need a push to get back into school....

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by TeacherMom, Jan 2, 2008.

  1. mamamuse

    mamamuse New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    Tee hee! We didn't get started until after lunch today, despite my good intentions. My mother stopped by for lunch, so what can you do?

    Anyway, we've done a lighter load than usual. Zach's done spelling and math, and Eli's practiced his letters. Then they decided to pull out these DIY coloring Christmas cards and they've spent the last two hours making thank you cards for everyone.

    So I say today's been a success! I still want us to read today, but that's about it. I expect we'll be back at a more normal routine by Monday.
  2. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    We started a little later than planned as well. Surprisingly, we made it through everything a lot faster than planned. So it worked out. Tomorrow I am going to make sure we get going sooner.
  3. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    We spent a long time yesterday cleaning the girls desks and the rearranging the bookcases. We files things and threw out junk and put stuff into some new cloth basket like containers we bought. Then today we started late and took our time doing our school work. The girls stopped and fixed pizza when Freddy's daddy came by and then finished up after lunch. The boys go back to public school tomorrow so we should be back on our regular schedule. I like cleaning everything up after Christmas break so it gives us a fresh start.
  4. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Same deal here. We cleaned out Ems room from top to bottom, as well as the rest of the house. We even did the garage as we put the lights away. I was amazed at how much we accumulate through the year. I even tossed out Emma's desk, in her room, because she never uses it. It felt good to start our day with a clean house.
  5. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Yeah, Jeannie had to be dragged like a cavewoman to do her math today, lol. I thought 'oh, geeze, here we go again.'
  6. Codi

    Codi New Member

    May 14, 2007
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    I need a push too. I keep thinking I'm going to do this huge thing, but really I think I need to start small again. With DH's knee and then Christmas, we've had almost a month off. :(
  7. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Can you do that with MY house when you come and visit this summer?!!! PLEASE???!!! ;)

    I'm so bad with organization! But God certainly knew what He was doing when He brought my dh and me together! We are really almost opposites, even to the point of me being a night person and him a morning person! BUT, we are able to fit our strong points together and make a strong unit---what I am poor in, he is strong in, etc. ANYWAY, all that to say, he IS organized (and very strong in math), PTL, so he helps at just the things that I need!

    So Patty, I REALLY wouldn't put you to work if you visited me! :D

    Oh, btw, about the jeans: I don't know that they are brand new, there were no tags on them showing that. But they are a perfect size for me (I'm wearing them today!), and they have no wear on them anywhere, so they look new, and yes, the price was absolutely right! :D
  8. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    ok -- today we start back ... I will let you all know if we actually get to working as reading this thread I am thinking we need to clear out the 'lockers' ( boxes that fit under the table with wheels, kind of a scandinavian design styling thing dh picked up for free someplace that has two perfect boxes the kids chose to call their lockers!) and make sure there are no toys or stuff that does not belong at school .... first!

    But we are reading through the Bible so we will for sure start with that, dd is using one list for what scriptures to use and ds and I are using my daily readings bible.. it has insite and stuff to think on while you read it too.
    Then the plan will be clear out the lockers and start with English for ds and Historyetc class for dd.
    Math will be next for both. ds may be done after that, depending on his behavior and attitude I told him we may do half days this week to get us going... and dd will do all her classes cause she is highschool and highschool goes back full force... plus she is less of a struggle to get started with my blah attitude it wont flow on her where as my little boy will pick up on my attitudes really fast and run with them lol.
    Did ya ever see yourself in one of your kids of the opposite gender before? Lol He is SO like me its not funny somedays! Course I was always a tom boy, hahaha
    ANYWAY__ re the garage being organised you just inspired me Patty, I hate my garage as dh never seems to have the time or inspiration to clean it out I think I may start with the box of 'christmas stuff" that did not get put back on a shelf at some point, I went through it this year and it has some good stuff in it, just needs back on its shelf... ds can lift the heavy things when he is back from school and we can get that side of the car back together.
    Soon we will be working on a Mustang (67') rebuilding the engine and cleaning up the ancient interior for him to drive untill he probably sells it to buy an economy car, I have an Uncle who deals in classic car rebuilding so I may see if he can help us get a good deal on that one... my nephew would probably want to buy it other wise! That would be cool too... I bought the stang for my dh years ago, he always had wanted one as a teen so it was fulfiling a dream thing? He used it , someone stole the distributor out of it one night and they are hard to come by, long story short its been off road since and he has driven his trucks.
    SO< COme clean my garage with me! lol! ( long story short? GIGGLE I don't think I know what a short story is!)
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    You mean you're suppose to CLEAN the GARAGE, too??? (Last time we did that, someone stopped by to see if we were having a garage sale. Our neighbor saw the car drive up, and just KNEW why they were stopping, and got a big kick out of it!)
  10. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    okay, so far we had the huge packet of Bible class, it actually was more than just that for ds10 because it was art and find a word and answering questions etc. So we are having a super good day. I still have math and english planned, but my just skip english and go with math, the find a word went long cause it printed weird at first, lol
    dd did her module 5 test, and is ready to start 6 tomorrow... I will grade her test in a bit here.
    She also had to go back and check her responses to her lesson questions to see that they fit the experiment so that was good
    now she is working on another lesson up to lunch break.
    ds decided that we were having a MC MOms meal today and so he made signs and stuff for lunch, including a paper sign badge for uniforms lol. So I have started to set up lunch, waiting for chicken to finish cooking in oven.
    so we are sorta schooling... we will go through the library bag today too and see if we need to return stuff, and probably go for library and get some groceries on the way home...
    math will be done at some point, too... he is having too much fun with the restaurant planning and set up right now so I don't want to push that button just yet... hes ahead in math remember so we are okay I think.
  11. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Ok we have been off since the 17th of December so I REALLY NEED A BIG HUGE push!! We didn't plan to take off that extra week but were kinda forced into it by that nasty ol stomach bug that was going around. Then hubby was off of work until yesterday and informed me that we would have NO school until after he went back. Yesterday I didn't want to do ANYTHING but be lazy. So finally this morning we started our day off with Richard Simmons "sweatin to the oldies". The kids thought I was nuts at first but then they got into it and were having a blast until the tape messed up. HUMP!! After that we did math a bit differantly. We played countdown. Then we got down to business. No history or science this week since it was only 2 days. So the day should've been pritty short right?? WRONG!! The kids apparently needed some major motivation as well. We FINALLY finished up. After fighting with them to get their work done I needed mommy time. So my 4 year old is down for her nap and the other 3 are in their rooms until the timer goes off in an hour. PEACE at last. LOL!! But it ends a bit to quick for me. Sometimes I'm so tempted to put a few extra minutes on that timer. But I alway hold myself back.
    Guess that I should go get out of my jammies now. It's 3pm after all. :shock:
  12. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Well, Deena, if you change your mind I will be happy to help you clean. Just make sure the fish isn't around.;)

    Today, Handsome started work at a later hour than usual. They have a big poor today. So one foreman started the poor this morning at 12:00 am. Handsome went in to take over at 9:00am. So we were able to have breakfast with him. Ems loved it. So did I. We only have breakfast on the weekends, which is nice, but this made it extra special. Since he will not be home until later tonight, we actually have not started our school work yet. It is 1:46 California time. Instead we went to ClubEd and bought a huge map of the world. It comes with stickers of the names of each country, continent, state, important places etc.....
    We are using it to mark were major disasters have taken place, including volcanoes. I didn't want to use the map we already have.
    Then we cleaned the church and went to lunch.
    I am giving myself extra time on the computer because I wasn't able to get on this morning.:oops: :oops:
    I know it is shameful but you know.... priorities first. :lol:
    After I am finished, school will resume.
  13. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Welllll, if ya really want to.... ;)

    I don't see anything shameful in what you're doing! You're absolutely right---priorities first!!! Besides, you NEED to get only a few more posts before you make it to 4000!!! Plus, as your dh pointed out, you need to catch up since you were gone so long!
  14. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    When you're done at Deena's, you're welcome to visit ME!!! I mean, if you really WANT to clean, I sure can oblige you!!!
  15. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Yep, we're so kind to oblige you in that way! But hey, what are friends for?!!!
  16. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Jackie, I would love to help you clean. This will give me a chance to get out to that side of America. We can make it a fieldtrip.:lol:
  17. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    I find re-arranging the classroom and giving our bulletin board a fresh new look helps me out.
  18. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    CLASSROOM??? We're going to take the wallpaper off the kitchen this summer and paint. I'd LOVE to put white corkboard over one big wall in there, and use it as a giant b-board! But we might move in a few years, and I don't know if anyone would really appreciate it. We've also talked about using magnetic paint on that wall.
  19. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I would love to have magnetic paint or chalkboard paint in my kitchen. How awesome it would be to write my grocery list on the wall.:lol:
  20. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    I don't have a set classroom or a bulletin board. But I DO have things up on walls here and there. Maybe I should take one of our old timelines off the wall and put up something else. Hmmmm, gotta think what though....

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