhhh Becky. I've just been debating putting a "Lickin' my wounds" message up! You're not alone, Honey!

    I can't seem to get things rolling, and though we have some good days, we've had more not so good days this school year! My boys have gotten lazy, and I have a hard time keeping them on task. Just yesterday they lost about all privileges until I see a better attitude. Sometimes it's not even a lazy or whiny attitude, it's "I'm getting this done as quickly as possible so I can play computer" attitude!!! So now computer is out for quite some time.

    I'm frustrated cuz I want them to learn because they enjoy it and want to learn because that's what their "job" is at this point in their lives. What they're learning now will help dictate how they do as adults, and all I'm seeing are lazy, get it done fast no matter what it looks like guys! It really does worry me, especially since my boys are both teenagers---and one is done with highschool after next year! He says "I dunno" a LOT! Is he going to say that to his boss when he gets a job? When their bosses point out stuff they missed, are they going to say, "Oh yeah, I didn't see that" to them as they do to me? Especially when you have to walk around it to miss it?!

    I could go on, however, I'll just say, I'll pray for you Becky, if you'll pray for me! :)
  4. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Becky, you are not alone, girly!

    This week, we had a major meltdown and I figured out, for the ost part, when the cattalist of the problem was.... our curriculum.... LifePacs.

    It is like we are "Playing School" with a plan that is not geared towards what we are interested in, and with that, there is no love of learning.

    So I just had to scrap the extra studies in Life Pac. (We MAY still work the English and Math subjects, using this curriculum, but I dunno)

    We had more fun practicing our Place Values with a math game, and playing a Pronoun Game than we EVER had with Lifepacs.

    We also learned, with much laughter, about the digestive system, simply by reading from our childcraft books. And the children, withOUT being told, reached for the other childcraft books afterwards to read MORE (Random subjects, but who cares! They were reading!)

    My point is, maybe the fighting is going around, maybe it is just coincidence. But one thing is for sure, whatever our reasons for homeschooling, it should be at least in some part, enjoyable.

    I am still searching for the perfect curriculum or plan, but right now, I haven't found it.

    You're ok.
    Don't let it get to you , too much.
    I am VERY guilty of that.
    And we loves ya!
  5. lovetruesoul

    lovetruesoul New Member

    Jan 11, 2007
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    okay...is there something in the air? we had a tough day today- and a few recently. One cause is too much focus on "getting through" the paperwork -I decided we needed a change in direction- even if just temporarily, we need to break the "routine" a bit. I've also just realized the damage done by my youngest's first grade teacher is still there (he's now a third grader). that cranky lady destroyed his confidence. she ridiculed him and made him do things over if it wasn't "perfect". Now I can hardly correct him or he feels like a failure. we talked about it tonight- I told him how much I loved him and that I LIKE being his teacher and I like seeing how smart he is and I only correct him to help him. I think he didn't realize he was holding all of these feelings either. We're taking a trip to see some friends for a few days- I think a break is just what we need!
  6. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Oh, hon!

    We have one of our twins (They were in seperate kindergarten classes, last year) who was convinced by some kid that he is STUPID for being smart. and it just drives me to maddness trying to get him to be proud of himself.

    SO I know your pain, hon.
  7. momandteacherx3

    momandteacherx3 New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Wavin' a white flag over here too!! I have had a turnaround of "laziness" a little with my oldest two when I loaded the SOS History and Geography courses in the computer for them- the two have been chomping at the bit to get at it for the next lesson. HOWEVER, my little guy now feels even more "alone" or something and has been giving me grief for everything! But I agree with Deena, my oldest two are just skating by in the necessities to get to the computer- is this a good thing to be excited or a concern to not do their other jobs thoroughly?? I think I will give them another week to see if it evens out a little on its own (with my input of course!! lol). My little guy (who just turned seven and reads at almost 3rd grade level)- can't stand to sit and print enough to finish a phonics lesson without me coaxing every letter out. ugh!

    It is kind of refreshing to see that I am not the only one dealing with issues at the moment- maybe it will improve as the weather improves too??

    Hang in there guys!! MT3
  8. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    With three kids, I'll have one finally settled in doing things perfect, and then the other two get in a fighht, or Rachael's fussing about her Algebra, or Faythe can't find the paper that she did yesterday, but SHE put it in her book.... Getting all three on track AT THE SAME TIME happens once a month. Maybe....
  9. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    Becky I'll trade Eva and Sammie any day for Jeannie.

    With Eva she is such a smartie pants she knows the answers before I print the page, but if I help Donald out more so he understands she gets mad because I help him out more.

    Sammie is my " I can't do it girl". but very capable of doing what I give her if she'd just shut up and stop whining.
    Becky I don't know what to tell you except your not alone. I have those days too. And I didn't even get into what kind of struggle I have with my pencil destructive son malcolm (took the erasers off the new valentine pencils), and Donald simply can not sit his scrawny butt in a chair to do his work.
  10. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    maybe figure out what kind of work needs to be learned and be more creative. (for math give her M&M's or mini marshmallows to add and subtract)
    For hand writing practice have her write her pen pals
    I don't know just suggestions. I know you do more than we do so I don't know what to say. Maybe a reward chart for compleeting each subject.
  11. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Becky, you are not alone, we are having those days too. I think everyone has them they call them the WINTER BLUES. Ready for summer. They even have them in ps too. You can ask any teacher and she will tell you. Just hang in there things will get better.

    Deena, I am right where you are, I wonder if it's just teenagers or something. I don't know. Give UP !!!
  12. timkelmom

    timkelmom New Member

    Feb 8, 2006
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    Glad to hear everyone has days or even weeks like these. Sometimes it is so hard to keep them motivated. Plus having a DS with Aspergers makes staying on task difficult, then he distracts DD too. We use our curriculum often, but sometimes it's nice to switch it up a little with games or cumputer work or worksheets. When all else fails we do crafts or something.

    My DD is the I can't queen. She gets very frustrated with the work and herself. It can be hard to reasure her.

    We all know we are doing the best we can and that is what matters.
  13. jenlynn4673

    jenlynn4673 New Member

    Dec 30, 2006
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    Thank you all for sharing.
    This week in particular has been very trying. Especially with my 7 year old.

    While at the PS, BOTH boys were Dx as ADHD. The older one with the emphasism on ADD, the the younger one HD. I took the older child off meds and since coming off his already fragile confidence level is like the thinnest layer of ice over the pond in spring. He is a very smart child, and like yours Amy, if he can stop whining for a few moments, he CAN get it and do it.

    I think MUCH of my issue is CABIN FEVER. If it isn't dreadfully cold, the streets are nastier than all get out, we have been holed up for quite some time. I am getting so restless, and I know if I am , the kids are as well, to get out and go SOMEPLACE!
  14. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Yep thats what I said Winter Blues, or Cabin Fever we all need to meet some where and have a hs get together. I am willing.
  15. dozermom67

    dozermom67 New Member

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Aww, the Roller Coaster Ride called Homeschooling! We're up, then down, then we get a curve thrown at us. It's thrilling, it's crazy, it's scary, but it's SO worth it!

    We all have our good days and bad days. It probably can be broken down even more than that...we all have our good hours and bad hours (all in one day!). :shock: It all depends on our moods, our children's moods, their attention spans (our attention spans - we see other things that need done in our homes and that distracts us!), whether it's a full moon or not (lol), how we're feeling (health-wise), how they're feeling, if it's too cold, if it's too hot, the list goes on and on. :roll:

    Even on my worst days (where's that yellow bus? when's it gonna pick MY kid up?!), I eventually realize, this is exactly where God wants our family. I truly wouldn't have it any other way.
  16. Jennifer R

    Jennifer R Active Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Sorry Kris, you can't blame it on them being teenagers because Joyce is only 11! I went up the road to help a neighbor the other day and laughing told her that I HAD to get away from the 3 hormonal females! My oldest is still staying her with the dgd and she only has 6 weeks to go for the next one so she is moody and uncomfortable. Between her brother and I we have to get her to work and either her brother or my dh pick her up as I am not a comfortable night driver and she gets off at midnight. We have not been able to get on any kind of routine but I've noticed that Joyce is hinting at wanting to find a schedule and we were struggling with that before my dd's car broke down. Like my sis and I joke "keep your chins up!"
  17. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Deena- I love that picture!

    Jen- what's that pronoun game??

    Everybody else- well, at least I'm not alone, but I'm yelling way too much and that's not the kind of mother I want to be. Yesterday I actually wished she didn't exist- her and her brother. I stomped out and got groceries after plunking her down for a nap. I told husband to pull a shift and I left. I hate this, though..
  18. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Pronoun game:

    Honestly, it is just a points based game of; "Whoever guesses correctly gets the point, the one with the most points wins"...

    Like this...
    I have twins, so it is easier with two, i suppose....
    They listen while I say a sentence, they have to retell the sentence using the proper pronoun.

    I may say:
    "Mary went to Mary's car to get Fred's book for Fred."
    They should answer:
    "SHE went to HER car to get HIS book for HIM."

    We also have opposite sentences where they are given the pronoun and have to create a proper noun to fit the sentence. (Make up a name).

    Whichever kid gets is right, first, gets a point. We usually do about 15 sentences, or at least an odd number to help be sure there is no tie.

    With a singleton, I would shoot for beating her "Best Score". First play the game to see how far she can go, then the next time you lay see if she can better that score.

    This is just something I made up, so sorry if it is too simple. I am sure there are a million variations that someone could come up with to be more creative or to cater to a child's learning style.

    PS I let them use scratch paper to write on, while working the problem! (Don't grade the scratch paper! haha!)

    Much love to you all!
  19. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Crap on a stick! That is a funny avatar photo! Make me warm, just thinkning of SUMMER! I can't wait for spring! WHooooo Hooooo!
  20. AussieMum

    AussieMum New Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    Well, I can't blame it on cold weather, or cabin fever, but we had a couple of really bad days last week too. We changed our schedule around, and ds10 didn't cope with it. And when he started to get it together, dd11 threw herself on the lounge whining that she hated story writing....anyway, you get the picture.
    We were all better by the end of the week. Dh had been away too, and is home now. Hopefully this will be a smoother week. Even on the bad days though, I would rather have them with me!
  21. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Becky so sorry your dealing with this but you are not alone by a long shot. For my kids I really think it has been the weather and the fact that they have rarely gone outside to play. I have noticed that when it is cold and nasty outside they fight more and complain more about school.

    Today it is bright and sunny and they are both outside. if he weather stays this way I believe we may have the best week of school since before Thanksgiving!

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