weight-loss surgery

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by kyzg, Sep 18, 2006.

  1. kyzg

    kyzg New Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Has anyone here had gastric bypass surgery? After this past month, I've thrown in the towel and decided to do what I swore I'd never do and get the surgery. I am just stretched way too thin (huh! now that's a pun for ya!) by the kids to have the energy and focus to get the weight off the old-fashioned way. It has been a 20-year battle for me. If things go as planned, I'll have it next month. I am both nervous and excited; I'll be re-arranging my God-given anatomy but I'll finally be able to shop once again in regular stores, ride amusement park rides with my kids (and a bike!), sit in any chair I want. . . .it's really amazing how life is affected by weight, even beyond the health issues. I've even heard that people treat you differently (clerks in stores, etc.) when you are no longer fat.

    I'd love to hear any input you have!
  3. Syele

    Syele New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    I have really considered it too. I've never heard of anyone not having to get follow-up skin-removal surgery. As bad As I want the weight off, the surgery scares me.
  4. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    we will keep you in our prayers, that is so sad how people treat people, they do that with everyone though not just fat people. So, don't feel left out, they do it if you skin is different, what you wear, drive and live in.
    But, that is life and people.
    I will keep you in our prayers, keep us updated.
  5. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    I have not had it done, but know someone pretty well that did. She did really well with it overall, it did make her quite sick for a while. It has been, gosh, probably 6 or 7 years now and she has slowly been putting the weight back on (not anything like before). But it is so important to learn how to eat healthy and exercise regularly so you can keep the weight off, otherwise, overtime, your stomach will stretch back out and you will gain it back.

    Just something to think about.

    Good luck to you and many prayers for you!
  6. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    I have 2 friends who have had weight loss surgeries. One has gained all the weight back by gradually eating more and more until his stomach stretched back out. The other has done the opposite and could actually stand to gain a few pounds!

    As with any weight loss plan, it takes commitment for the long haul and not just a quick fix. I think the surgery can work, but there will still have to be a commitment to following doctor orders for the rest of your life!

    My dh gained weight after we were married. It took a health scare to get him serious about losing weight (He had even gone the Phen-Fen (SP?) route before and gained the weight back.) He decided to change his eating habits and lost 80 pounds within the year.

    Whatever your decision, good luck!
  7. kyzg

    kyzg New Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Gaining the weight back worries me too. Sometimes I think, if I have to be so careful after the surgery, why can't I just practice those eating habits now? But, easier said than done! I think for me just having the head start will help because I'm actually very interested in healthy eating and physical activity but with 150 pounds to lose I am just overwhelmed. I had considered the banding procedure because it seemed less extreme and doesn't affect nutrient absorption but then I'd have to go 1-2 times a year for the rest of my life to have the band adjusted and my insurance doesn't cover a penny of the procedure or related expenses. Plus, when I researched it, it seems bypasss patients are 4/5 satisfied while only about 50% of banding patients are happy. I hope I won't have too much excess skin because we won't be able to afford much of anything after I have this surgery so cosmetic surgery won't be possible for quite awhile. Sometimes when I stop and think, it seems like such a shame to have to do this to my body and put the such a financial strain on us but I think 20 years is enough time to realize it's just not going to happen anytime soon and I can't continue feeling as lousy as I feel now. It will be exciting to share my progress!!!
  8. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    I don't want to put a damper on it, cuz it could be just the thing for you. However, my neighbor had a very hard time after her surgery. She may be a small exception, I don't know, but she had to keep going in cuz she had complications. It took her months to be able to get back to "normal" living. Their kids went to school and she felt that was good, cuz she needed that break where she didn't have to worry about where they were and what they were doing, and trying to prepare some meal for them. It was a tough time for her!

    Another guy I know slowly gained some of the weight back also. But he's still in better shape than he was in before the surgery, and is happier.

    I will pray for you too. It's a tough decision! Once you've looked everything over and have decided on something, then don't second guess yourself, just stay strong in your decision and ask God to bless you and our decision! :)
  9. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    My cousin had it done about 4 years ago. There are complications but the ones she has faced are minor. The one thing you have to remember is that everything you put in your body will have a different affect on it than it does now. That includes medications (over the counter and prescription), food, beverages, etc. She hasn't gained any weight back, but she is pretty good about keeping her good eating habits and eats small portions. It takes A LOT of self-discipline! There is a long recovery time. It took my cousin about 6-8 weeks to get back to normal. What usually happens is they have you go through a bunch orientation-like appointments with a bunch of different doctors, which includes the surgeon, psychologist, your general doctor, and a nutritionist. They touch every aspect since it will not only change you physically, it will change you mentally as well. If you do decide, I hope all goes well!

    Oh, and about the skin, they recommend plastic surgery after a period of time, but make sure your insurance will cover that too. My cousin's didn't. Although she is still happy with her results, she has a lot of extra skin she hides because she is self-conscious about it...which is one reason she had the surgery (her lack of self-esteem) so it kind of defeated the purpose on that side of it.
  10. Syele

    Syele New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    I'm on an appetite suppressant, a diretic (SP?) and a low carb diet and it's the first thing that has EVER helped me lose any weight. The problem is that the clinic that prescribed it for me charges $120 a month and my personal doctor is against this method of weight loss. :( I'm actually thinging of Doctor shopping till I find one that will give me the meds, cause if a regular Doctor prescribes it I get it free on my insurance.
  11. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Weight loss surgery shrinks your stomach, not your appetite. You still want to eat like you always did.

    A lady in our paper had to have solids surgically removed from her stomach because she ate real food too soon. She simply was hungry and wanted normal food, not the liquids they had her on.

    When I sit around, I sit A - R - O - U - N - D, and I wouldn't have this surgery. I'd need my appetite handled first.
  12. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    Kyzg, if you've already made up your mind for sure, just disregard this, & we'll all be praying for you and still be your friends, anyway, OK?
    My MFH (mighty fine husband) & I went on a 10-day "lemonade diet" early this spring together. I might not have made it without him. Freshly-squeezed lemons with water, grade B maple syrup, & hot pepper provides a zing that takes away appetite and gives enough nourishment to keep energy & health up. With a few other details that I won't go into here, a person can live with this for 21 days or longer. It works like a cleansing fast, without the extreme tiredness, headaches, etc. for most people. My MFH lost 10 lbs. during the 10 days & kept right on losing weight afterwards, because of his increased energy and ability to work even harder than he had before. I lost some weight too, & gained great encouragement to eat more raw, less starchy food. Because of the "lemonade diet," more walking, & eating better, I've lost 20 lbs this spring & would commit to going through another session at the same time you do, if that would help you. You can research this diet on google. (Caveat: I'm not a vegan, & I don't endorse everything they say.) We belong to a health-conscious hs support group, which helps, too. I know your friends on this forum will encourage you, whatever you decide.
  13. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    I actually am a little intersted in this myself. I am going to google it. Does it taste aweful? I really like food, I am afraid I couldn't let it go for 7 to 10 days. But I really am not a good healthy eater and could use a good cleasing and get back to some good old fresh vegetables and fruit.

    I find that when I eat vegetables and fruit regularly, they taste so good, I almost crave it. But when I get on a bad track of eating out and more fatty foods, the thought of vegetables and fruit is not appealing to me at all. Why is that? Does anyone know?
  14. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    Beth...that is great! I know the program well. I lost 20 lbs on it myself a couple of years ago. Unfortunately my bad habits came back and I put it all back on and then some....I say I am going to get back to it, but just can't get myself committed to actually doing it. Actually, now that I think of it...I became a lifetime member, so I could go back and just pay until I met my goal again. But, honestly, my original goal was not reasonable...way too thin...so, I would need to adjust that (if they would let me???)

    Good luck to you...it is an awesome program. The healthiest way to lose weight according to my doctor. So, be strong, keep at it, and don't give up!!! You can do it!!!
  15. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    I do have to say that owning restaraunts makes it really hard and that is a big part of why my bad habits came back! :( But, I thank God for all he's given us, so I don't want to complain about that!
  16. cowpokemary

    cowpokemary New Member

    Jun 22, 2004
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    My cousin Lea had it, she said "my only regret is that I cannot get a quenching drink of water" she can only take a little at a time.
  17. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    My future SIL's mom had this surgery and it almost killed her. She was in the hospital for a couple of months after because she had many complications. She lost weight so fast that it caused her to be put back in the hospital a few more times. Her stomach isn't adjusting well and she cannot keep food down nor can her body absorb the nutrients needed to stay healthy. Some people who have this surgery do fine while others struggle with many problems physical and emotional.
    What ever you choose to do we are praying for you either way. Let us know what happens so we know how to pray for your needs.
    God bless!!!
  18. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    Leslie, it sounds awful, but tastes OK. I'm always surprised at how this concoction nips my appetite, even when I'm not on a cleansing session, per se. Reading the recommended booklet (borrowed from a friend), helped a lot. Actually, I had never been on a "cleanse" before, & it helped me to get to know my body a whole lot better. I gained appreciation for the marvelous way we are made. Plus, we learned that we really can survive on very little food for extended times, if certain nutrients are there. The part I didn't tell you about, which I know I couldn't have made mayself do alone, without a fellow-"sufferer," is drink a quart of salt water each morning, on an empty stomach. The drinking is hard. But what it does is amazing! It literally flushes the digestive system from top to bottom. We followed this diet to the letter for 10 days & felt so renewed. Yes, we began to crave wholesome food. I think over-processed & chemical-laden foods dull one's taste perception.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2006
  19. bunnytracks

    bunnytracks New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    my best friend had this surgery done about 4 years ago. It is very important to do exactly what the dr says. My friend didn't and her stomach actually collapsed and they needed to use a scope with a balloon to open it back up. She lost alot of her hair and her skin hangs. her insurance won't pay for the plastic surgery and she can't afford it.
    If you decide to do this all of us will be praying for you. Just remember there is no "quick fix" on anything. This decsion is one you can't take back. It has worked out well for some people and it could work out for you. (((hugs)))
  20. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    Leslie, your husband oversees ten (10?) restaurants? I can't imagine that type of responsibility! Does he do the accounting, the ordering of food, & hiring employees?

    Kyzg, after reading the other posts, I'm feeling uneasy about the operation, though I'll support you whatever you decide. The statistics that you quoted don't sound encouraging either--only 80% are satisfied with the operation? Depending on who took the survey (doctors?), even that may be inflated. Have you ever considered fasting? On that topic, also, there may be cautions, but it seems that would be less risky than the op. And there are some good web sites & books to help with fasting. It's actually easier for me to fast or to do a modified fast than to "eat moderately," though I'm improving in that area. Also, remember that Jesus spoke of "when you fast," not "if you fast." Maybe you could find a doctor who would support you in that. If not, I know of a consultant who would probably be willing to advise you over the phone. She's a homeschooler, also.

    There's another thread, "Changing to Healthy Eating Habits," which interests me. I hope we'll see ideas there to help all of us. I mentioned coconut oil there. It doesn't deteriorate with high temps, it's supposedly heart-healthy, and may help in weight-reduction.

    You said that after so many years, you're ready to give up on the diet route, but maybe those of us here who are interested can be a source of encouragement to each other. I don't know how we could "hold each other accountable," but maybe we could. 'Just an idea.

    Never-the-less and disregarding all the above, you are a precious jewel! I'm praying that God, who knows you & all about your situation, including your body, will clearly direct this decision and will give you peace whatever you decide. I know that everyone who has responded wants the very best for you!
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2006
  21. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    We actually own them. We have general managers that do all the hiring/firing and ordering and day to day operations of each store. My hubby's dad actually does our accounting for us for 6 of the stores and our SIL handles the books for the other 4 stores. (4 are Dairy Queens and 6 are Skyline Chili). My dh travels from store to store on certains days of the week to "check in" with them and make sure things are being run properly. Then he has manager meetings once a week for the DQ's and once a week for the Skylines. He does alot of the "behind the scenes" work....dealing with the corporate offices, marketing, maintenance, etc.

    I work for him 2 days a week. I make rounds to each of our DQ's and pick up paper work and go to our offices and enter all the numbers from the previous day. I track all of their inventory and track all of our non-tax goods. I also take care of all of the end of month reports that we have to send in to the corporate office.

    I really like it and the kids always end up with small jobs to help around the office.

    anyway....enough of that....I am going on way too much! :)

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