at your local McD's! Joyce and I are sitting, minding our own business when in walks Ohio Gma, her dh and dgd and dgs!!! Okay, I make this sound like chance but we have been hoping this would work out for a few weeks now. She had pm'd me and asked me if we live anywhere near such and such a hwy and I'm like yeah! It's only about 20 minutes from me! We made arrangements to meet at a playplace right off the hwy. The kids had a blast, we got to run our mouths and hopefully we didn't bore her dh to death! He's prior military (before my time in) but we talked about that a little so he wasn't totally left out. Ohio Gma and I had a real nice chance to talk (I hope she agrees!!) and Joyce and Elijah are the same age so they had fun and Gianna is young enough to go with the flow! We were talking about how it would be nice to be able to meet more of you. Deena, she was saying how jealous you were going to be!!! We got a couple of pix and she will get them on here when she gets a chance. Btw, she is just as sweet in person as she is to talk to on here!
How cool!!!! What a great treat for both of you. Now.... I WANT TO MEET YOU ALL TOOOOO!!!! (said with a whine) LOL Can't wait to see the pictures.
I AM SOOOO JEALOUS!! That is really neat. I am happy for you two. Beth (Sloan127) lives at the other end of the state from me . I think she is the only other one from NC here. What an exciting thing!!
There are only a couple of gals down this way but they aren't in this area. We lucked out with this opportunity because we are so close to Columbia and access to the hwy. It was really fun to have this chance. My sis lives in NC and I haven't seen her in about 4 years which is a shame!
WAAAAAAAAAA, I am in between several and now my car is acting up or I would be meeting Deena on Mothers day weekend! I was planning a trip to Wa! I figured even if she went to her parents she could have stopped by Buckly on the way and we could have done lunch! COurse I only got as far as thinking on it! lol ! MY car has flashing light,s uh, break fluid needed, needs I think transmision stuff too and something in the exhaust department, I think a fuel filter too...
That would be so exciting!!!! I would love to meet every person here. What a great experience for your children to actually meet homeschoolers from another state. Patty
Jen sounds like you and OG and the kids all had a good time! I'll be meeting up with JenniferErix here in a couple of weeks. We're taking our kids to the zoo!
How fun for you to meet. I was thinking that Bunnytracks and I could meet up and have lunch at Chuck E. Cheese today --- she lives about 5 miles from me and we havn't seen each other since before christmas, but she wasn't feeling well, I hope she feels better the next time around.
Transportation could have been a problem seeing as I NEVER have a decent running car. She had already told me ahead of time that they would be willing to drive to my home and bring lunch if push came to shove. I had no problem with that but I hated them losing about 40-45 minutes just in driving time. Joyce and Elijah are still young enough that they had fun in the play place and we were supposed to hit 90 today so at least it was cool!
Two more months, and I'll be meeting Deena and Daniel'sMom in Philly!!! Isn't it great! Almost like a long-lost friend!!!
Just so you ladies know ...... if anyone plans on coming to the Houston area I'd love to meet up or have you over for dinner!
You are right, Jackie, and I laugh to myself about the fact that we included you gals in our conversation. Even though many of us haven't "met", just our talks here make it seem like I really have!
How cool that you could get together. I'm glad you had a nice visit. I'll keep you all posted on our whereabouts and you can let me know if we are anywhere near you. Our next possible stop will be Memphis, TN. I'll keep you all posted.
You're right, I AM so jealous! That would be such great fun!!! And TMOM, too bad that didn't work out, I would've gone out of my way to meet up with you! Get that car fixed so you can get up here sometime! YES Jackie, at least I will be getting to meet up with you guys! That will be so neat! I feel the same way, it seems like we know each other already! It's funny to be such good friends with someone you've never met in person! Jennifer, I'm so glad you guys got to meet! That's cool! And at least we were included in the conversation, so we were kind of there!
Way to go, Jennifer!!!! She really got you guys good!!! What a great time we had together. It was like we had known each other for years. The children played like they had known each other too. I guess the myth about socialization just went down the tubes today. Even Don, my dh, joined in the conversation. Of course, one time we looked over and he was laying down in the sliding board tube with his eyes closed, well, maybe we did bore him some what. We are now in Daytona Beach, FL. My daughter works at one of the hotels and we have a beach side room for, get this, $45.00 per night. We are just staying one night and then will come back on the way back home and stay another couple of days. Gianna and Elijah headed for the beach as soon as we got here (7:30pm) it was hard to get them to the room. Gianna is laying in bed trying to sleep and Don went to look for Elijah, he went down to the office to see if he could use their TV to play his playstation. I will try and post these pics. Enjoy, don't be too jealous, maybe another time we can all meet in the middle of the U.S. Where was that at??? Someone had posted the place earlier. I tried to post the pics but I think I have to resize them. I will do that and try in a minute.