weight-loss surgery

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by kyzg, Sep 18, 2006.

  1. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    The rattlesnakes made me walk three today! It's a warm fall day, ideal for those uglies to be migrating back to their holes for the winter, & we don't want to put our feet down in places that we can't see bare ground underneath.
    That's the intro. Another fact to this report is that walking forces me, you could say, into doing more exercise, because when I'm a mile from home or at the far end of our farm quarter & feellng like quitting, I can't--not like simply stepping off the mini-trampoline, for example, or turning off the music to aerobic exercise. So, walking is good for me. Besides, I like the ever-changing scenery. So, today, being a beautiful fall day, I set off for a trek around some fields. I figured a 1 1/2 mile walk or so. A good time for prayer. And I also saw something intriguing--a grasshopper eating a spider! 'Bout the time I was feeling healthfully tired & glad that the shelterbelt surrounding our farmstead was only a few hundred feet away (& therefore also the house and a nice cold drink of water), I came upon a patch of alfalfa that hadn't been cut yet, tucked between the circle of irrigated feed & the shelterbelt, where I couldn't have seen it much in advance.
    Like I said--rattlesnakes. Not that we know we have any on what we call our "home quarter," but we've killed enough near us this summer to know that they are alive & well. I slowed my already slowing walk as I approached the lovely green alfalfa, wiped my sweaty forehead, & weighed my thirst & weariness against the possible risk. Not for long, though. I didn't even come to a complete stop. 'Simply turned a U & went back "from whence I had come!" There you have it, my dear friends. I "did" three today! The rattlers made me do it!
    I'm cheering for all of you, also! We are the temple of the Holy Spirit! Isn't that awesome? I want to treat my body like I know it.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2006
  2. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Stayed within my points range today and even had 3 points left over! Did walk some but had an unexpected church program meeting this afternoon. I drank more water but not nearly what Weight Watchers suggests. I will try to drink more tomorrow. Thanks, Beth
  3. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    Good you you girls!

    I didn't drink my water, but I did only have 2 diet pepsi's. I have stayed within my points for 3 days now and feeling great about it. I walked on my treadmill today....1 mile. So far so good! :)

    My goal tomorrow is to drink my water! Along with all I did today.
  4. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Wow! Prairie Home. My biggest obstacle to walking is the baby that I babysit being cranky or a overly friendly black lab that lives down the street and wants to run around me and just gets in the way. I did almost get attacked by a blue jay once but it flew away after its baby flew off. But snakes! Not just any snakes but rattlesnakes!!! I say again WOW! At Weight Watchers we applaude anyone who does good that week or makes an extra effort. I am clapping for you right now! I am going to tell my leader about you on Saturday morning. WOW!!!! I am so impressed! Beth ( one who is afraid of cows and chickens much less snakes )
  5. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    I went to Curves this morning to exercise and I drank more water. But I, also, didn't drink as much water as I want to get used to doing, so I will work on that tomorrow!

  6. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Leslie, I have a hard time with crunches, cuz I use my neck muscles too much. No matter how hard I try not to, I pull with those neck muscles, so I get a sore neck and don't tone up my tummy!

    Kris, I'd like to swim, but we have no pools closer than about 30 minutes one way. from here, so that doesn't work, sad to say. Riding bikes is a good idea. I should do that with the kids, since our weather got beeter again, at least for this week.

    Thanks for the ideas!
  7. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    I am doing pretty good. I am so proud of myself for staying within my point range. And I have been on my treadmill 2 times this week. I am still struggling with the water thing. It is just second nature to me to drink my diet pepsi, that I don't even think about it before I get it. Then I realized after the fact that I should have gotten a water! AGH! I need to stop and think it through.

    Beth, do you very much cooking with the weight watchers recipes? We should share ideas for new recipes and foods so we don't get bored with what we eat. I for one have found that the sugar-free fudgcicles are a great chocolate fix...and you can have 2 for 1 point! Here are the nutrition facts...

    serving size....2 fudgsicles
    total fat.....1.5 grams
    fiber.......4 grams
    protein.....3 grams

    So that's my newest find! My kids love these too, and I don't feel so bad letting them have them!

    Ok...I want to walk on the treadmill again tonight, and add stomach crunches and arm weights. I am going to switch my diet pepsi "spot" in the fridge with water....maybe that will get my attention before I mindlessly open a diet pepsi!

    Hope everyone is doing well! Keep updating!
  8. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    Oh...Beth...also, do you know about


    It has a great guide to help you know points for all kinds of restaurants. It has been very helpful to me.
  9. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    I went to Curves this morning. It was my day to get weighed and measured. I gained 1.2 pounds, BUT, my body fat percentage went down a little over 1%, so the lady said the gain is muscle no fat! WooHoo! :) Most everything else in the body measurements went down!

    But then after I exercised I went and got a donut with de-caf coffee to celebrate! Smart! NOT!!! Oh well, despite that I'm doing pretty well.
  10. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    Deena, how is body fat percentage measured? Good for you! Sounds like everyone is making progress! How much water does weight watchers recommend? I tend to not drink enough unless I fill a quart or liter jar (an empty juice jar) with water & try to empty it twice.
    I didn't have time to walk yesterday, since we're trying to keep the swather running full-time, cutting feed. I bounced up & down terraces & around the field for four hours, taking my turn. I hope that used up some calories, but it was certainly not aerobic. (Not that I'm complaining: it might be hard on my body, but I love the serenity out on the fields. Even though I'm somewhat leary of water, the waves of grain and the leaves of feed as the wind plays across them remind me of the waves of the ocean.)
    That was yesterday. Today I've only had water & am feeling hungry but fine. 'Walked two miles. Thinking I'd have to "tell" on myself (on this thread) helped me resist the urge to eat a raw almond! Funny! Funny how I need incentives and funny what those incentives are! I guess we need eachother. Thanks for being here.
  11. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    That sounds so peaceful!!
  12. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    The Curves I go to has a machine that you stand on that does something and gets weight, water to muscle to fat percentages---I couldn't explain to you how it works, but it does. We do the weigh and measure once a month, and the program also does a printout that compares this time with last time, and one page that does a comparison chart from when you started to now. I started in March, and have lost 13 pounds, and over 17 inches, so I'm happy! :) Now I just need to keep at it to lose 10 more pounds or so (well, at least 5 I hope!), and stay toned and eating well, and drinking that water!
  13. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    That is awesome, Deena! Keep up the great work. You all are an inspiration to me and I hope I see the kind of results you are getting!
  14. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    But that was just the easy part, Leslie, now comes the hard part of plateauing and losing very slowly, and trying to get the muscles toned, and keep them that way!!! :)
  15. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Way to go Deena. Make we want to join you. Keep up the good work.
  16. INmom

    INmom New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    I agree with Deena. I also started losing weight in March, then plateaued about July. Then about the beginning of Sept, by just doing the same things I'd been doing, the weight started going off again, albeit very slowly. Just don't get frustrated when you don't always see results.

    I simply cut back on meals...no second helpings. Also cooking a bit healthier, and increased how far and how often I walk (up to 4 miles about 3-4 times a week). So far I've lost 30 pounds, and feel much better. I also like the fact I'm setting a healthier example for my kids, who join me on the walks once in a while.

    Anyway,it's just like homeschooling--find meals and exercises that work for you. You may end up trying and throwing out a lot of ideas, but eventually a plan will work for you. Hope this helps.

  17. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Well I blew it last night. I had been doing great all day and was so excited about a brand new program at our church. We started a Wed. afterschool program for our kids and we had about 20 or more kids show up. It was so cool. My sister went on the church bus to help the driver get them all there safely. I had snack ready for them and then my brother in law had recreation time with them until 4pm which is when homework time starts. At 4pm they had just finished playing football and were as they were coming off the playing field my 13year old turned her ankle and fell. Everyone thought she was kidding because she loves to clown around. She yelled for my sister to let her know she was serious and they sent a kid to the third floor to get me. I had to get my BIL to help me get her down to the fellowship hall in a wheelchair that we keep at church and we put ice on it. Her ankle was swollen and painful but not turning blue or anything. So then my BIL went to get my husband who was at BIL's house building a sunroom. Before they got back some church members came in who happen to be the local fire chief and wife. He is also a EMT. He said she had a sprain but we better go get it xrayed. So Freddy gets there and they get poor Crystal in my van and I take her to the ER. Freddy had to go back to work at my sister's so a wall wouldn't fall on the new sunroom. I get to the hospital by 4:30 and we aren't done there until 7:45. Sprained ankle which required an air cast for the next two weeks. No cheerleading, which isn't going to go over very well with her coach but I can't help it. SOOOO! She wanted McDonald's on the way home from the hospital and I was weak and ate way too much. I knew better but I just WANTED it. Anyway, that was yesterday and today I will try harder.
    If any of you want a good site to look at about weight loss, my daughter and I love aimeesadventures.com. She has lots of great idea.
    Okay now I go drink my water! Beth
  18. INmom

    INmom New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    Don't let it get you down. I believe we all do this once in a while, and that's okay. If you let yourself feel guilty about it, it only makes it worse.

    Best of luck!

  19. Hoosier Mama

    Hoosier Mama New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    Oh Gosh....I am sorry your dd got hurt. I think after all that McDonalds was quite deserved!! :) Life is life after all, and it isn't realistic to think we can never have those days! Today is another day and you can just pick up and start again.

    You got me thinking about water...I am going to get mine now! Thanks!

    Hope you have a great day.
  20. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Beth, I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope and pray things get better for her.

    I understand it's alot of stress when your children are hurting and sick and you all turn the wrong way. But, you needed the enegry at the time and that is more important. I am sure you will do fine the rest of the week.

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