MAJOR tooth pain!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by MonkeyMamma, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    I am in so much pain here!

    I just got back from the dentist. A few months ago I broke a tooth. I know I should have taken care of it then but I am terrified of dentists. I have had so many dental surgeries over the past 25 years that it just scares me to have to go and have anything done.

    All day long yesterday I was popping Tylenol and last night I couldn't stand it so at 11:30 dh got up and went to get me orajel. I wanted to pull my tooth out myself it hurt so bad and I was in tears! Well I broke down this morning and called a dentist. They took x-rays and I have an absess under the broken tooth. Dh just left to pick up my persciriptions. One is an antibiotic and the other is for Vicodin. I will go back on Monday to have it pulled. It is the last tooth on the bottom left side and I don't care to have a rootcanal. Just get it out of my mouth please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If this dentist is gentle and it all goes well I will make appointments for my whole family to have our teeth cleaned. I promised myself that after all this horrible pain I will go to a dentist more regularly. I don't ever want to feel this again.

    I can't wait till dh gets back with my drugs!!!!!!!!!!
  3. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Oh, Tiffany! I had a tooth abscess many years ago. The pain is so severe you can't think straight. I'd say it's worse than labor pains, and I'm not joking. The reason my tooth abscessed was because the dentist I had gone to for a toothache wanted to give me braces and pull two canines that didn't come down all the way. I told him no, and he said he'll treat the toothache when I agree to braces and pulling those canines! Well, it abscessed, and I ended up paying for an emergency visit with an oral specialist. He drained it and told me to come back to have it finished. Instead I found a kind dentist who pulled it for me. I hope you get relief soon, my friend. I'm sorry you're suffering.
  4. Ohio Mom

    Ohio Mom New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    I hate going to the dentist, too, but I don't like the pain either. My dentist is very good and gentle, but I still don't like it.

    Let you dh pamper you tonight and tomorrow, if you can get away with it. Take your medicine so the infection goes away and they can take care of the tooth.

    Praying you will start feeling better SOON!!!
  5. momothem

    momothem New Member

    Feb 20, 2007
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    I am soo sorry. Toothache pain isn't something you can just put out of your mind either...I hope the pain killers work for you.
  6. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Thanks so much ladies. Yes Becky it hurts so bad I can't think straight at all. Dh brought the meds home and I took them immediatley. Almost ripped them right out of his hand. He just left to pick Grace up from his parents so I am going to go lay on the couch for a while.

    Becky I can't believe you were treated that way by a dentist! That is horrible! I'm glad you found relief. I'm thinking the Vicodin is kicking in. Time to get off the computer and hit the couch.
  7. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    I lost a few fillings and the cavities are getting worse, I need to make an apointment to go, just got done taking a round of penicilin to get rid of infection.
  8. Jennifer R

    Jennifer R Active Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Tiffany, I feel for you! I broke one quite a few years ago, just half of the tooth, and it never acted up until last year. When it broke, the filling stayed in so I was fine. When my dgd was new, the filling fell out. The worst part was that I was watching my dgd so my dd could get her wisdom teeth taken out!! I didn't tell my dd until months later because I didn't want to upset her. Most of the tooth is gone except the root and a small piece above the gum. Maybe one of these days my dh will get a job with insurance!!

    Btw, I've had so many adult teeth removed that I had a dentist that didn't believe me. My jaw is too small. Guess where I ended up working in HS?! Yup, in a small dentist office. Oh how I hated the sound of the drill but I loved my job.
  9. AmyU

    AmyU New Member

    May 15, 2006
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    I hope you feel better soon. Tooth pain is the worse. I understand how scary it is to go to the dentist. I have always hated it. I have had a lot of tooth problems in the past so I make sure my son goes every 6 mos. and he really like the dentist which is great. I think this makes a big difference. I just had 10 teeth pulled 2 1/2 weeks ago. I was put to sleep, this part was worse then having the teeth pulled. I will make sure I take care of what little I have left and see a dentist. I only have 8 teeth left and will be getting new fake teeth by Aug. I hope. I wish you lots of luck and make sure you take care of your self and this tooth. (and all the others)
  10. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    My Tiff!
    Hope you feel better!

    I KNOW that pain!
    I used to have the healthiest teeth of anyone I knew. Then, around 23 years of age, I developed hypoglycemia, ut in my smart-a** way I didn't listen to the doctors about diet and ended up with REALLY high levels of blood sugar.

    In turn my teeth bagan to litterally rot right before my eyes! And in this I had three situations where I was in so much pain, I just wanted to die.

    Thankfully, when I got a hold of a dentist, I would beg them for pain killers that were "Non-Narcodic". I would tell them that I had to stay awake to work. But mainly I would say that to assure them that I was not some druggie looking for a fix...

    Anyway, seemed to work, because they would be magically more willing to give me pain meds. SOme actually would insist on the narcardics, because of the infection level...

    Anyway, Hugging you and try a LOW setting on your heating pad on the side of your face, while you wait for the antibiotics to work their magic.
  11. dawninns

    dawninns New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Tiffany - Have you talked to your dentist about your fear?

    I used to be afraid as well. Not a little bit but to an extreme that impacted my dental health because I've avoid the dentist. I found a dentist who was really gentle and I could talk to abour my fear. She helped a LOT by making sure she talked me through every procedure.

    Now I consider the dentist a nice break from my normal routine (although the drill can still make me nervous).

    You tooth is the immediate problem but you really need some help dealing with your fear. If this dentist isn't the right one then make it a priority to go and talk to others and find one that will be a good match for you.
  12. Earthy

    Earthy New Member

    May 4, 2004
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    Sorry your in pain, I hope you get more medication! I know having tooth pain is horrible! It is good though that it is a back tooth and not one close to the front, that way you can just have it pulled and not worry about a root canal or replacing the tooth. I hope it gets better!
  13. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Well last night was horrible.

    I got about an hour of sleep all night due to the pain. I understand that it takes a bit before the antibiotic will kick it but aren't these pain meds supposed to knock me on my butt? That is what I was expecting. I have been up popping different kind of pills all night just watching the clock to see when I could take more because they are not helping. I cried most of the night and kept my dh awake.

    I just took two Vicodin. I am hoping that I will be able to get some sleep this morning. I just can't believe the pain killers are not killing the pain. It is unbearable pain.

    I didn't know about the heat on the face Jen. I just let my inlaws borrow my heating pad.

    Yes I told the dentist and his assistant how scared I was. My bood pressure was through the roof when they took it. Combination of fear and pain I suppose.

    Seriously I feel like slamming my head against a wall right night just to make me take my mind off this.

    The doctor said it may take 24 hours before I felt the effects of the antibiotics. Totally understand but HELLO!!! Why is the Vicodin not at least knocking me out so I can sleep through the pain??? That I do not understand. I am a very petite person and that much drugs should do something.

    Any other suggestions? I can have my husband pick up the heating pad on his way home but I don't know what else to do. Can't have it pulled until Monday.
  14. SoonerMama

    SoonerMama New Member

    Apr 26, 2007
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    I hate to hear that! I hope you are unconscious soon!:lol:
  15. Earthy

    Earthy New Member

    May 4, 2004
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    I have not tried these homemade remedies:
    put wisky on it
    rinse mouth with vinegar and salt
    put sensodine toothpaste around tooth
    put clove oil on it
    warm water & baking soda rinse
    rinse with peroxide

    Hope the pain goes away soon for you. That's just awful. Can he pull the tooth before Monday?
  16. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    I don't know if you have already tried this but when I had an abscessed tooth I had to keep my head propped up. Laying down in the bed made the pain so much worse. I slept one night in a recliner and that helped. I hate going to the dentist too so I really am sorry you are going through this. I am praying for you to get the relief you so need. Beth
  17. CrystalCA

    CrystalCA New Member

    Jun 23, 2004
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    Take a clean sock ( like one of your DH's) fill it with UNCOOKED rice.
    Knot the top of the sock , so the rice doesn't fall out.
    Put it in the microwave for 45 seconds increments ( keep checking it after 45 seconds to see if it is hot).
    Make sure its not too hot to put on your face ( you cound wrap it in a hand towel if needed).
    Place it on your jaw and behind your ear and lay your face on a pillow ( so it adds pressure to the warm rice).
    keep heating it up when needed.

    IE: I use this with my kiddos if they start to say "my ear hurts". We have never taken them to a doctor for ear infections and they hardly say my ears hurts anymore ( its been a few years since I have used this on them).
    I also use this for shoulder/muscle pain.
    I like this better then a hot water bottle because you can mold it to your body!
  18. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Oh Tiffany!
    I am sorry you are going through this. I am scared of the dentist too. I had a horrible experience when I was a teenager and have not been back since, except to have my wisdom teeth extracted. I have to agree with Becky, I would rather have a baby then go through that pain again.
    I pray you feel better soon.
  19. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Tiffany, I feel for you I really do I am going through the same thing right now. But, with no insurance I am trying to hold it out and it's not working out very well. I called all over and they want over 200.00 dollars to pull a darn tooth. Trying to talk dh to get something and pull it out himself. Why does everything have to cost so much?
  20. Scholar

    Scholar New Member

    Apr 7, 2007
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    I am so sorry about your pain. This thread really interested me because I had 2 cavities filled yesterday. I have the most wonderful dentist, and my dh says it is because we found someone whose passion is dentistry, not the money in dentistry. I hope that your dentist will be as gentle and reassuring as my new one is.

    One thing I learned from her is that because she is an excellent dentist, she wants to know if I am hurting when I go home. Call your dentist, and explain the lack of relief. Maybe Vicodin isn't right for you, or maybe the dosage needs to be adjusted. Ask if you can take something like Benedryl to help you sleep. Something that has helped me in the past while waiting for pain meds to kick in is using a topical numbing gel like Anbesol to deaden the area. Will your dentist let you use something like that? I really believe that good dentists understand patient's suffering, and want to alleviate it.

    I hope you feel better soon!
  21. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    I am about to try the rice remedy after I take my antibiotics in just a minute. I was finally able to get some sleep this morning and now I have Samantha sort of "babysitting" Grace here for me. This medicine is horrible. It makes me so sick! I threw up last night and again just a minute ago. I need to let my stomach settle before I take meds again. I have no appetite for anything. I just feel horrible.

    The reason he can't pull it until Monday is because the infection has to heal first. I am supposed to take these meds for at least 4 days before going back in.

    I think it is the Vicodin making me sick and puky. Bad thing is we have to go out of town this weekend for my parent's 50th anniversary. I don't know how I am going to make it through.

    The reason I am so freaked out by dentists is because I have had so many dnetal suregeries in the past. When I was 8 I had two of my teeth knocked out and had two root canals. Then I had a retainer and braces. At 18 my roots deteriorated. I then have 7 surgeries in the course of a year to reconstruct all that. Including having my wisdom teeth extracted. Then I got dental implants and I hate them. They just aren't right. So I have had a lot of crap done in my mouth.

    Anyway now instead of having tooth pain my whole left side of my face hurts and I could throw up at any second.

    Thanks for all the well wishes. Say a little prayer if you are so inclined. I appreciate all of you ladie! I'm off to bed again.

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