Halloween party

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by becky, Oct 19, 2006.

  1. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I agree that God made everything. You are so right! I also believe the bible is complete. However, I also agree with Deena about some of those sounds. Yes, I was so wrapped up in my own past, I did forget about those beats and stuff. I remember learning about that. I also think I need to try and veiw things with a clean slate and then pray about wether it is Godly or not. That is the only way for true conviction. Living in the past does not bring out conviction but guilt.
  2. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Ava, thank you for clarifying what you meant. :) I also have to say, I really admire the way you respond to posts when others feel differently or have another view. You seem to have this very kind, patient, and calm nature about you when you respond. :love: You always take other people's views into consideration and to heart and I really admire and appreciate that.
  3. bunnytracks

    bunnytracks New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    Yes you are right when it comes to beat some beats are meant for evil...... but the bible says in Matt 7:18 That a good tree can not bear bad fruit. That means that a god glorifying band cannot play un-godly music. It is impossible for someone who is glorifying God to have bad fruit. Now the problem lies with if the band is truely Godly or not which is something only God really knows.
    ((hugs)) again I didn't mean to attack you. I hope that I didnt hurt your feelings. If I did I am truely sorry.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2006
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    FIRST OF ALL: My kids are going to have a Bible Character night. It will be November 2. This will be the first time it's been done. Phillip is going as a young David. He has a brown tunic-type outfit that we tied a jute rope around for a belt, a walking stick for his staff, and his sling that he made from the "Backyard Balistics" book. Oh, and his big sister's little stuffed lamb! He looks really cute. Maybe I can post his picture!

    As far as Christian Rock. I simply don't like it, period. But that's simply my taste in music. I feel that most rock music has very little in the way of music, and a lot in the way of noise. That is NOT a judgement on those that perform it. I'm sure some of the performers are up there to glorify God, while others are on an ego trip.

    When I was a student at Bowling Green, I attended the Grace Brethern Church there. One of the big-name groups at the time were performing in Toledo...either Ressurection Band, or Petra. Can't remember which!!! Anyway, the teens wanted to go as a group. The church decided to let them go as an official group IF the head pastor went and made some kind of "judgement" on the appropriatness of the music. Well, he did. And on Sunday morning, both parents and teens were waiting for his verdict. He got up there and said how much he HATED it! He went, he never wanted to go again!!! BUT...he witnesed NOTHING there that wouldn't have been pleasing to God. He felt that, in spite of his personal opinion, God was pleased with the spirit of the performance, by the performers, and by the audience. He felt that it blessed his teens, and he was glad they had the opportunity to go.
  5. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Everyone has different taste in music and I totally respect that. The only thing I had an issue with was that I felt that she was saying Christian Rock was sinful and I wasn't a realy Christian becuase I listen to it.

    With that being said.....

    Ava Rose I thank you for answering my question. I was simply curious about your point of view. I am glorifying God in the music I listen to you are doing the same. I hope you can overcome your feelingsfrom the past and I again hank you for responding respectfully as some of these can get nasty at times.

  6. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Okay sorry for all the spelling errors in the last post! I need sleep.
  7. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I can understand where Ava is coming from. When I became a Christian I literally threw out all my music and books that I thought were unholy at the time. I wanted to seperate myself from everything that I thought seperated me from Christ. At the time, it was my attachment to my old life. Gradually as I grew closer with the Lord, I felt secure enough in my walk that I started reading books that were not written by Christian authors and I began listening to different types of Christian music other than hymns. I believe with all my heart that I needed to be stripped of all things and focus on Christ in a very gentle and quiet fashion. There was a lot I was going through and for me anything that appeared or sounded worldly would have stunted my growth. It isn't that I thought that Christian rock was wrong but rather the sound seemed to be the same as what I was used to hearing. As soon as I was able to place it all at the foot of the cross and move foward, I no longer heard the sound of the music but rather the words of praise that glorified Christ. Although I admit to not caring for anything to hard, I also know now that God does indeed know the heart and just as the not so beautiful voice is music to His ears so is the hard music of anyone who sings it unto the Lord.

    I believe the same applies for Halloween. For some they must strip this from their lives and once upon a time I did. Now I view things a lot different then I used to. The Lord convicted my heart that I was giving to much glory to Satan and that God created all things including the day, October 31. Man made it unholy and wicked by the power and authority they give it. This is why I started leading the festivals at our church because we are called to use every opportunity to glorify the Lord. For me and my walk, this is an awesome opportunity. Sure we get people who come dressed in what I consider evil costumes but I can't see myself not serving in this ministry because even Jesus walked and ate dinner with sinners without becoming one of them. He did not refuse to come to earth because of the wickedness of men. He came to make His glory known. The idea of Halloween may belong to Satan but the souls belong to Christ. Usually Christians are seeking people to witness to. This night they come to the Lord's house on there own. For me and I mean for me only, it would be a sin to sit behind closed doors when the opportunity to reach a group of people that I usually may not have the opportunity to meet ever again is right at the door step of the church. What a powerful God we have!!!
  8. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Patty that was beautifully said!!
  9. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I love this group you are all so fun to read! God is surely blessed by the way you all work together to understand one another!
    I know in type its often hard to convey what you are feeling or what you are meaning but I am totaly serious you all do such a wonderful job of not stepping on anyones toes I just love you all!
    Be blesssed today for your patience has not gone unnotieced!
    In His love,
  10. bunnytracks

    bunnytracks New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    Patty that was beautifully said. God definately used you to speak to us here tonight.
  11. Connie

    Connie New Member

    Aug 29, 2006
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    we participate in halloween celabrations with our brownie group and are actually hoasting the party this year, however all the costumes will be age apropriate (ballerinas and puppy dogs etc). our party doesnt include anything scary (last year the hoasting family had casper the friendly ghost on in the background, but thats a goulish as it ever got).
    this year the girls will make rice crispie treats made out of the multi colored creal, cut them out with leaf shaped cookie cutters as a snack, and they will all be able to paint their own pumpkin, get a little bag of candy and show off their costumes while we play fall theamed games.
    we have always explained to our kids the history of halloween and what it really means and why we dont have ghosts and demons at our partys etc... the way i see it they are going to be exposed, no way around it, so they might as well go into it with a true understanding.
  12. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Becky. Do what I do with my girls we just go to have pizza then to a movie and home. They love it.
  13. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Hopefully not a scary movie, Kris! LOL!
  14. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    No not one of them just something funny. LOL
  15. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Kris, how about that new Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie? ;) TOTALLY KIDDING!!! :)
  16. bunnytracks

    bunnytracks New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    still trying to figure out what the appeal of that movie is???? *scratches head*
  17. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Me too. I don't even like seeing the previews on tv to be honest. I am actually a fan of horror movies :oops: , but not when they are that full of gore (sp?). I guess you could call this one a slasher movie not a horror movie, which is not my cup of tea. Too much violence and blood even for my taste.
  18. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Jennie, we could try that one what do you think Jackie want to come with us.
  19. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Oh I love horror movies but not the slasher type films - those just gross me out and I end up hiding my eyes through most of it!
  20. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I agree with Teachermom that this group is awesome! And I agree with Tiffiany that things like this can get nasty. However, I think we all have a basic respect for one another and a true love for God to overcome any differences. I also thank Jen for the complement on how I answer posts...thank you. I am a different person now than I was 10, even 5 years ago---stronger in my faith and all...that would not come if I never admitted my flaws and when I am wrong. So, I enjoy hearing other people's point of veiws that I respect as much as you ladies. It really does help me grow and put things into perspective.

    Love and blessings to all....now I have to go...I have such a sinus headache. Geesh, weather changes in Ohio are not fun! lol. Especially living in swamp land I mean Toledo! lol.

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